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Temple all I can say about this, is between you & another thieving rat I lost half a $B.
Along with #83's 5k LGs...I had a real nice NW going...
Anyways sometimes I netgain, other sets I war..
So when a land fat, teched up, Tyrant comes along & stomps on you
Farms ya like a ho, and then lumbers away...
you'll know we're even...
Blah, blah, blah.
Make more spy’s. Buy more turrets.
It’s like Vic says. There are people I don’t trouble, because they have good builds. The rest of you take risks and sit on fat piles of money or are land fat without enough defense.
No one has ever stomped me, Jonny big balls threats not withstanding.
I miss Cable, his nerdrages were much more entertaining.