
the Temple


Jun 18th 2015, 13:49:57

THat's not how it reads. It says you need to decalre war to attack more than twice. Nothing about anyone having to have attacked you, or indeed about you having to attack anyone - you could just declare war and get the no attack bonus.

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 18th 2015, 14:00:59

Ok the Temple, edited it so you can understand it better.

1) Make GDI membership default : members cannot leave GDI and DECLARE WAR costs is free.

2) Humanitarian range for attacking 1/6 of Networth, but no humanitarian range for retaling.

3) Players can only attack/retal twice, however second attack/retal breaks GDI :

i) First attack/retal gets buildings, land, money, technology and ghost land.

ii) Second attack/retal gets buildings, land, money, technology, and no ghost land.

4) After that you must DECLARE WAR in order to continue attacking/retaling, but keep in mind that the player you DECLARE WAR on can now attack/retal you without regards to GDI :

i) All DECLARE WAR attacks/retals gets buildings, land, money, technology and no ghost land.

ii) You can only DECLARE WAR on one player at a time.

iii) During DECLARE WAR period other players can still retal you. (Rule 3 still applies)

iv) During DECLARE WAR period you cannot be attacked by OTHER players, however if you attack OTHER players, then they too can retal you back. (Rules 5 & 3 still applies)

Edited By: Nerrus on Jun 18th 2015, 14:09:25
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 18th 2015, 14:12:18

People who get F'd by DR abusers:

*Do you use the same country name each week? Stop it.

*Were you going to finish in first place this week? Did the loss of a couple hundred (thousand) acres with 500 turns to go mean the difference of finishing rank #1 and rank #2? I dunno about this one, but im guessing RARELY.

Did the DR abuser finish better than you? I hope not.

This game lasts a week. The object of the game is to finish with the highest networth. If you are taken out of contention for that goal, why don't you just kill the DR abuser and START OVER NEXT WEEK WITH A DIFFERENT COUNTRY NAME.

You can't possibly be so unlucky so as to attract a DR abuser every week.

I am against a rule change, there are ways to deal with DR abusers.. we are able to save 360 turns! Ignore them - take the hit and up your defense. Put your pride aside, skip the retal.. You can still finish well. Or, kill them!

the Temple


Jun 18th 2015, 19:09:44

I understand it fine. I DECLARE WAR and the no one can attack me except someone I've hit. Free defence yay!

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 18th 2015, 19:12:18

Yeah- but then you're stuck with the explore button.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

the Temple


Jun 18th 2015, 19:17:29

Which ain't that bad if I have to run no spies, no defence, no def tech

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 5:13:16

Originally posted by the Temple:
Which ain't that bad if I have to run no spies, no defence, no def tech

Thanks for pointing that out. Ok we should add in a rule that the DECLARE WAR auto expires after 48 hours.

The player that DECLARE WAR cannot DECLARE WAR for another 24 hours. But anyone the player did not DECLARE WAR on, can now DECLARE WAR on him/her.

At the rate you are going every reset everyone will be lining up to DECLARE WAR on you :-P
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 5:24:05

1) Make GDI membership default : members cannot leave GDI and DECLARE WAR costs is free.

2) Humanitarian range for attacking 1/6 of Networth, but no humanitarian range for retaling.

3) Players can only attack/retal twice, however second attack/retal breaks GDI :

i) First attack/retal gets buildings, land, money, technology and ghost land.

ii) Second attack/retal gets buildings, land, money, technology, and no ghost land.

4) After that you must DECLARE WAR in order to continue attacking/retaling, but keep in mind that the player you DECLARE WAR on can now attack/retal you without regards to GDI :

i) All DECLARE WAR attacks/retals gets buildings, land, money, technology and no ghost land.

ii) You can only DECLARE WAR on one player at a time, every 72 hours.

iii) DECLARE WAR auto expires after 48 hours.

iv) During DECLARE WAR period other players can still retal you. (Rule 3 still applies)

v) During DECLARE WAR period you cannot be attacked by OTHER players, however if you attack OTHER players, then they too can retal you back. (Rules 5 & 3 still applies)
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

the Temple


Jun 19th 2015, 9:32:28

Originally posted by Nerrus:
Originally posted by the Temple:
Which ain't that bad if I have to run no spies, no defence, no def tech

Thanks for pointing that out. Ok we should add in a rule that the DECLARE WAR auto expires after 48 hours.

The player that DECLARE WAR cannot DECLARE WAR for another 24 hours. But anyone the player did not DECLARE WAR on, can now DECLARE WAR on him/her.

At the rate you are going every reset everyone will be lining up to DECLARE WAR on you :-P

So on turn 99 I log out, bank 360 turns, DECLARE war for days 3and 4 for free defence, and come out at the end with the motherbeast of all jetters ready to go play with all the whiners. It'll be amazing

Marshal Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 10:33:08

nerrus: that's too complicated.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 11:37:14

Yeah, I think its going to be easier to hang, draw and quarter the Temple instead :P
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

Marshal Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 12:48:08

also very abusable, just dec war on some country (either out of range or just inside range) every 48 hrs and play all-x w/o fear of getting attacked.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

the Temple


Jun 19th 2015, 15:04:18

Good thing no one pointed that out.

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 15:16:39

Originally posted by Marshal:
also very abusable, just dec war on some country (either out of range or just inside range) every 48 hrs and play all-x w/o fear of getting attacked.

Ok based on what I had suggested, what do we do to prevent abuse? make DECLARE WAR costly?
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

the Temple


Jun 19th 2015, 15:27:45

Originally posted by Nerrus:
based on what I had suggested,, what do we do to prevent abuse?

Simplest is probably to not implement something so crackers.

Marshal Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 15:36:12

forget that stupid war deccing and 2nd attack not giving ghosties.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 15:40:36

Edited By: BUTTMAN on Jun 19th 2015, 15:48:00
See Original Post

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 16:32:21

1) Make GDI membership default; members cannot leave GDI.

2) Humanitarian range for attacking 1/6 of Networth, but no humanitarian range for retaling.

3) Second attack/retal breaks GDI.
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 20:31:24

1:1 country v. country no DR on retals and no break in the GDI rule

a country hits another country 10 times then the country that got hit gets 10 no DR retals and they keep their gdi status... keep it simple ...

-- pretty basic, if you just came out of a war and or are in heavy DRs do not go hitting innocent countries, if you still want to do so then at least be willing to accept the consequences of your own actions. Alternately hit countries you know will not be able to retal your land grab or may just let it go. However keep in mind any country you hit in express can use 360 turns to go all jetter and take what would have seemed like an impossible retal. This is the built in risk most of those who landgrab take, which is being circumvented by the DR abuse. I honestly do not mind letting go of a retal because the other player manages to stay out of my reach or makes it too expensive, actually I respect that. But hit and hide behind DRs gets no respect. It would be like someone running you over in an intersection and then laughing about it while flashing diplomatic immunity papers.

anything else can be abused ... if players wishes to abuse the above for land trading then so be it... both countries would need to be running low def anyway to make it worthwhile. Opening them up to other players taking advantage of their low def. Land trading works on clan servers, not so much on solo servers.

this thing about only allowing the first hit to be no DR and second hit breaking GDI, is like ringing the dinner bell and chumming the water for sharks in my mind.

A player wanting to mess with other players would simply farm other countries while in DR and hit them 4-5 times knowing said country can only hit them with one retal without destroying their own netting reset. They keep their option of staying way ahead in land exchange. It does not solve to problem if anything it would make it worse. Getting dragged down into the mud and unwanted wars, would be much more prevalent.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 29th 2015, 22:32:47

bump for me to read later
Finally did the signature thing.

DruncK Game profile


Jun 30th 2015, 2:07:19

Didn't express start off as a sort of sandbox server? Played the last 4 and no changes at all :/

Frybert Game profile


Jun 30th 2015, 3:34:54

Originally posted by earf:
your not smart

Marshal Game profile


Jun 30th 2015, 14:57:06

express started as competition who gets best nw inside 24 hrs.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....