
Kahuna Game profile


Oct 24th 2019, 2:29:01

Call me out? You want to war? Who are you this set?

Original Skywise L Game profile


Oct 24th 2019, 2:54:21

Kahuna loves AR and Big D looks promising, lol... sounds like a wrestler

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 24th 2019, 15:59:22

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 25th 2019, 8:15:15

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Call me out? You want to war? Who are you this set?

So the problem with net gaining, is that when you try to net some dumbass comes along and does dumb fluff like RoRs, or multi taps or w/e else dumbass move they do to demonstrate how much of a dumbass they are.

By your own admission, these things "ruin" netgainer's resets.

So why, as a person who enjoys netgaining would I voluntarily choose to pre-emptively "ruin" my reset by telling you who I am so that you can do some dumbass fluff?

Not like you couldn't figure it out pretty easily anyway. I have a pretty easy to spot play style.

Aphrodite Game profile


Oct 25th 2019, 9:21:45

Not the first time Kahunas got killed for a risky maneuver. Isn't that right hun? LOL 😂
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 26th 2019, 3:08:51

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Not the first time Kahunas got killed for a risky maneuver. Isn't that right hun? LOL 😂

We can tell he's consistently retarded just by his profile.

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 26th 2019, 5:01:32

Idk uganoli I thought thats why you were talking fluff 😒..AR something makes me think youre just another spiteful hating ass lil biatch. I have a tendency for having people that dont know me hate me all the time, what can I say you flatter me with all this hate..Aphrodite is just mad she didnt get her 8k acres back lol right baby girl? fluff you skyw

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 26th 2019, 5:28:39

Tell you what Corona. Why don't you take a swing? I'm #10 ingame.

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2019, 17:40:44

no no hit me im #44

Ratski Game profile


Oct 26th 2019, 20:21:11

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
no no hit me im #44
You all ready look like a parking lot with all the AB hits you, And I just read the news and from what I saw I wont waste a turn to spy on you

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 0:34:39

Really? You dont say? Ya Im pretty sure anus rex is #61, saving turns for me aww. I doubt uganoli is #44 n if it is you got fugged up. You were doing do well without gdi til you got demolished .

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 0:50:50

Originally posted by Ratski:
Originally posted by UgolinoII:
no no hit me im #44
You all ready look like a parking lot with all the AB hits you, And I just read the news and from what I saw I wont waste a turn to spy on you

Already and all ready have two completely different meanings.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 1:17:50

:'( busted

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 4:55:09

Damn you guys are terrible without gdi. I like how all the toxic warriors are just giving you guys the works lol

Edited By: Kahuna on Oct 27th 2019, 6:18:28

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 8:04:20

Originally posted by Ratski:
Originally posted by UgolinoII:
no no hit me im #44
You all ready look like a parking lot with all the AB hits you, And I just read the news and from what I saw I wont waste a turn to spy on you

Oh no my mistake I’m actually #25

Patoche Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 13:13:46

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
Originally posted by Ratski:
Originally posted by UgolinoII:
no no hit me im #44
You all ready look like a parking lot with all the AB hits you, And I just read the news and from what I saw I wont waste a turn to spy on you

Oh no my mistake I’m actually #25

I am #25 not you. and right now I am a parking lot but who cares, I had fun this round.

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 16:51:58

Lol classic. Ya I had fun too and already rebuilt. The real question is, who is #66 though? I had most of my shid in rubble with 2k population and still fugged you up.

Edited By: Kahuna on Oct 27th 2019, 18:59:01

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 19:29:13

Man I am so confused I meant #49 all along!

Marshal Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 21:16:58

#69 next?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 22:42:16

Lol what. Amazing detective work!

Have you not spotted that every number I gave got levelled after making dumbass grabs on me...

Those dumbasses are what this whole thread is about. They grab you because they are stupid. Because they can’t net. Because they don’t even know how the game works.

Set after set they do the same dumbass fluff. Set after set it gets them nowhere and then they say dumbass shut like “had fun though”

Yeah course you did. Cos you are too dumb to know any better.

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 7:02:11

You need to grab in order get fat, you need to get fat, to get fat and win. Simple. You guys need to take it easy on people. Theres a lot of inexperienced ppl playing this game like you said that DONT KNOW BETTER, sometimes not so often but there are new players in this game occasionally for them to double tap the wrong person and get ABed for it or they ROR and they want to get their land back from the huge chunks you guys be taking from your retals and you guys lash out, because thats your automatic reaction and you guys made it a standard to do so. You hate ppl ruining your set and you go and do the same thing to these ppl when they break GDI. Its kinda petty, because here you are some of the most experienced players in this game and you make posts gloating about how you messed up a rookie rainbow's set. I remember being a teen when I started playing this game running rainbows and I still do a lil bit tbh(also I think CX was #66 and he got fkn wrecked by a rainbow that I was experimenting with talking about he was out of town lying as lil bih), anywho there used to be thousands of countries on each server to see only about less than 120 countries today, this game cant compete with video games though and that crap you guys pulling ontop of toxic ppl, I can imagine you guys driving ppl away. Take it easy on the n00bies.

Edited By: Kahuna on Oct 28th 2019, 7:05:59

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 28th 2019, 16:20:30

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Ok KoH...😑 and this is the United States of America and the 1st amendment grants me freedom of speech so I can talk shid to you or anyone one else on this thread lol.Atticus Rex shut your weak az up, you do a little too much pretending you wont say fluff to me nor look at me if you to see me, you would crap your pants at the sight of me. Tf up youre too obsessed with az fluffing guys too go walk onto oncoming traffic.. Play next set puh c boi. I ll war you or C....I would net on express but everytime I try I get to fighting or suicided or ABed idk why but I do... Remember also youre critizing my country after your ABed me so ya..I really dont feel like netting after this set but I ll try.

I just saw this. While YOU might be sitting in the United States of America, the server of this game and it's owners are in Canada. ;) So the freedom of speech and rules of America don't count.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Marshal Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 20:18:27

and freedom of speach do not apply to forums even if those were in murica.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 21:18:45

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Kahuna:
Ok KoH...😑 and this is the United States of America and the 1st amendment grants me freedom of speech so I can talk shid to you or anyone one else on this thread lol.Atticus Rex shut your weak az up, you do a little too much pretending you wont say fluff to me nor look at me if you to see me, you would crap your pants at the sight of me. Tf up youre too obsessed with az fluffing guys too go walk onto oncoming traffic.. Play next set puh c boi. I ll war you or C....I would net on express but everytime I try I get to fighting or suicided or ABed idk why but I do... Remember also youre critizing my country after your ABed me so ya..I really dont feel like netting after this set but I ll try.

I just saw this. While YOU might be sitting in the United States of America, the server of this game and it's owners are in Canada. ;) So the freedom of speech and rules of America don't count.

You shut up, you.. Ya I was mocking KoH cause he was getting trying to get technical with things. Am pretty sure Liberals belive in stuff like freedom of speech. Either way what are they going to do about it.

Edited By: Kahuna on Oct 28th 2019, 21:42:22

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2019, 21:55:34

Originally posted by Kahuna:
You need to grab in order get fat, you need to get fat, to get fat and win. Simple. You guys need to take it easy on people. Theres a lot of inexperienced ppl playing this game like you said that DONT KNOW BETTER, sometimes not so often but there are new players in this game occasionally for them to double tap the wrong person and get ABed for it or they ROR and they want to get their land back from the huge chunks you guys be taking from your retals and you guys lash out, because thats your automatic reaction and you guys made it a standard to do so. You hate ppl ruining your set and you go and do the same thing to these ppl when they break GDI. Its kinda petty, because here you are some of the most experienced players in this game and you make posts gloating about how you messed up a rookie rainbow's set. I remember being a teen when I started playing this game running rainbows and I still do a lil bit tbh(also I think CX was #66 and he got fkn wrecked by a rainbow that I was experimenting with talking about he was out of town lying as lil bih), anywho there used to be thousands of countries on each server to see only about less than 120 countries today, this game cant compete with video games though and that crap you guys pulling ontop of toxic ppl, I can imagine you guys driving ppl away. Take it easy on the n00bies.

The n00b defense? rofl. They act like n00bs yes, but they clearly aren't "new" to the game.

You know whats pathetic, crying about getting assfluffed by a human that you quad tapped or RoR'd, when you could have hit one of the many bots that are provided *exactly* for this purpose without any fear of retribution.

If you had even the slightest clue how to net gain this would be obvious to you. Instead you just trot out the same lame excuse that all fluffty players use where you talk about how you can build a great "war" country.

All this does is demonstrate further how much of a dumbass you are. What you mean is you can build a mediocre country and blindside someone that isn't ready for war.

Your chicken fluff antics are what is toxic and what drives people away. The game is skewed to afford trolls like you the opportunity to disrupt others with very little skill/effort. I am not surprised you cant see this.

M59Gar Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 22:45:41

New people will never have any clue how to net gain. The process is almost entirely opaque, and the only reason the current veterans know is that they were here for the game's evolution.

From an outsider's perspective, everyone sits at low networth then jumps 20-30 mil in the last hours of a set. They do this through actions that aren't visible. Thus, there is no possible way for new people to join this game. I know, because I'm a new/returning player, and this is the exact experience I've had. Now that I've made extensive threads requesting info and joined a clan to get advice (new people will not do either of these things 90% of the time), I see that this game's population can't grow because the barriers to entry are enormous.

this post brought to you by my need for bonus points.

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 29th 2019, 0:10:28

Thanks for sharing M59 that was well said. I think Uganoli is just trying to argue his ass off. No matter how you respond. Uganoli just keeps contradicting himself talking about blindsiding when they do the same thing with GDI, when someone multi taps them, you guys sure are silent when you get fkd up. I just showed you last set, when I fkd up one of his pals I let him be til he BLINDSIDED me without provocation. I logged into his killrun on me, and I walled him with a counter strike, I was almost dead fkn disrupted like 3 ppls set for multi tapping that az.

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 29th 2019, 0:46:53

Originally posted by Kahuna:
also I think CX was #66 and he got fkn wrecked by a rainbow that I was experimenting with talking about he was out of town lying as lil bih)

I was #2 (In Diana Jones). I killed #56 after they doubletapped me.

You really have a hard-on for me, dontcha bud?
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 29th 2019, 0:54:38

Originally posted by M59Gar:
New people will never have any clue how to net gain. The process is almost entirely opaque, and the only reason the current veterans know is that they were here for the game's evolution.

From an outsider's perspective, everyone sits at low networth then jumps 20-30 mil in the last hours of a set. They do this through actions that aren't visible. Thus, there is no possible way for new people to join this game. I know, because I'm a new/returning player, and this is the exact experience I've had. Now that I've made extensive threads requesting info and joined a clan to get advice (new people will not do either of these things 90% of the time), I see that this game's population can't grow because the barriers to entry are enormous.

this post brought to you by my need for bonus points.

Usually, if n00bs or anyone messages me for advice, or requests advice on the forums, I'll provide it.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 29th 2019, 2:19:57

#66attacked me without provacation it was either you or one of your buddies. Prove it, make your profile public for a bit.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 29th 2019, 2:32:03

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Kahuna:
Ok KoH...😑 and this is the United States of America and the 1st amendment grants me freedom of speech so I can talk shid to you or anyone one else on this thread lol.Atticus Rex shut your weak az up, you do a little too much pretending you wont say fluff to me nor look at me if you to see me, you would crap your pants at the sight of me. Tf up youre too obsessed with az fluffing guys too go walk onto oncoming traffic.. Play next set puh c boi. I ll war you or C....I would net on express but everytime I try I get to fighting or suicided or ABed idk why but I do... Remember also youre critizing my country after your ABed me so ya..I really dont feel like netting after this set but I ll try.

I just saw this. While YOU might be sitting in the United States of America, the server of this game and it's owners are in Canada. ;) So the freedom of speech and rules of America don't count.

You shut up, you.. Ya I was mocking KoH cause he was getting trying to get technical with things. Am pretty sure Liberals belive in stuff like freedom of speech. Either way what are they going to do about it.

pppsssshhhhhh :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 29th 2019, 2:35:45

Originally posted by Kahuna:
#66attacked me without provacation it was either you or one of your buddies. Prove it, make your profile public for a bit.

I don't need "one of [my] buddies" to mess with you. It'd be a colossal waste of time.

But since, you want proof and I like to prove you the fool, go take a look. I'll leave it open until tomorrow sometime.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 29th 2019, 2:57:32

Aye stop being mean, and no I want to find out who #66 is, but I was starting to think it was you.

trumpoz Game profile


Oct 29th 2019, 11:44:13

Kahuna - being a douchebag on the boards tends to put a target on your back. There are people who play 'for the good of the server' and will keep players busy so the rest of the server. Whatever my thoughts on that approach it is quite possible it is one of those people and not someone posting on this thread.

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2019, 15:44:31

You seem real easily confused kahuna.

1. If you don't play GDI then you usually get screwed. This was already covered up thread.

2. If you do play GDI then you are protected from this kind of dumbassery.

3. If you are in GDI and you multi-tap or RoR, then you are basically leaving GDI and giving the person you attacked the FS.

You want to learn how to play, start by learning how to not get hit.

Its like poker, it isn't about winning hands, its about bankroll management.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2019, 16:43:49

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
You seem real easily confused kahuna.

1. If you don't play GDI then you usually get screwed. This was already covered up thread.

2. If you do play GDI then you are protected from this kind of dumbassery.

3. If you are in GDI and you multi-tap or RoR, then you are basically leaving GDI and giving the person you attacked the FS.

You want to learn how to play, start by learning how to not get hit.

Its like poker, it isn't about winning hands, its about bankroll management.


Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!