
armpit4 Game profile

New Member

Jun 9th 2018, 14:56:16

Testing for the bonus.

VicVixvi Game profile


Jun 9th 2018, 15:14:38

It is not difficult to top ten. I'm a lazy netter and I do it about every round without help, bugs, exploits or cheating. I've done it with every govt. type and just about every strat excepting true ttr and rainbow. All it takes is specializing, taking efficient turns and a little bit of luck. While I'll never be in that top echelon with ebert, Ashe, Gerdler, etc., it's really not that hard to get t10. -v

HellraZor Game profile


Jun 9th 2018, 15:22:29

I know but it's frustrating when tech sells twice what your selling it for at the same time. If it's a timing thing with the bots fine , just don't want to waste my time if there's no use.

HellraZor Game profile


Jun 9th 2018, 18:48:05

Yeah ok someone's buying tech for over 3k all of a sudden, I guess mine didn't have the correct sequence.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 9th 2018, 19:48:53

You should only be selling & teching: bus/res.

All the others are a complete waste of time. If you must have the other ones,. then literally buy them. The bots buy 90% bus/res tech regardless of the price. So, if tech is at $9000 and that's the only ones available,. they'll buy it.

So some players post their tech at 4k,. and buyout the cheaper tech and resell it higher. Knowing the bots will buy it. It's how I got 60+ mil on EXPRESS. It's completely boring imo to play techer.

Just look at the history bus/res using the history button, and sell it at the average. Or take more risk and sell above average.

Edited By: Celphi on Jun 9th 2018, 19:52:46
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

HellraZor Game profile


Jun 9th 2018, 20:00:16

I've been doing that, I guess I just haven't figured out that certain aspect yet.

HellraZor Game profile


Jun 9th 2018, 20:05:51

It's all good. I played alloutwar years ago and me and another player accidently found a market glitche and had fun for a couple days then reported it.

osloos Game profile


Jun 9th 2018, 21:11:00

Sounds like this is a market feature, not glitch.

If you happened to have enough cash to clear everything below your own price point, combined with knowledge of when bots are likely to purchase, you could essentially establish your own floor in bus/res.

The first person with a decent sum of cash would see massive compounding returns... Unless the market is completely over supplied.

HellraZor Game profile


Jun 10th 2018, 0:32:37

So basically you need to be on 24/7.

HellraZor Game profile


Jun 10th 2018, 15:11:03

Pffft... 100k batches of bus/res being sold for 6k and 4k in between way cheaper prices on the last day, when I try that they don't get picked up ok, lol. Let me guess you have't to push sell tech button exactly on the second and minute at the same time you get a turn only if it's a odd number on the second hand but when the hour is positive you subtract the avg. from the last highest price sold then ÷ by lowest the price ?

Marshal Game profile


Jun 10th 2018, 15:17:24

Originally posted by HellraZor:
Let me guess you have't to push sell tech button exactly on the second and minute at the same time you get a turn only if it's a odd number on the second hand but when the hour is positive you subtract the avg. from the last highest price sold then ÷ by lowest the price ?

pretty much
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

commander1972 Game profile


Jun 13th 2018, 16:11:12


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 15th 2018, 4:30:35

Is Ratski still building rainbows?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!