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You say an all jetter is cheating in your opinion? Did you go all jetter when you tried to hit me last set? DId you cheat? Or were you planning on cheating if you would have the cash after the hit? The only way you could have broken Nam Nam was by going all jetter, **cough, cough** cheating as you call it.
JJ NEVER fails a hit 2x. JJ NEVER hits a top 10 player, TWICE for that matter.
Every scenario you have brought up has been refuted, SOMETIMES even by a mod.
Best case scenario, this topic dies with everyone thinking "Boy, I tell you what, tduong made a mistake, let's give him another chance". Right now you keep talking and it is "That tduong guy ain't too bright".
By the way, I don't know where you saw people saying they were waiting for JJ to come out of DR to topfeed him. To take retals, yes, probably.
I was never all jetter. my ratio was usually around 40-50% turrets. Of course when I log in with $1bil to make a hit. I will buy 3-4mil jets at a time but what do you expect when I have 200+ turns. But then 2 mins later after i ran all my turns I buy it back up and try to keep it around 40-50% turrets. My weapons tech was always maxed btw.
And nam nam nam did not had that much defense. I believed i only sent like jets on a PS 6mil jets or something and i had 5 mil turrets at the time. nam nam nam had low weapons tech or hardly any. I made that hit simply for a profitable land trade. I picked the fattest countries and hit. I did profit handsomely. So please don't call me a cheater.
Maybe JJ hit me twice intentionally for the GS but i certainly did not offer it to him or him asking me to. IDK why he did. He apparently got other people to GS him. He also leeched tech off me for 24 hours twice in previous sets because he lied and told me he was techer. The second time, he sent me a message from a different name and i fell for it again lmao.
I don't need anyone to give me another chance. The mods refuted on things like my assumptions about DH's purple. Which i stated I cannot confirm but only suspected because it looked like cheating.
I never claimed i was bright and I also stated and confirm that I will do random things to piss people off. Especially hypocrites. When you say everything I said was refuted, that is completely biased. In your eyes, you think your right as well as people on your side. There's just more of your mob than mine.
I'm pretty sure people were going to topfeed JJ regardless of retals or not. Wow, one person felt unfair because he didn't get the retal. Else, they wouldn't make threads with tons of replies about how they think he's cheating blah blah blah when it's obvious he wasn't. The mob was going to teach JJ a lesson right? too bad your dumb mob was fluffblocked. next time, try to kill him instead. I can't stop that.
I got DT and didn't get my retals either, tough luck!
It's sad that you look at things this way because it's only from your POV. You might want to put yourself as a third person or the other side to see the bigger picture.
So keep being emotional and help out the tissues industries.