
galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 14th 2019, 0:28:24

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
Jesus Gerd, I agree with the first paragraph... and he (Ebert) made enemies which made his country name mud. He did this himself, no collusion needed. As one of those 'enemies', and knowing whom the others of like mind happened to be, as we came back together for the reunion set, does not mean collusion, nor does the power of the pen, ie: my rants about him on ET before it went down ...(smear campaign, lol). It happened that each Express set, someone would test his 2 hit policy and he would end up at war...his choice. I may have set that part up by my posts (smear campaign, I like this btw) but that and knowing the participants was the only part I had in it. And he handed it to them a couple of times, hense, it lasted awhile and people switched out attempts to get away with it. Ebert is a good player netting and warring. Getting his goat was hella fun.

The "we've been through this over and over" thing is Still true, and still I disagree with 'some' of it, not all. It has merit.
If one is willing to kill for a double hit, they are out of winning contention that set, so it is an "if I think my reset is still useful to save" situation, but then, Ebert felt no one was allowed to hit him, especially twice, and had posted his 'policy', that by God, all better follow or else. He posted making it sound like his set was immediately ruined when he took a hit. It struck several people badly, not just myself, so he was collecting his 'suiciders' by continuing his country name and policies...his posts, all on him. We ALL completely have the ability to understand and yet disagree. My disagreement struck a cord with others whom DO know how to play well, even though at that current time, Ebert and Gerdler (not the only ones though), having several records to gloat about, put us down as newbs and idiots for not agreeing with such awesome players, and for playing in a manner that cauaed them to no longer be able to so easily win set after set.
We were called cowards for changing our country names each set. Rediculousness followed.
Now the BS I continue to call out as BS, which preceded this, yet again, untrue statement "and you keep bringing it up as one of your key accomplishments in this game."...I do not keep bringing it up nor do I disagree it was an accomplishment, but that it was not mine alone, and in fact it's you still trying to get others and me to agree that we weren't treated like fluff from day one over disagreement with this 2 hit death policy... that it was fair and we just had to live with it. We collectively, not collusionally said ""Eat it!".
Last point...My 'threats' to go cross server, since in his arrogance, Ebert used the same country name everywhere, was Fairly tried in the Team Server, and it was Ebert himself, whom brought it to Tourney by roring me there, when there was no way in Hell he should have known whom I was, so he either played as an arrogant ass there often, or got intel he shouldn't have had. Hmmm, collusion much? Oh, and the boards were all alight with conspiracy theory against me, and I was very soon under a 6 month IP ban from posting, so could not respond to all the BS....perhaps this long wait is why you assume that I keep bringing it up, when I'm just now able to get it out of my system.

Also to Gal:
Sorry that I was confusing, I see that in retrospect.
DS is very close to me... it was one of several alts throughout many years of alts. And I've seen many others use alts several times since then.
The IP ban was excessive, and only justifiable if used across the board. I understand being in LaF made my taunts of Spooge more personal to you and I pushed the wrong buttons at the wrong time. It Was not fair, and much less fair after my honesty (and no one else besides Trump I believe has yet to admit much of anything, and that's their choice)...not the best policy here, but I'll continue to try and be as Honest as possible (still secrets not all mine). We can get on with getting on now. All I ever wanted was an apology.
Wanna start fresh? I'm not going anywhere for awhile.

I offer a fresh start to Ebert, and anyone else that has a hate-on.
Like Shaggy said, "it wasn't me";-)

We are cool. You can have a fresh start.
I think the IP ban was misunderstood....I think when I banned your other alt it accidentally happened.
As for being in LaF. It really has no way as to how I mod. What got me was the mod bashing and basically you all were trashing the game.
You have changed since and I appreciate that. Where is my favorite squirrel btw?

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.