
Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 17:31:50

Please check IP's as multiple account suspected.
#18 self deleted after an unsuccessful kill run on top player that retalled another top player 1 hit to 7.
#18 of course was sitting dormant as an account for just such actions, but not random.
Check news.

Hellrush Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 17:55:31

I would look at #9 too

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 19:04:21

I am #9, only hit bots and saw no reason to retal too early.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 19:06:11

Nice try jhib #46, I thought you were on the BS end of this.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 19:39:30

I see why you think this according to news, he went right back after you, but I ensured he couldn't AB me, and he hasn't the turns or oil to finish me with GS nor can he BR me.... I'm out of his reach until his very little tech sells for high priced oil.
You must be an easy target he is taking advantage of.
Also, he has a restart which he messaged me from #126.
So much for keeping the server multi-free.

Marshal Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 19:48:44

report ingame not at forums.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 19:51:58

Already done, hopes to speed it up this way, but I guess not.
#46 still taking hits

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 12th 2019, 20:02:13

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
Already done, hopes to speed it up this way, but I guess not.
#46 still taking hits

Did you mean #4 right?

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Karnage XZ


Jul 12th 2019, 20:05:39

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:

So much for keeping the server multi-free.
Running multis is now for the game's elite.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Marshal Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 20:09:31

there are always few bad apples.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

bizzy Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 20:23:26

#4 is a dbag nuff said

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 23:23:19

#4 taking hits from me, nothing shady about my bot farming nor hitting #4 with good reason in any way I like for his previous 7 hits on me #9... I've never run a multi, but if this isn't taken seriously, I see no reason why not to start and play just like #4 who is still alive and well.
Perhaps he has a purple shield of some kind.
He's not currently hurting me, that damage is done, but he continued on #46, whom thinks I may be #4's multi, since #4 can't break me now and has #46 in his crosshairs.
He sent me a lol when called out, then #126 sent me a lol for the BS #18 pulled before self deleting.
Since this is taking longer to just delete this guy for collusion or running multiple accounts, I can only assume it is because I am so beloved.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 12th 2019, 23:37:24

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by Original Skywise L:

So much for keeping the server multi-free.
Running multis is now for the game's elite.

bizzy Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 0:37:01

ya purple his bum, oh wait he is red what does that mean.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 0:40:07

Suspicious huh

bizzy Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 0:42:43

Looks like that guy got ruined like some tiger tail ice cream left out in the hot sun.

bizzy Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 0:44:56

kinda like rain on your wedding day or a free ride when you've already paid.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 1:05:02

Sincerely, Thank you mods, I see #126 purpled.
All evidence on #4 was circumstantial, and close to but not quite a confession. If IP address' don't match, outside of an actual confession, I'm not sure how you would justify their deletion. I tried getting in-game messages by my own taunts at #4 and my form of fun, but did no good there.
Still glad to see them 'self-deleted'.
Although I wished this had gone down faster, we all have Real lives, so I get it. I'm not mad bro (sis?). I got worried when #46 thought I was his multi because I was farming him without getting hit myself and he tried spying me.
Before Marsha brings it up, I know I shoulda gotten GDI, but I rarely finish on Sunday, so no wins ever likely, just top tens possible...of course, not likely this set. I play for things like most land grabbed, most this or that. And I ruin sets out of boredom myself....but never with multiple accounts, and truly, not that often at all, but still. This has been an every single set thing in one form or another since Ebert stopped playing using DeathFromAbove...last year. Still, no rage quit from me:-) And still no DeathFromAvove either. Hmmm
"I got that boom boom boom"

Hessman123 Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 3:14:11

Someone took care of #4 quite nicely, I like the CM rush at the end after all the GS.. pro stuff right there

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 3:46:40

Yes, I had checked the news on #4 as I found him dead, and noticed him red on search, but seen no news at that time when I went to news to check who might have killed him, and figured he self deleted, then posted here... but yeah, I rechecked after your post and sure enough, an excellent killrun.
Thank you to whomever runs that country #20.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jul 13th 2019, 4:04:51

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:

So much for keeping the server multi-free.

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
#4 taking hits from me, nothing shady about my bot farming nor hitting #4 with good reason in any way I like for his previous 7 hits on me #9... I've never run a multi, but if this isn't taken seriously, I see no reason why not to start and play just like #4 who is still alive and well.
Perhaps he has a purple shield of some kind.
He's not currently hurting me, that damage is done, but he continued on #46, whom thinks I may be #4's multi, since #4 can't break me now and has #46 in his crosshairs.
He sent me a lol when called out, then #126 sent me a lol for the BS #18 pulled before self deleting.
Since this is taking longer to just delete this guy for collusion or running multiple accounts, I can only assume it is because I am so beloved.

First, this is absolutely not the area to report a cheater. Use the ingame function and, if you think you need faster attention (clearly you do feel that if things affect your country they should be dealt with more swiftly), you can send a game mod a forum PM or find us on IRC - most of us idle there a good bit and check forum PMs often.

Second, I could not find where you even submitted a least not the correct way. I saw a reported message from you on #126 and the other country I think you are referencing. I found nothing delete-worthy in the first reported message other than perhaps some excessive spamming and then #126 got deleted for inappropriate content in his ingame message - a player that has been warned and deleted for the same thing multiple times. If it was your intent for us to investigate collusion, cooperation, or multis on the first country whose message you reported, that is not the correct method to do so. There is a "report cheaters" link ingame for you to link multiple countries and give us a quick message on why you think we should look at something. - Perhaps you did report things the correct way and another moderator viewed it and cleared it already before I saw it, but I did not see such a report.

Lastly, Galleri and I both looked at your accusation earlier today and didn't find anything. Some players just play like assholes for no reason. Or maybe their reason is just that they don't like you. I really don't know. But we need a little more to go on than what you supplied us.

In summation: Sometimes things don't turn out the way we want. Use the correct format to report players for violating rules. Be patient.

Edited By: Primeval on Jul 13th 2019, 4:12:53

Ratski Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 5:38:32

Well it has been an interesting set so far !

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 13th 2019, 6:05:57

So here is a player accusing the mods of protecting cheaters that hit him and ruling against him while at the same time bragging about the collusion(the agreement you and 4-6 other players had that one or two of you always hit ebert every reset) he himself was part of a year ago to run a player off this server... a collusion that was never punished by mods because it was too much grey area for them.

Maybe the mods are trying their best, not ruling all against you and giving most players a benefit of doubt unless they have been proven to be unworthy of it? Maybe we can have opinions about where those lines are drawn but drawing up conspiracy theories of mods working with a secret agenda on a non-political server is something that just requires a little too much tinfoil.
I do agree that the dials could benefit from being moved to a point where vocal and highly public cheaters like the LCN crew and Clintonista were deleted more often when threading into grey areas. But all in all i think for the tools they have and the salary they get (0) i am quite impressed with how well and actively especially the fast paced Express server is moderated.

Marshal Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 10:25:50

if players want 30 secs-few mins coverage then they have to start to pay mods salaries and doubt any are up to that.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

bizzy Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 13:24:49

Originally posted by Marshal:
if players want 30 secs-few mins coverage then they have to start to pay mods salaries and doubt any are up to that.

Mods do the best they can, given the information they have. I personally think they do a good job and are fair/agnostic. How do the server bills get paid as it is? I was curious if there was a donation button somewhere.

Marshal Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 15:34:46

there is donation button under contact ( and devs (qz and pang) get small revenue from ads (enuf to coverage costs).
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Hessman123 Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 16:06:11

My three year old was on my laptop the other day and somehow found the donation page .. I’m too broke to donate.. because I have a 3 year old

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 18:26:31

Originally posted by Gerdler:
So here is a player accusing the mods of protecting cheaters that hit him and ruling against him while at the same time bragging about the collusion(the agreement you and 4-6 other players had that one or two of you always hit ebert every reset) he himself was part of a year ago to run a player off this server... a collusion that was never punished by mods because it was too much grey area for them.

This is untrue, your opinion, and happened to effect Ebert in such a way because he chose the wrong people to tangle with in each occurrence, set after set. I made no such agreement with whomever , nor did I participate in such, but I will admit to chats with those in battle with Ebert, because at that time, we were in fact part of Spooge (alliance set runs as long as many Express sets, duh) and that's that. No collusion, just laughing at the eventuality of a rage quit from an overly fluffy player that killed me for only hitting him twice on my very first Express set ever played, then reading how much playing his way or the highway things would be. I've consistently been honest at my own detriment, so eat it and your shared misinformation likely gained from Derrick. Most of which was setup. Lol
And where was this bragging? My admitting to being a ruiner of others during some sets? What? What!? It happens.

Maybe the mods are trying their best, not ruling all against you and giving most players a benefit of doubt unless they have been proven to be unworthy of it?

Mods have proven to me personally they are overly emotional and biased. EX: A 6 month ban from the boards for using Any Given Sundae as a 1 day alt Following the Spooge set where when asked, I admitted involvement.
And then I watch Gal chat with several other people I'm well aware of using alts. * cough DS, cough...Even seen it several times since. All BS, but I had a great laugh at it. No soft feelings.

Maybe we can have opinions about where those lines are drawn but drawing up conspiracy theories of mods working with a secret agenda on a non-political server is something that just requires a little too much tinfoil.

ONLY Mods should know whom is whom through IP addresses. So if one 'feels' that no matter which server or country name used they are already known, perhaps not enough tin foul is being used. Perhaps I'm not shining the foil with my thumb enough. *old Ding Dong's reference.
RED-X, I like the guy, but as a mod, should he have truly been one of many ' greifers/suiciders'...aaah, with this I say "Have a Swirvy Day!" Or is having a Swirvy day bad news too?
I think many top players have ran vial sets, yet they are rarely called out, because at some point, it's happened to them, so completely justifiable, right? Not. I Was happy to see Ebert get called out though... still, we all know he's an excellent player, just don't need to here it from him.
Was he justified? I'm sure you think so Gerdler.

I do agree that the dials could benefit from being moved to a point where vocal and highly public cheaters like the LCN crew and Clintonista were deleted more often when threading into grey areas.

LCN never cheated. (Unless we're going back to the RD days and dragging LaF through the mud too.) Spooge was a secret Alliance played on the Alliance server. No grey area at all, just not liked and different. You don't like several of those members, and we don't like you...most are still here. Each feel the same about the others opinions.

But all in all i think for the tools they have and the salary they get (0) i am quite impressed with how well and actively especially the fast paced Express server is moderated.

I agree. I figure I've given Prime reason to dislike me in the past, and whether true and or justified, agree I am not keen on the how to report cheaters and did not do it very well; was a bit lost in the how to, and brought it to the boards trying to get a quicker result. I feel he's intelligent and if all was looked at, could see more than myself, which I was just speculating, but pretty sure. The Spamming he referred to was me, as #4 was mostly silent. And Prime's response here was very respectable. He could have just told me what a dumb fluff I am and to do things right next time...or "get gud". I am one to appreciate sarcasm. Truly.
I know he wanted to, so it shows he has the ability to make good judgements in his position of authority. I know that's not easy in this community, and 'some' of us make it more difficult than others..*cough karnage;-)

Well, back to watching Mary Poppins 2

Marshal Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 19:37:26

Originally posted by Hessman123:
My three year old was on my laptop the other day and somehow found the donation page .. I’m too broke to donate.. because I have a 3 year old

Who told you to save paypal's login and pass to browser?

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 13th 2019, 19:51:18

I always thought the anonymity was a key component to my game only because it was something my enemies would use against me. So me being anonymous evened out the odds and that together with GDI made netting in express a real possibility. I don't know why people chose to put a target on their backs by using the same name over and over, but it's within the rules of the game and it should be everyones right.

We have been though this over and over again, the only way to deal with a double tap in most situations in express is to kill the offender.

In short:
If you retal with a single tap you are percieved as weak and thus fair game for more hits.
If you retal with a double tap you have broken GDI and will be either killed or suicided.
If you retal with many special attacks without killing the offender you will have a fight that will last to the end of the reset or the target will use the DR you just fed him to wreak havoc on a dozen innocent players - DR abuse has always been an issue on express.
If you retal by farming him he will suicide or kill you.
If you retal by killing you will still enjoy the protections of GDI from his restart and you will not have given the offender the right to RoR.

The difference for me is that I don't run the same name every set, so in some situations I can elect to do another form of retal on the target, as I don't have a name to protect, and indeed I can let players get off with ONE retal for a double tap if I think my reset is still useful to save and I can afford to buy up enough turrets to defend against further hits. If I said that and used the same name every reset people would target me for sure. Which is why Ebert had tho adopt that policy. It's not a fluffty thing to do it's just what he had to do. And thats the key thing really, your collective inabilities to understand that.

Over you being killed once you started a 3 month long smear campain with 4-6 of your buddies along with ingame hits from one or two of you every reset. That's called collusion, and you keep bringing it up as one of your key accomplishments in this game.

Also I should clarify that I didn't say that LCN cheated as an alliance I say the LCN crew(which you call the spoogers) because you mostly, or all, come from LCN, cheated in express by colluding against certain players and by cooperating to hit them ingame over a course of many resets.

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 13th 2019, 20:15:20
See Original Post

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 13th 2019, 20:04:30

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
So here is a player accusing the mods of protecting cheaters that hit him and ruling against him while at the same time bragging about the collusion(the agreement you and 4-6 other players had that one or two of you always hit ebert every reset) he himself was part of a year ago to run a player off this server... a collusion that was never punished by mods because it was too much grey area for them.

This is untrue, your opinion, and happened to effect Ebert in such a way because he chose the wrong people to tangle with in each occurrence, set after set. I made no such agreement with whomever , nor did I participate in such, but I will admit to chats with those in battle with Ebert, because at that time, we were in fact part of Spooge (alliance set runs as long as many Express sets, duh) and that's that. No collusion, just laughing at the eventuality of a rage quit from an overly fluffy player that killed me for only hitting him twice on my very first Express set ever played, then reading how much playing his way or the highway things would be. I've consistently been honest at my own detriment, so eat it and your shared misinformation likely gained from Derrick. Most of which was setup. Lol
And where was this bragging? My admitting to being a ruiner of others during some sets? What? What!? It happens.

Maybe the mods are trying their best, not ruling all against you and giving most players a benefit of doubt unless they have been proven to be unworthy of it?

Mods have proven to me personally they are overly emotional and biased. EX: A 6 month ban from the boards for using Any Given Sundae as a 1 day alt Following the Spooge set where when asked, I admitted involvement.
And then I watch Gal chat with several other people I'm well aware of using alts. * cough DS, cough...Even seen it several times since. All BS, but I had a great laugh at it. No soft feelings.

Maybe we can have opinions about where those lines are drawn but drawing up conspiracy theories of mods working with a secret agenda on a non-political server is something that just requires a little too much tinfoil.

ONLY Mods should know whom is whom through IP addresses. So if one 'feels' that no matter which server or country name used they are already known, perhaps not enough tin foul is being used. Perhaps I'm not shining the foil with my thumb enough. *old Ding Dong's reference.
RED-X, I like the guy, but as a mod, should he have truly been one of many ' greifers/suiciders'...aaah, with this I say "Have a Swirvy Day!" Or is having a Swirvy day bad news too?
I think many top players have ran vial sets, yet they are rarely called out, because at some point, it's happened to them, so completely justifiable, right? Not. I Was happy to see Ebert get called out though... still, we all know he's an excellent player, just don't need to here it from him.
Was he justified? I'm sure you think so Gerdler.

I do agree that the dials could benefit from being moved to a point where vocal and highly public cheaters like the LCN crew and Clintonista were deleted more often when threading into grey areas.

LCN never cheated. (Unless we're going back to the RD days and dragging LaF through the mud too.) Spooge was a secret Alliance played on the Alliance server. No grey area at all, just not liked and different. You don't like several of those members, and we don't like you...most are still here. Each feel the same about the others opinions.

But all in all i think for the tools they have and the salary they get (0) i am quite impressed with how well and actively especially the fast paced Express server is moderated.

I agree. I figure I've given Prime reason to dislike me in the past, and whether true and or justified, agree I am not keen on the how to report cheaters and did not do it very well; was a bit lost in the how to, and brought it to the boards trying to get a quicker result. I feel he's intelligent and if all was looked at, could see more than myself, which I was just speculating, but pretty sure. The Spamming he referred to was me, as #4 was mostly silent. And Prime's response here was very respectable. He could have just told me what a dumb fluff I am and to do things right next time...or "get gud". I am one to appreciate sarcasm. Truly.
I know he wanted to, so it shows he has the ability to make good judgements in his position of authority. I know that's not easy in this community, and 'some' of us make it more difficult than others..*cough karnage;-)

Well, back to watching Mary Poppins 2

Get gud!!!
Honestly, this thread was very confusing. It went from #18 and #4 to I think you said something about #46 and when I asked about #4 or #46 my question was ignored. And then #126. I almost thought I lost my mind, I started to re read lol. You can understand why we get a bit frustrated. But I guarantee when I am not working (which is 2 jobs right now) and dealing with school or my 2-year-old, I do check things the best I can. And trust me if I don't feel confident, I will get Prime, Warster or one of the admins to look into behind me. :)

-Also to clear this up: Who have I chatted with using alts? Pretty sure I have deleted and banned several alts, as I just don't approve of that kind of action. I just went back and looked through logs, your main alt was not banned. Only the Any Given Sundae (though it may have banned your IP)

Edited By: galleri on Jul 13th 2019, 20:20:08

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 13th 2019, 20:07:10

Originally posted by Hessman123:
My three year old was on my laptop the other day and somehow found the donation page .. I’m too broke to donate.. because I have a 3 year old

Somehow my 2 year old unlocked my husband's phone yesterday and called me. I couldn't figure out why my husband was calling me in the same house. Granted I was in the kitchen. I thought maybe he wanted a sammich :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Marshal Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 20:17:23

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

bizzy Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 22:23:57

Would be nice for GDI to know how many hits you can give, so if someone RoR you, you hit them back you don't break GDI. I agree Gerd, that is basically express in a nutshell.

I basically sum up all players who hit other players as not playing to win. So as soon as I get single tapped, I may retal or I may land farm them, usually land farm, at this point I don't care about trying for place. Double-tap is death to perpetrator because why not they trying to ruin your time, might as well take them out of the game.

It gets me thinking with countries like #4, if you look at their history, they are playing the game and spending enough time, so they has to care somewhat or else they wouldn't spend time playing. Then what is the point because obvious you play like that you will die eventually. How much fun is it to wake up a see your country is dead without having a fight, week after week. These people I just sum up as stupid, how satisfying could that be.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 13th 2019, 23:06:44

Jesus Gerd, I agree with the first paragraph... and he (Ebert) made enemies which made his country name mud. He did this himself, no collusion needed. As one of those 'enemies', and knowing whom the others of like mind happened to be, as we came back together for the reunion set, does not mean collusion, nor does the power of the pen, ie: my rants about him on ET before it went down ...(smear campaign, lol). It happened that each Express set, someone would test his 2 hit policy and he would end up at war...his choice. I may have set that part up by my posts (smear campaign, I like this btw) but that and knowing the participants was the only part I had in it. And he handed it to them a couple of times, hense, it lasted awhile and people switched out attempts to get away with it. Ebert is a good player netting and warring. Getting his goat was hella fun.

The "we've been through this over and over" thing is Still true, and still I disagree with 'some' of it, not all. It has merit.
If one is willing to kill for a double hit, they are out of winning contention that set, so it is an "if I think my reset is still useful to save" situation, but then, Ebert felt no one was allowed to hit him, especially twice, and had posted his 'policy', that by God, all better follow or else. He posted making it sound like his set was immediately ruined when he took a hit. It struck several people badly, not just myself, so he was collecting his 'suiciders' by continuing his country name and policies...his posts, all on him. We ALL completely have the ability to understand and yet disagree. My disagreement struck a cord with others whom DO know how to play well, even though at that current time, Ebert and Gerdler (not the only ones though), having several records to gloat about, put us down as newbs and idiots for not agreeing with such awesome players, and for playing in a manner that cauaed them to no longer be able to so easily win set after set.
We were called cowards for changing our country names each set. Rediculousness followed.
Now the BS I continue to call out as BS, which preceded this, yet again, untrue statement "and you keep bringing it up as one of your key accomplishments in this game."...I do not keep bringing it up nor do I disagree it was an accomplishment, but that it was not mine alone, and in fact it's you still trying to get others and me to agree that we weren't treated like fluff from day one over disagreement with this 2 hit death policy... that it was fair and we just had to live with it. We collectively, not collusionally said ""Eat it!".
Last point...My 'threats' to go cross server, since in his arrogance, Ebert used the same country name everywhere, was Fairly tried in the Team Server, and it was Ebert himself, whom brought it to Tourney by roring me there, when there was no way in Hell he should have known whom I was, so he either played as an arrogant ass there often, or got intel he shouldn't have had. Hmmm, collusion much? Oh, and the boards were all alight with conspiracy theory against me, and I was very soon under a 6 month IP ban from posting, so could not respond to all the BS....perhaps this long wait is why you assume that I keep bringing it up, when I'm just now able to get it out of my system.

Also to Gal:
Sorry that I was confusing, I see that in retrospect.
DS is very close to me... it was one of several alts throughout many years of alts. And I've seen many others use alts several times since then.
The IP ban was excessive, and only justifiable if used across the board. I understand being in LaF made my taunts of Spooge more personal to you and I pushed the wrong buttons at the wrong time. It Was not fair, and much less fair after my honesty (and no one else besides Trump I believe has yet to admit much of anything, and that's their choice)...not the best policy here, but I'll continue to try and be as Honest as possible (still secrets not all mine). We can get on with getting on now. All I ever wanted was an apology.
Wanna start fresh? I'm not going anywhere for awhile.

I offer a fresh start to Ebert, and anyone else that has a hate-on.
Like Shaggy said, "it wasn't me";-)


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 14th 2019, 0:28:24

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
Jesus Gerd, I agree with the first paragraph... and he (Ebert) made enemies which made his country name mud. He did this himself, no collusion needed. As one of those 'enemies', and knowing whom the others of like mind happened to be, as we came back together for the reunion set, does not mean collusion, nor does the power of the pen, ie: my rants about him on ET before it went down ...(smear campaign, lol). It happened that each Express set, someone would test his 2 hit policy and he would end up at war...his choice. I may have set that part up by my posts (smear campaign, I like this btw) but that and knowing the participants was the only part I had in it. And he handed it to them a couple of times, hense, it lasted awhile and people switched out attempts to get away with it. Ebert is a good player netting and warring. Getting his goat was hella fun.

The "we've been through this over and over" thing is Still true, and still I disagree with 'some' of it, not all. It has merit.
If one is willing to kill for a double hit, they are out of winning contention that set, so it is an "if I think my reset is still useful to save" situation, but then, Ebert felt no one was allowed to hit him, especially twice, and had posted his 'policy', that by God, all better follow or else. He posted making it sound like his set was immediately ruined when he took a hit. It struck several people badly, not just myself, so he was collecting his 'suiciders' by continuing his country name and policies...his posts, all on him. We ALL completely have the ability to understand and yet disagree. My disagreement struck a cord with others whom DO know how to play well, even though at that current time, Ebert and Gerdler (not the only ones though), having several records to gloat about, put us down as newbs and idiots for not agreeing with such awesome players, and for playing in a manner that cauaed them to no longer be able to so easily win set after set.
We were called cowards for changing our country names each set. Rediculousness followed.
Now the BS I continue to call out as BS, which preceded this, yet again, untrue statement "and you keep bringing it up as one of your key accomplishments in this game."...I do not keep bringing it up nor do I disagree it was an accomplishment, but that it was not mine alone, and in fact it's you still trying to get others and me to agree that we weren't treated like fluff from day one over disagreement with this 2 hit death policy... that it was fair and we just had to live with it. We collectively, not collusionally said ""Eat it!".
Last point...My 'threats' to go cross server, since in his arrogance, Ebert used the same country name everywhere, was Fairly tried in the Team Server, and it was Ebert himself, whom brought it to Tourney by roring me there, when there was no way in Hell he should have known whom I was, so he either played as an arrogant ass there often, or got intel he shouldn't have had. Hmmm, collusion much? Oh, and the boards were all alight with conspiracy theory against me, and I was very soon under a 6 month IP ban from posting, so could not respond to all the BS....perhaps this long wait is why you assume that I keep bringing it up, when I'm just now able to get it out of my system.

Also to Gal:
Sorry that I was confusing, I see that in retrospect.
DS is very close to me... it was one of several alts throughout many years of alts. And I've seen many others use alts several times since then.
The IP ban was excessive, and only justifiable if used across the board. I understand being in LaF made my taunts of Spooge more personal to you and I pushed the wrong buttons at the wrong time. It Was not fair, and much less fair after my honesty (and no one else besides Trump I believe has yet to admit much of anything, and that's their choice)...not the best policy here, but I'll continue to try and be as Honest as possible (still secrets not all mine). We can get on with getting on now. All I ever wanted was an apology.
Wanna start fresh? I'm not going anywhere for awhile.

I offer a fresh start to Ebert, and anyone else that has a hate-on.
Like Shaggy said, "it wasn't me";-)

We are cool. You can have a fresh start.
I think the IP ban was misunderstood....I think when I banned your other alt it accidentally happened.
As for being in LaF. It really has no way as to how I mod. I mean have you seen how many times I have deleted and banned Lafers? Sometimes I want to ban myself! What got me was the mod bashing and basically you all were trashing the game.
You have changed since and I appreciate that. Where is my favorite squirrel btw?

Off to experiment!

Edited By: galleri on Jul 14th 2019, 0:30:42. Reason: I am a female!
See Original Post

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 14th 2019, 2:27:37

He needed a break... plus the wife wanted more attention for her and kids... he was capable of actually winning and a habitual numbers cruncher, so he got very into the game, lol. He quit after a win though. Got his fix, lol.
Maybe he'll miss Ugo enough to come back sometime soon.

Hellrush Game profile


Jul 14th 2019, 2:41:52


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2019, 3:13:58

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Marshal Game profile


Jul 14th 2019, 10:01:06

some want to write small book and its free country so let them.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 14th 2019, 12:19:15

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:

You never made it harder for me to win. Quite the contrary it was made much easier by taking out Ebert every set and I posted more than a couple wins during those sets and indeed many of the sets after. I play for competing with players like Ebert. I don't think either of you ever bothered me, but I'm sure I would have been targeted if I ran with an easily recogniceable name, even tho I don't have a 2 hits to kill policy (I go case-by-case and sometimes end up killing for it).

Edit: now that I thought of it the only time I gave out my country number in one of the challenges you guys also participated I was hit by one of you, not that it mattered but it shows perhaps who's the fluff

You still don't understand what a player needs to do to win or indeed what he needs to do to get a NW record on a server that has had 500 resets of people trying to achieve as much NW as possible. When you play for NW records or even wins a double tap is really hard to overcome, especially as GDI defends the aggressor from being double/triple retalled. So it's often the only viable option; to kill. Add to that the fact that the aggressor often knows this; he knows he wont be comming out on top of the exchange because he spied the country and he knows he will ruin the reset of the player he hits no matter how he retals generally. So it IS a suicide in many of these cases.

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 14th 2019, 12:24:47

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 14th 2019, 13:11:52

Originally posted by Marshal:
some want to write small book and its free country so let them.

It is most definitely more relevant content than you give.

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
He needed a break... plus the wife wanted more attention for her and kids... he was capable of actually winning and a habitual numbers cruncher, so he got very into the game, lol. He quit after a win though. Got his fix, lol.
Maybe he'll miss Ugo enough to come back sometime soon.

pssh. He will miss me :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Hessman123 Game profile


Jul 14th 2019, 15:34:01

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Original Skywise L:

You never made it harder for me to win. Quite the contrary it was made much easier by taking out Ebert every set and I posted more than a couple wins during those sets and indeed many of the sets after. I play for competing with players like Ebert. I don't think either of you ever bothered me, but I'm sure I would have been targeted if I ran with an easily recogniceable name, even tho I don't have a 2 hits to kill policy (I go case-by-case and sometimes end up killing for it).

Edit: now that I thought of it the only time I gave out my country number in one of the challenges you guys also participated I was hit by one of you, not that it mattered but it shows perhaps who's the fluff

You still don't understand what a player needs to do to win or indeed what he needs to do to get a NW record on a server that has had 500 resets of people trying to achieve as much NW as possible. When you play for NW records or even wins a double tap is really hard to overcome, especially as GDI defends the aggressor from being double/triple retalled. So it's often the only viable option; to kill. Add to that the fact that the aggressor often knows this; he knows he wont be comming out on top of the exchange because he spied the country and he knows he will ruin the reset of the player he hits no matter how he retals generally. So it IS a suicide in many of these cases.

The good news is that there is another reset right around the corner.. so if you get double tapped you go for the kill.. and then you try for that NW record again next week :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 14th 2019, 16:44:59

Yep. And all is well. Right?

Not so for this guy and his crew.

So you see Skywise, everyone thinks killing is OK for two hits, for the reasons I stated.

mac23 Game profile


Jul 14th 2019, 16:55:56

all day, every day....bonus!



Jul 15th 2019, 1:25:45

Gerd just still doesn’t realize that not everyone plays this game to go for the NW record and circle jerk with ebert about how good they are (must admit I don’t know who that is)

My boy solidsnake needs to come back to tell you how bad you are :p
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

duckosof Game profile

New Member

Jul 15th 2019, 6:19:04


bizzy Game profile


Jul 15th 2019, 13:18:38

Originally posted by Chevs:
Gerd just still doesn’t realize that not everyone plays this game to go for the NW record and circle jerk with ebert about how good they are (must admit I don’t know who that is)

My boy solidsnake needs to come back to tell you how bad you are :p

People who never/don't play to win, can't, simple as that. Since they can't beat players like Gerd or Ebert, they choose to try ruin their sets because they can't win themselves and it is like a little kid throwing tantrum when they get their participation ribbon.

There are lots of non-gdi folk who would love to get in fights and satisfy the war you want in this game.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 15th 2019, 14:21:18

Originally posted by Chevs:
Gerd just still doesn’t realize that not everyone plays this game to go for the NW record and circle jerk with ebert about how good they are (must admit I don’t know who that is)

My boy solidsnake needs to come back to tell you how bad you are :p

Solidsnake was never your boy. I'm sure if Solidsnake came back he would make for some interesting competition after a month or two when he learned how the bots act and such. Would be great fun.

It's not about the NW record or only us. It's about every one who tries their best to learn the game and improve vs everyone who play only to ruin the resets of others.



Jul 15th 2019, 18:56:33

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Gerd just still doesn’t realize that not everyone plays this game to go for the NW record and circle jerk with ebert about how good they are (must admit I don’t know who that is)

My boy solidsnake needs to come back to tell you how bad you are :p

Solidsnake was never your boy. I'm sure if Solidsnake came back he would make for some interesting competition after a month or two when he learned how the bots act and such. Would be great fun.

It's not about the NW record or only us. It's about every one who tries their best to learn the game and improve vs everyone who play only to ruin the resets of others.

i would destroy both of you
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m