
midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 19:26:01

What would guys think about removing the GDI from the Express Server? Not a suggestion at this point, but I am curious to know your thoughts about it. Also, what about being able to dec war on a single country? It's not in the Express Server, but I personally would like to have that. Any thoughts on these?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 7th 2014, 19:28:11

/me waits for the tree huggers to jump all over this guy

*opens a bag of popcorn*
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


EE Patron

Feb 7th 2014, 19:49:29

Do you know how it works? Why do you want it removed?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

braden Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 21:30:21

if we can remove gs br or ab from any country tjat doesnt agree to the declaration of war then id be for it, save me sixteen bonus points used for free gdi

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 21:54:05

@blid, you're gonna have to give us more detail about what you're trying to ask.
I'll answer the second part: easy, it's the EXPRESS server, so that means quick attacks, big massive ones, and when someone pisses you off, you piss them back off. Fair, no?

@braden? 16 points? To be used in 5 days lol. Damn.
Well, I attack you via ABs for example, I have to dec war first? But, if I don't dec war, I can't do AB's? That's what you're saying? That is a fair thing to do. In this case, since it's the express server: dec war on 5 people (as it IS a 5 day play only would be fair), and we could dec peace within 12 hours or so. Would be fair like this.

braden Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 22:13:06

gdi prevents you from suiciding somebody for zero reason whatsoever, which predominantly in the past has been a rather large issue on this server.

not you declare war, and then ab me. you declare war, i accept your war declaration, and we can attack. otherwise all you're doing is opening the server back up to people ruining the games of those whom wish to play peaceably.

braden Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 22:13:43

and technically, i would argue used in three days :P

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 22:29:53

I can't say I understand your point of view to say that people play peaceably. It is almost impossible to net and get a decent finish - unless you excel with those type of strats. Besides, if you play peaceably, I might attack you twice and someone else might as well and then a third person and so on, screwing up your plan. Which is no different in the end from one person suiciding for example. If you have three people attacking you, you gotta deal with three people on three fronts. On the other hand, if it's only one person, you can devise a new strat more easily.

Assuming I dec war, and you only play tomorrow at 5pm (my time), well, isn't that a waste of time? Since this is the express server, we have limited time. Don't you agree with this premise? Thus, while I wanna beat the crap out of you lol, and hoping you don't do too much damage to me lol, I take away the element of surprise by saying "hey douchebag, I wanna beat the crap out of you, uhm... but you know.... accept the war dec first" LOL. The element of surprise is gone.

braden Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 22:36:28

i do not agree with a single one of your premises, no. in fact, the majority of us will not, i reckon.

you can attack me however many times you please, at a certain time your gains aren't worth your turns or military spent, and it only allows me to explore for land/retal and carry less defense, less cost per turn, which benefits me immensely.

do you play this server often?

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 22:49:52

So, far just you and me buddy. So reckon nothing.

So, you disagree that we have little time to do whatever it is we wanna do? Wow. Ok, now I know you mustn't have read my entire post *facepalm*.

I do play it, not as much as the 1A though. In any case, if your own premise is to be held accurate (which I disagree with), then why not make the GDI obligatory at no cost? Either what I said in my OP makes sense or this makes sense. Doesn't this at the VERY least make sense to you?

Ok, so if I attack you, raid your food, pillage your whole freaking land etc., you lose military, money (right? didn't notice if you do), food and I leave some of your buildings in ruin. So, how is THAT to your advantage? It's not! Something you're not saying here for this to make sense.

Let me fire the question back at you now: do you play this server often?

TDA101 Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 22:52:46

At subsequent attacks, other attacks from other people are reduced. If you hit someone enough they can carry no military reducing expenses and they can focus on production more.

braden Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 23:12:43

do i play this server often?

i suppose we'll leave it at that.

zerozerozero Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 0:57:14

is it a little late to have some of that popcorn koh?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2014, 1:06:35

I'll get another bag in the microwave :p
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

now im nothing Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 1:30:57

Leave it alone, follow the grain, We couldn't stop the irresistible force. Leave it the same, change with the leaves,Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the old.
Leave it alone!!!!!
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 1:38:07

@TDA101 and braden. TDA101 what you said in relation to braden does make sense, but it still does not disprove what I said. You can only focus on production once more AFTER having taken a beating. So, you're not being given any advantage. And this is my point. So, you lost money, tech, food, army guys, oil (oil is VERY expensive), plus costs of rebuilding destroyed buildings. So, you LOST those which will never be recovered unless you get it back via an attack (although you still lose oil in the process - so this is a lose lose situation).

@braden, I will take that as a no. If you can't answer a simple question (the same you asked me), I'll take it as a no.

braden Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 2:21:44

does two point seven billion total nw on the server answer your question?
eighty top ten finishes, does this answer your question?
what does one need to do in their life to be so oblivious to whats been blatantly obvious to everybody else for three years?

i tried to leave it alone, i tried not to have you play the fool, but you insisted, you won. a fool you are.

if i slow play (a term you likely have no idea the definition of), but you can attack me for twenty acres until you're blue in the face. a day later, i will retal you for two thousand acres. and since you either never were in gdi, you have already been ab'd to the ground and i wouldn't bother to retal. or you broke your gdi, and i will retal for two thousand acres, ab you fifty times, crippling you, leaving you unable to wage war back against me. i grow, you don't. i use strategy, you don't.

at what point in time.. oh, thats right, we've already established you as the fool.


Edited By: braden on Feb 8th 2014, 2:30:30

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 2:35:03

See, wasn't hard answering that question.
What's been so obvious for three years? How am I suppose to know what country you run?

I'm not a fool. I GOT you to explain what the fluff I wanted to know. And right now, you're only being an ass by insulting me. You were saying nothing. The difference between you and me is that I'm not afraid to actually go the full nine yards to say what I have to say. You on the other hand, I FINALLY got you to say something after five posts. I'm way smarter than you think. I got what I wanted to know - you explaining what the fluff was on your mind.

braden Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 2:44:25

oh, and again, the fool we all make ourselves to be.

how do you know which country i run? because at any possibility in my life i encourage people to know his lifes story, i encourage them to know the great man of history that he is.

oblivious is as oblivious does.

after five thousand two hundred and eighty now six posts, still nobody knows what's on my mind

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 2:46:51

Ok, you're just not making any sense now. I said I don't know what country you run, and frankly I don't give a crap about what country you run. After 5286 posts, I still don't know who you are, and what clan you play nor your position. And frankly, I don't care.


Dude, are YOU for real?
You're making me laugh so hard man. You freaking sound like that guy in Harry Potter. You know, the adventurer who becomes a teacher for half a semester or so.

braden Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 2:57:31

as a matter of fact, no, i don't know. my last three books were dr zhivago, the english patient and atonement.

oddly enough, there's zero childrens magic in any of them (but a whole lot of war, and a whole lot of heart ache, and a whole lot of being a grown up is fun)

let me guess, you're again oblivious?

zerozerozero Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 3:11:11

My my my this is getting interesting

Reptile Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 3:21:40

IMO, the state of GDI on all servers is deplorable. It over powers the the defender. My primary country was ruined, bc I RoR'd -if someone goes jet heavy in excess, I feel that I have the right to RoR- and couldn't diffuse this numbskulls missiles. All I could do is spy him, and observe him saving turns - only to await his barrage.

As a returning player, this isn't my first brush with changes to GDI restrictions. And with every new discovery it only becomes more frustrating. I understand taking a stand against griefers in this game, but I question the cost - where is the freedom that I once enjoyed?


Xinhuan Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 8:09:56

Does he even know "Declare War" doesn't even exist on this server because GDI functions differently from 1A?

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 8:44:50

@braden: you're not very mature are you? I haven't read the HP novels (saw the movies like anyone else). Too busy reading books by Steven Erikson, which I promise you are much darker, sinister and gruesome than the books you read.

Grow up dude.

@Reptile: thank you. I agree!

@Xinhuan: Which is the problem, Xinhuan!

Edited By: midevil.chaos on Feb 8th 2014, 10:10:19
See Original Post

tellarion Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 10:04:29

Boy, this is entertaining :D

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 10:11:09

sigh. people. dont get upset.

if you read his other posts, you'll realise he doesn't even know how GDI works. so based on his flawed knowledge, he's trying to put out an argument. it's not gonna make sense, and basically, you're wasting time replying. =)

go read his other posts, and you'll see what i mean.

TDA101 Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 10:13:24

Reptile, then you live and learn the next set and don't hit the guy?

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 10:14:12

Originally posted by braden:
do i play this server often?

i suppose we'll leave it at that.

i literally LOL

TDA101 Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 10:17:34

i dunno braden, you could run what ur doing with a script. There's literally no interaction in your plan whatsoever :P.

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 11:00:46

my response to midevil.chaos: i'll try to accentuate to the positive.

starting from the top:

"Any thoughts on these?"
my thoughts are that you need to play more thoroughly in the different servers, since you dont seem to have a clue about what you're talking about and braden's been real nice, but you turned it into a stupid 14 yo argument. grow up.

"@blid, you're gonna have to give us more detail.."
everyone understands except for you. why? because it's basic knowledge. you need to play more or at least find out how things work, and name calling isnt the right approach.

"someone pisses you off, you piss them back off. Fair, no?"
preferably no, because war costs. hence, GDI's there to protect netgainers so that they can net at peace and enjoy that part of the game. not everyone wars, you see.

"@braden? 16 points? To be used in 5 days lol. Damn."
yes, that's a lot. reducing expenses even a tiny little bit per turn can become an enormous gain for your finish.

"Well, I attack you via ABs for example, I have to dec war first?"
no. if you want to AB me, you can't, because I'm in GDI and there's no war dec on this server. So long as I only grab you once in said 5 days, you can't do nothing except SS/PS, and some spy ops.

"I can't say I understand your point of view to say that people play peaceably."
because you've probably never netted. it takes different strategies to war and net properly, and it takes a good amount of care, so if someone were to ruin your set cuz they don't like your name, or cuz you grabbed them 10 sets ago and they just cant forgive, then maybe you'd know it's a bit pointless of trying to protect against that by hitting back. cuz for some of these "avengers" or suiciders, no amount of hitting back will piss them off and tell them to go away and dont mess with you again.

"It is almost impossible to net and get a decent finish - unless you excel with those type of strats"
yes, it takes strategy. and yes, it's very possible. look for those who are consistently in top tens. i'd even go as far as saying those in the top 40 know something in this game that you may not.

"Assuming I dec war, and you only play tomorrow at 5pm (my time), well, isn't that a waste of time?"
i agree with you. that's probably a fantasy that will never happen. i dont recall any wars requiring permission of the opponent. but naturally, if you've done something to make enemies, you probably should have a country built to stand a chance or it'll be meaningless.

"Since this is the express server, we have limited time"
every server has limited time.

"So, far just you and me buddy. So reckon nothing."
most people, like me, have seen your post, but just havent bothered to reply because your grounds and your base knowledge is a lil off. braden, however, took his time to explain things to you. so you should be more grateful and be less of a fluff.

"So, you disagree that we have little time to do whatever it is we wanna do?"
i disagree too. because the game isn't about time, it's about turns. if we slow play on this server, we still have all the turns we need to do what we want to do, because most of us plan out what we can do with 5 days and limited number of turns. you simply don't play as if you're in a 3 month game when you only have 5 days.

"why not make the GDI obligatory at no cost?"
because some people like to war. now, if you look at 1A, you'll see that very rarely the netters and the warmongers mix together, unless for some bad pacting. that's so that people can enjoy both sides of the game. but if you look at team server, you'll see much more clearly what happens to netters when warmongers try to plow everything into the ground. it's not fun. there's only war and chaos on that server. if that's your thing, maybe you should keep to that server.

"Ok, so if I attack you, raid your food, pillage your whole freaking land etc.,"
no you cant, because we'll be in GDI and GDI limits your attack types. you have to actually know what you're doing to be able to attack most of us after the 2nd day of playing turns. and you can only do multiple PSes at best. After which, the defender country can make a mess of yours because you broke GDI restrictions by your multiple attacks.

"do you play this server often?"
try and scroll back on this forum and look for a time without braden's name. =) just so you know, most of the posts on this forum are about prices, finishes, and possible improvements to the game, and the occasional rant and troll. not a lot of it is spam.

"You can only focus on production once more AFTER having taken a beating."
stop treating it as an argument, when you started off wanting a discussion. there's no beating when your premises are flawed. this is where you've officially started to make a fool of yourself. and really, caps?

"If you can't answer a simple question (the same you asked me), I'll take it as a no."
it was an obvious yes.

"What's been so obvious for three years?"
well, given that you've only been serious in Team 3 years ago, then took a 2 year absence, then came back recently. i can see why you won't know.

"I'm not a fool. I GOT you to explain what the fluff I wanted to know."
yes you are. why? because braden's a nice guy, and anyone here would have explained stuff to you without you being such a fluff.

"I'm way smarter than you think."

"After 5286 posts, I still don't know who you are,"
oh well now, the posts themselves don't speak, you have to actually read them. the rest of us know who braden is. =)

"You freaking sound like that guy in Harry Potter. You know, the adventurer who becomes a teacher for half a semester or so."
i guess you like harry potter.

"@Xinhuan: Which is the problem, Xinhuan!"
i do not disagree. but given the rules, i adapt and make suggestions and see how others think. i know that's what you're trying to do, but you'll get a lot more informed discussion if i) you play nice and be earnest, and ii) if you knew what you're talking about. i still really feel that you don't know enough about this game.

now i hope you read the entirety of my post, since you're big on reading WHOLE posts. i even incorporated a bit of your typing style at the end. how nice of me. =)

zerozerozero Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 11:24:50

I sure hope he reads the last post..

... and reply with more fluff :D

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 11:59:38

koh, i think you can open a successful snack bar here now. =) popcorn gets boring after a while, how about a full course meal while i wait. =)

tellarion Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 15:10:27

"You can only focus on production once more AFTER having taken a beating."

I'm pretty sure this was relating to ingame actions, not on the forums. You misread this point, hsifreta!

You're more or less correct on the rest though :P

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 17:29:29

Originally posted by tellarion:
"You can only focus on production once more AFTER having taken a beating."

I'm pretty sure this was relating to ingame actions, not on the forums. You misread this point, hsifreta!

You're more or less correct on the rest though :P

ah. well, you can't get it all right. =P Thank you, Mr Telly. =D

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Feb 8th 2014, 18:32:33

Originally posted by Reptile:
IMO, the state of GDI on all servers is deplorable. It over powers the the defender. My primary country was ruined, bc I RoR'd -if someone goes jet heavy in excess, I feel that I have the right to RoR- and couldn't diffuse this numbskulls missiles. All I could do is spy him, and observe him saving turns - only to await his barrage.

As a returning player, this isn't my first brush with changes to GDI restrictions. And with every new discovery it only becomes more frustrating. I understand taking a stand against griefers in this game, but I question the cost - where is the freedom that I once enjoyed?



also, I feel like i've arrived too late to bother buying any refreshments...
EE Developer

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2014, 19:51:40

Originally posted by hsifreta:
koh, i think you can open a successful snack bar here now. =) popcorn gets boring after a while, how about a full course meal while i wait. =)

Indeed, this is the looni thread.....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Reptile Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 20:40:35

Hey Zarc, long time no see. How goes it?

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Feb 8th 2014, 21:20:09

Originally posted by Reptile:
Hey Zarc, long time no see. How goes it?

ah, you know the usual stuff. sadly becoming more and more british with living over here so long
EE Developer

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2014, 23:38:00

Soon the only word you'll be able to say properly is tomato. We refuse to give that up

braden Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 3:15:29

and hsifreta wins

braden Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 3:43:00

Originally posted by TDA101:
i dunno braden, you could run what ur doing with a script. There's literally no interaction in your plan whatsoever :P.

change the dynamic of the game where i need not play techer nor communist, play every sixteen minutes or landgrab at any single period throughout the game, then i'll dare change how i chose to play. all i've done is shown you how consistently to place well. i don't understand why you need to insult, where every word you said can be equally placed to any single other boilerplate strategy built into the math of the game off the last sixteen years.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 9th 2014, 3:56:00

I'm having a blast with my TI :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

braden Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 3:59:17

pfft, go make an eight thousand nine hundred and eighty second post, ko!! :P

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 9th 2014, 4:09:03

I'm on mobile, can't see the post count :-/
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

braden Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 4:23:48

i'll count for you.. i'll be back in a while...

... . ...
... ... ...
. . . .
. ...
. ... .
... ... .
. ... ... .
. ...

eight thousand nine hundred and ninety two, as per this post..
.. oh, and no, that isn't morse code for anything..
if it is, i promise, pure coincidence? :P

(yes, it took me like four minutes :P)

tellarion Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 4:31:54

That would be some incredibly silly morse code, considering there are zero long beeps in there :P

tellarion Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 4:32:02

... --- ...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 9th 2014, 4:35:48

Originally posted by tellarion:
... --- ...

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

braden Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 4:37:15

ok, fair, i made my - ...