
KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2021, 20:39:48

Yeah I'm aware of that, I always click on it and look at the last hit time stamp and the return on it.

I don't have time to babysit bots.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 30th 2021, 20:52:22

Can I please have list of the 100k < jet SS bots? All the ones that I am spying are large SS lol

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 30th 2021, 21:08:10

The ones with low NW/a is probably lowest breaks.

In all likelyhood the lowest breaks should also be in highest DR since people realize they are low breaks and farm them whenever they are decent to farm. :)

The bigger rewards are often hidden behind bigger breaks.

Molotov Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2021, 22:59:12

Is Celphi really being banned? He's an unusual guy but that's harsh.

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

Apr 30th 2021, 23:04:35

Can a admin please reach out to me and explain celphi ban
Natural Born Killers

Link Game profile


Apr 30th 2021, 23:07:11

and free my homie Chevs LOL

I Am a meat popsicle.


Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2021, 23:31:48

Here are the forum rules for those who have questions on the subject:

Molotov Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2021, 23:36:04

Did he break one of those rules? I saw him making obtuse arguments but I don't think he was doing anything intentionally over the line. He's always been like that. When can he come back?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2021, 23:36:44

Celphi: I highly suggest that you respect the rules of the people who run this website. You seem to work as a programmer. You should then understand that you do not have the right to trespass on someone else's property. I wouldn't go to or whatever and violate your terms of service. I ask for the same courtesy in return.

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

Apr 30th 2021, 23:37:46

Thanks for the post slag I read the rules a d regulations and not fully understand Ming what one he broke accept the respect one. I will have a chat with him thank you
Natural Born Killers

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2021, 23:39:36

Originally posted by Molotov:
Did he break one of those rules? I saw him making obtuse arguments but I don't think he was doing anything intentionally over the line. He's always been like that. When can he come back?

He was spamming and being a pest. This isn't the first time that he's been banned for spamming. His original ban period was fairly short, but the ban evasion and insults towards the game staff are not doing him any favors.

Molotov Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2021, 23:40:44

Well as long as he's allowed back after serving some time i don't care =) Sounds good.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2021, 23:41:13

That's currently up to him.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2021, 23:54:36

There's been about 3800 forum bans given out since the game started. Why are you acting like this? Just don't post for a while like everyone else who gets banned. You aren't doing yourself any favors by acting out and violating our terms of service. Your assumptions about who can do what are not correct.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 0:12:17

I too don't understand the ban, I frequently read and honestly I didn't see him go off line, don't know what to make of this, he makes solid points and SS needs to go bye bye.

That's all.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Symbolic Game profile


May 1st 2021, 0:15:02

Lol by the time he's done banning people for posting good arguments this game will drop from 20 players to 0. You should figure out how to bring the player base back, not destroy it.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 1st 2021, 0:24:50

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I too don't understand the ban, I frequently read and honestly I didn't see him go off line, don't know what to make of this, he makes solid points and SS needs to go bye bye.

That's all.

"No spamming."

"-Be respectful at all times."

"Don't be a pest"


Those haven't changed in 11 years. It shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.

I know for a fact that not all messages that break the rules get deleted. The mods aren't omnipresent. But he didn't do it right under the nose of a forum moderator. He did it TO a member of the game staff. I really think that I should be able to post in a thread that I created without having a guy post a trolling message for the seventh time or having that same guy insulting my programming skills or misrepresent the statement that I made. Is that too much to ask for?

Everyone rushes to judgment and assumes that the game staff are up to nefarious things. Why do you do this? Is the guy who is evading his forum ban and presenting a one sided story so much more credible than the people who run the free game that you play? Getting called nazis and always being doubted over trivial issues really gets tiresome. Can we stop?

Molotov Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 0:38:01

I admit I was questioning it at first, but anything that’s a temp ban, who cares? I’ll defer to the judgment of the guy who’s actually doing serious work on this game. As long as people aren’t being expelled from the community for good then it’s not worth getting up in arms over.

(This is where I recall my old post history and all the gruff things I said to people, and count myself grateful I’m allowed to be here still.)



May 1st 2021, 0:46:46

But I never called anyone a nazy. I told him if he thinks someone is being a nazy to report it to qz and stop breaking the forum rules for something qz will never see.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 1st 2021, 0:47:26

The number of people who have been expelled is something like five. It's hard to get an exact number given duplicate accounts. Some people have done some pretty bad stuff: hacking, running bots, sustained personal harassment, and so on.

We are not the bad guys. I try to be as fair as possible. I'm only human though, and sometimes there are shades of grey for an issue. I would ask for people to pick their battles and to choose an amount of escalation that is appropriate for a perceived issue.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 1st 2021, 0:50:30

Originally posted by BlueCow:
But I never called anyone a nazy. I told him if he thinks someone is being a nazy to report it to qz and stop breaking the forum rules for something qz will never see.

If you wish to make your point, do it without comparing other people to nazis. If you think that's asking for too much, well, I don't know what to say.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 1:34:12

Ok I've got a question here, this guy had 0 DR and his NW wasn't too much higher than mine, why so little ghosts?

2021-05-01 00:24:47 PS Exotic Terrane of Siletzia (#17) Armenian Empire (#103) 571A (584A)

I'm trying to understand the new mechanics....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Symbolic Game profile


May 1st 2021, 1:41:43

You gotta over send jets to get ghost acres

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 1:42:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Ok I've got a question here, this guy had 0 DR and his NW wasn't too much higher than mine, why so little ghosts?

2021-05-01 00:24:47 PS Exotic Terrane of Siletzia (#17) Armenian Empire (#103) 571A (584A)

I'm trying to understand the new mechanics....

I'm thinking this has something to do with land v land, he had double the land I had, punishment for hitting fatties?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

s Game profile


May 1st 2021, 1:43:22

changeset #18 - guessing your buildings don't overlap.

- All attacks (all types) will have returns capped at 10% of what the attacker has OR 100% of the existing returns (whichever is less) for the following items:
- Buildings
- Tech
- Money
- Food
- Oil
- Each Building/Tech type will be treated separately so if you have 0 of a specific building type built, you won’t gain any built buildings of that building type.
- Land returns for grabbing/nuking will be capped at 10% attacker’s total built buildings OR 100% of the existing calculation whichever is less)

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 1:43:59

Originally posted by Symbolic:
You gotta over send jets to get ghost acres

I sent about 40% more than the needed for break, how much more would have been ideal?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 1:45:29

[quote poster=s; 50068; 976399]changeset #18 - guessing your buildings don't overlap.

- All attacks (all types) will have returns capped at 10% of what the attacker has OR 100% of the existing returns (whichever is less) for the following items:
- Buildings
- Tech
- Money
- Food
- Oil
- Each Building/Tech type will be treated separately so if you have 0 of a specific building type built, you won’t gain any built buildings of that building type.
- Land returns for grabbing/nuking will be capped at 10% attacker’s total built buildings OR 100% of the existing calculation whichever is less)


Bingo, that's why, thanks!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 1st 2021, 1:46:47

That mechanic will be reworked for non-clan servers as part of change set 21.

Symbolic Game profile


May 1st 2021, 2:48:55

Was ment for here

Well captain slagpit drove another player/teammate from the game. Why don't you just shut this game down if all you wanna do is drive people away from it. Also no I don't care how much you work on this game

Edited By: Slagpit on May 1st 2021, 3:19:19. Reason: can't say that

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 3:03:10

Celphi :(

Keep in touch buddy!
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


May 1st 2021, 3:31:11

Originally posted by Requiem:
Celphi :(

Keep in touch buddy!

Later dude :(

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 3:34:08

That's unfortunate, he's one of my favorite dudes 😣
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 1st 2021, 3:56:58

*goes to change all passwords again

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 11:21:53

Yes Gallery abc123 is a bad password!
- Premium Patron Member

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


May 1st 2021, 11:42:47

do we have a revolt on our hands again?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 1st 2021, 11:46:06

I am of the opinion that if you need a "70k-80k" techer in express to explain why techer is overpowered, you need some time off to sharpen your arguementation. I didn't see what else went on tho.

Beyond that the regular stocking time for techers is about nowish, maybe from 12 hours ago and 24 hours forward. Right now it looks like tech is selling in volumes worthy of a stocking techer only around $3k which indeed is good income of around 1.5x that of a rep casher at the same acreage. This set is looking stronger for techer than last set but we still dont know how hard techs crash today with the new stocking algo that the tech buying bots have.

And it goes without saying that if a teching techer don't make by far more per acre than all other strats it is beyond useless, as all those strats have their income while grabbing/exploring, spying, building, recalling or placing stuff on the market. As a casher/indy/farmer I stock at 35-50k acres while as a techer I stock around 20k acres. So the income absolutely has to be higher per acre on a techer to be worth playing.
People seem to forget that techer was the 4th best strat last set, far worse than farmer, casher and indy. Now we have higher tech prices because people respond to that and because Slag increased the bots to 60. Maybe it is balanced now, who knows?

We still have not seen an endgame with this bot code from tech prices such as these.
We have not seen endgame with 60 bots yet.
We we do not know what the food market will do, for many reasons.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 1st 2021, 14:21:04

Originally posted by Requiem:
Yes Gallery abc123 is a bad password!

Marshal! You came out of hiding!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 14:43:44

Sorry, iPhone doesn't like your name, galleri!

Blame Steve Jobs.
- Premium Patron Member

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 1st 2021, 14:44:47

Originally posted by Requiem:
Sorry, iPhone doesn't like your name, galleri!

Blame Steve Jobs.

Banning Steve Jobs now! :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 15:08:53

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I've looked at the new code and in relation to the old code.

Can you clarify what 'code' you are looking at?
- Premium Patron Member

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 1st 2021, 15:34:45

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I've looked at the new code and in relation to the old code.

Can you clarify what 'code' you are looking at?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 15:42:44

Thanks slag!
- Premium Patron Member

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 1st 2021, 15:43:41

I would like to remind everyone that this is a thread to discuss the current round of Express. Please stay on topic and let's have a good round. Thank you.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 19:08:18

My argument for removing SS and adding one more PS is that there would be more land to go around, my last couple bot grabs shows how much better the returns are when bots aren't DR to fluffs by SS.

2021-05-01 19:01:56 PS Exotic Terrane of Siletzia (#17) The Protectors from Suktar (#62) 513A (620A)

2021-05-01 19:01:00 PS Exotic Terrane of Siletzia (#17) The Protectors from Suktar (#62) 671A (854A)

VS deep DR....

2021-05-01 18:56:59 PS Exotic Terrane of Siletzia (#17) Capt Joe Davis (#41) 123A (129A)
2021-05-01 18:55:33 PS Exotic Terrane of Siletzia (#17) Dakamon (#67) 236A (290A)

I still haven't heard why not do this.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 1st 2021, 19:19:23

There is already an all-PS server.

The DR formula is the problem. One hit per 2 hours on a bot will yeild LESS land than one hit per 3 hours. That is right; more hits will give less land, in the long run.
This is a flaw that I believe stems from the mehul days. But it is much more problematic than what makes KoH want to adress one of the minor symptoms of it.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 19:28:37

A minor big issue that only allows people that have time to camp to exploit, and there isn't a all PS server, if you're referring to Primary or Tournament the reason is that there's not bots there and humans will rape you if you SS them to fluffs.

Edited By: KoHeartsGPA on May 1st 2021, 19:31:17
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 1st 2021, 19:35:30

Whats camping? We don't camp anymore... its not worth it. I already explained you why; the reset only removes ~12.5% of the original DR. That is the only part you can camp, the other 87.5% of the original DR drops off smoothly over 24 hours. You can't camp that part.

You could also camp I guess when the bots explore, which would be decently fruitful for a few hours in the early game when the bots can double in land over a login, but certainly not for the rest of the reset when we are talking about bots exploring from 10500-11200 acres in a login; that is not worth camping for...

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 19:45:48

You will be able to camp when bots retal and kindly remove their DR.

But KOH, you will never be able to compete with people who are willing to do the things and spend the time necessary to min-max every turn of the set to the best of their ability. You can always grab real players too and take their land and make them work to get it back; that is reasonable and - completely within the rules and spirit of the game. If you disagree, you are wrong.

Everyone has different goals for their 24 hours they get in a day, and some choose to invest more of it in EE... Do I need to continue here? I know you follow.
- Premium Patron Member

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 19:47:14

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Whats camping? We don't camp anymore... its not worth it. I already explained you why; the reset only removes ~12.5% of the original DR. That is the only part you can camp, the other 87.5% of the original DR drops off smoothly over 24 hours. You can't camp that part.

You could also camp I guess when the bots explore, which would be decently fruitful for a few hours in the early game when the bots can double in land over a login, but certainly not for the rest of the reset when we are talking about bots exploring from 10500-11200 acres in a login; that is not worth camping for...

Bots are being SS to fluffs like clockwork and your argument is "nobody camps anymore" all while you at the same time just admitted to the benefits of camping...

/head explodes

This server is turning into 1a without the tags, casual players have 0 chance of competing with people that camp to exploit flaws, that's my point.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2021, 19:53:02

Originally posted by Requiem:
You will be able to camp when bots retal and kindly remove their DR.

But KOH, you will never be able to compete with people who are willing to do the things and spend the time necessary to min-max every turn of the set to the best of their ability. You can always grab real players too and take their land and make them work to get it back; that is reasonable and - completely within the rules and spirit of the game. If you disagree, you are wrong.

Everyone has different goals for their 24 hours they get in a day, and some choose to invest more of it in EE... Do I need to continue here? I know you follow.

Yeah I agree with this, and I'm not bashing on people that have the time and dedication to the game, I'm just offering an opinion on the direction this server has taken and I don't see it attracting more players, especially new ones that don't know the mechanics of it, I always look at this in the shoes of a new player, the point is to attract people, right?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!