
Ratski Game profile


Nov 22nd 2021, 19:14:32

Got Residents & Business up to 152% by buying it

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 22nd 2021, 19:19:39

3.25m / turn cashing should be doable on like 6k acres. Not with that many spies I guess. But then again, why do you need 500k spies if you are grabbing bots and then cashing turns and only on 22k acres?

I conclude that you had way too little tech, too many spies and probably too many tanks/troops too early.
Having oil rigs and labs at all is ofc also terribly inefficient, but its not like the idea of specializing will finally get through to you after all this time...

The reason you fell in ranks in the end is because everyone, including bots, stockpile cash and/or food and destock it last few hours. There should be no reason not to pass 25m NW given that the bots do almost that while being all-xp and not being optimized to achieve the highest NW they could.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2021, 22:02:10

Originally posted by Ratski:
I played cashier on a Theocracy Dropped labs oil rig, and indies after I had 500.000 k spies. and bought bushels and oil. and was making 2 million a turn cashing and used the money to buy military and tech on res and business, and pushed my money up to 3.250000 per turn, cashing. and still dropped the last day to 69th place with 20K worth land. When I first started playing 20.000 acres was enough to make the top ten, not anymore. I made 104 attacks, barely got to 22.000 acres, Theocracy's don't seem to take a lot on land grabs. And no I was not running a rain bow.

When you say "dropped" does that mean you razed captured labs or built them, waited till the end?
Enterprise 10700
Resident 10700
Industrial 350
Construction 250

How close to that build?

Ratski Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 0:55:45

I had 8000 Enterprise & Residents I dropped indies to 5 and gained 256.MB's some how I don't remember building them. I still had 2900 farms,I was going to destroy but I fell asleep at the end of the set. One more thing I was building at 105 at turn, so even if I got ab'ed I still could build at 93 per

Edited By: Ratski on Nov 23rd 2021, 1:36:01
See Original Post

currydubs Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 2:40:54

Originally posted by Ratski:
I had 8000 Enterprise & Residents I dropped indies to 5 and gained 256.MB's some how I don't remember building them. I still had 2900 farms,I was going to destroy but I fell asleep at the end of the set. One more thing I was building at 105 at turn, so even if I got ab'ed I still could build at 93 per

And you say you're not running a your head that hollow?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2021, 4:08:25

Originally posted by currydubs:
Originally posted by Ratski:
I had 8000 Enterprise & Residents I dropped indies to 5 and gained 256.MB's some how I don't remember building them. I still had 2900 farms,I was going to destroy but I fell asleep at the end of the set. One more thing I was building at 105 at turn, so even if I got ab'ed I still could build at 93 per

And you say you're not running a your head that hollow?

Yes, yes it is.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Ratski Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 6:31:58

There is no blue print how to play to this frustrating game. The last set I tried to stay with the cashier and bought the tech and the military, I can't buy spies so I make a lot of them. I look at the bots banks money take it for fast cash, before hitting them to have the money to build after I hit them no need to sell oil or bushes, and besides I was losing 8 to 9 thousand bushels a turn, so I bought a million or so bushels, and kept a close eye on that account, I hate cash, and bushel shortages are costly. And oil I tried to stock it, but moving 3 to 4 million units, a hit, eats it fast even hitting bots.

Edited By: Ratski on Nov 23rd 2021, 7:05:39
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2021, 6:39:05

Originally posted by Ratski:
There is no blue print how to play to this frustrating game. The last set I tried to stay with the cashier and bought the tech and the military, I can't buy spies so I make a lot of them. I lock on the bots banks money and take it for fast cash, before hitting them to have the money to build after I hit them no need to sell oil bushes, and besides I was losing 8 to 9 thousand bushels a turn, so I bought a million or so bushels, and kept a close eye on that account, I hate the shortages. It's costly , and oil I tried to stock it, but moving 3 to 4 million units, a hit, eats it fast.

If you keep playing rainbows you'll never win, ever, even the bots finish better than you, but go ahead, continue to ignore sound advice.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

NitelL Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 14:33:53

Originally posted by Ratski:
There is no blue print how to play to this frustrating game. The last set I tried to stay with the cashier and bought the tech and the military, I can't buy spies so I make a lot of them. I look at the bots banks money take it for fast cash, before hitting them to have the money to build after I hit them no need to sell oil or bushes, and besides I was losing 8 to 9 thousand bushels a turn, so I bought a million or so bushels, and kept a close eye on that account, I hate cash, and bushel shortages are costly. And oil I tried to stock it, but moving 3 to 4 million units, a hit, eats it fast even hitting bots.

Here's a blueprint, try it for one set.

This was written for tourney 10+ years ago (which has roughly the same number of turns as Express today), and posted on Strategy Room. Looking at finishes from last couple of resets, this will get you top 10 with just all-x, and this isn't even the best way to play all-x techer, nor all-x on this server today.

Sell 100 troops and 100 Bushels.
Change tax rate to 35%.
Set production to 100% Turrets.
Government remains at Monarchy.

Build 20 CS (10 bpt)
Build 100 Farms
Explore whenever possible
Sell food on private market whenever possible
Build 20 CS (15 bpt)
Sell all food

Change Government to Theocracy (21 bpt)

Build 500 ICs
Explore when necessary.
Sell food whenever possible.

Note: If you can't build all 500, build CS 1 at a time and sell food every turn until you can build 1 full bpt of ICs. Stop at 500 ICs.

Build 140 CS (70bpt)
Explore and build ICs to 2k acres

Store turns
Batch explore to 3k acres
Build land as ICs

Store turns
Batch Explore to 6k acres
Build barren land as Labs
Convert the 3k ICs to labs 1 turn of building at a time

At this point, its day 9 and you should now be a fully converted 6k acre techer. From now to day 24, tech all your turns. You can sell once or twice a day. If possible, remember to get the 3 turn bonus twice if you double sell. If not, just get the 6 turn bonus and sell once a day.

What to tech:
Bus/Res - Sells well, and gives you positive income
Agri/Indy - Sells for even higher, but has no effect on your country
Military - Sells the highest towards the end of the set.

On day 24, you should have teched a total of ~1,260,000 tech points. Sell as many tech points as you can but leave 60k military tech untouched. The 1.2m tech points would translate to ~4.2b cash. Since you can only hold 2b on hand at any one time, the rest of that stockpile has to be stored in bushels. So buy food while its price is still low.

You should now start converting to full MBR. Destroy all your labs at one go, and rebuild them as Military Bases. This conversion will cost you ~$130m and take ~85 turns. You would thus be left with ~4b to destock with. Since you started conversion on the 24th, you should be done by the 25th.

With 60k Mil tech, a 6k acres MBR would destock at $180/nw. On a 30 day set, you have 5 days of market replenishment left (from 26th-30th). Buyout your private market entirely, and logout with an empty private market. Login the next day and buyout the whole private market again. Remember to always logout with an empty private market to allow for maximum market replenishment. Just repeat this daily until the 30th. You should be able to spend 2.65b on your private market, which would translate to 14.7m nw. Since you started with ~4b, you still need to spend the remaining 1.35b on the public market. I suggest you spend this on day 26 while public market prices are still low.

As half of your stock is in bushels, remember to sell them so you login with 2b again the day after you blow your first 2b.

=Your finishing nw=
Start with 1-2m nw
Blowing 2.65b off private @$180/nw = 14.7m nw
Blowing 1.35b off public @$265/nw ($150 turrets) = 5.1m
Total finishing nw = ~21-22m nw

This strat was detailed without reselling. If you manage to make additional profits from reselling military on the last few days, you might end up with an additional 1-2m nw, giving you ~23m nw or possibly more.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 16:18:24

Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 23rd 2021, 17:16:14

It's not that complex.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Disl Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 18:17:22


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2021, 18:18:23

Moot advice, it is Ratski....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

NitelL Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 19:58:53

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.

All x theo techer, with MB destock.

It shows him the overall arch/blueprint - grow, stock, destock. 3 phases. Step by step.

Ratski Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 20:21:03

NiteiL That strategy is great for Alliances or tournament because they are long term play. But on Express ? I am not so sure . I build CS to get to 50 bpt and farms and industry's in the beginning of the set, of express, I don't change The manage setting for at least 50 turns, and build spies and turrets on manage to 25, 75, sell turrets as needed, and save the bushels, tell I pick a government to explore with I like Republics because I can get 54 acres per turn, but I am not sure how to best build that one yet, and commies , I like the fast military growth But I still don't know how best to play this one ether.

Tmac Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 20:46:48

Ratski is the man! Good read =)

ddog Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 20:57:14


NitelL Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 21:15:30

Originally posted by Ratski:
NiteiL That strategy is great for Alliances or tournament because they are long term play. But on Express ? I am not so sure . I build CS to get to 50 bpt and farms and industry's in the beginning of the set, of express, I don't change The manage setting for at least 50 turns, and build spies and turrets on manage to 25, 75, sell turrets as needed, and save the bushels, tell I pick a government to explore with I like Republics because I can get 54 acres per turn, but I am not sure how to best build that one yet, and commies , I like the fast military growth But I still don't know how best to play this one ether.

I've played that strat in Express the first set I returned, and it landed at 22m (exactly as written and expected). Tourney has the same number of turns as Express - in fact, Express might be about 100 turns LONGER than tourney.

The clear thing about it, since you asked for a blueprint, is to follow that pattern - 1) grow, 2) stockpile cash/food, 3) destock/spend it.

If you follow that guide, turn by turn, you will finish higher than you've ever finished by double the nw.

Ratski Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 22:54:58

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.
My last Theocracy Government, I cashed and At over 3 million and went nuts buying Res/ Indy I bought up to 152.000 on both And I had no labs no oil. I was not selling anything ether, didn't need to my spies could steal up to 7 million from the bots and investing in the tech market started incensing the cash flow and I capped the spies at 500K and destroyed indy's down to 5 buildings and rebuild as Res / enter, and I had 256 MB's, and I still had 2800 farms, and was losing 9.000 bushels,a turn, I was ready to dump all the farms too !
So if I want to do farmer I should run a fascism gov, and sell on the open market oil and bushels ?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 23:10:18

Originally posted by NitelL:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.

All x theo techer, with MB destock.

It shows him the overall arch/blueprint - grow, stock, destock. 3 phases. Step by step.

He is still struggling with building for strategy. To successfully convert from labs to military bases takes lots of cash and careful planning. I'm leaning towards farmer for ratski because it's the easiest strat in express since we have bot farms. He can get 20k+ acres it seems. Shop for AG and mil tech and stash surplus. Baby steps.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 23rd 2021, 23:30:23

Originally posted by Ratski:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Yeah no. You gave him one of the most complex strats. MBR?

Go farmer. Grab, grab, grab. Buy Agri and mil tech. Store food on market. Sell on private to buy military and oil.
Farmer for you. Then try techer/Casher.
My last Theocracy Government, I cashed and At over 3 million and went nuts buying Res/ Indy I bought up to 152.000 on both And I had no labs no oil. I was not selling anything ether, didn't need to my spies could steal up to 7 million from the bots and investing in the tech market started incensing the cash flow and I capped the spies at 500K and destroyed indy's down to 5 buildings and rebuild as Res / enter, and I had 256 MB's, and I still had 2800 farms, and was losing 9.000 bushels,a turn, I was ready to dump all the farms too !
So if I want to do farmer I should run a fascism gov, and sell on the open market oil and bushels ?

If you are ok with grabbing bots use Fascism or Tyr to get more land/less turns. Dictator gets you more shadow acres but the building loss can cost you more turns. If you want all-x there is a theory that Republic is good for exploring bonus.

Food you can sell on public if it gets crazy. If you get high mil tech the food sells for $38 on private market ($39 if Dem). So buying Agri and mil tech will get you more profit (without tax) on the PM. Spend what you need for military and building. Store excess bushels on the market @99+. Keep adding to that "stock". Save as much as you can. When you notice other player double in NW they are usually spending that stock. From here you buy out pm and wait for it to refill. You can sell if there's profit but don't sell more than you can buy back from pm. 500k spies is heavy. It just chews a massive hole in your food and adds to expenses. Buy spy tech if you want a boost.

Edit: Don't mix n match farms/oil rigs, oiler is a separate strat. Build some rigs for attacks or buy oil. Majority of your build is farms.

Second breakfast: Top players will convert to Theo during this destock phase, but food drops to $28 on pm, so you depend on public sales. Careful with this strategy.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 23rd 2021, 23:39:32
See Original Post

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2021, 23:53:04

Go Tyranny techer, 66 BPT, grab bots and build labs until about turn 1050 - 1100, at maybe 20 - 25k acres. Then tech all your turns on bus/ res and Ag and sell it, and stock bushels for a day or two. Last time I did this I had 300m bushels stocked. I keep grabbing some techer bots with 4 or 5 PS's every 4 hours when I'm around, just keeping the buildings (labs) and dropping the empty land. You get a lot of cash for those hits if you have cash on hand.

Tech prices seem to drop right below $2000 with 30 hours left in the set. I logged off for the night around that time and built up my PM levels until around 12 hours left in the set, then I used my saved turns to tech tons of Mil, to reduce my PM prices. Then I put as much stuff on the market as possible to protect it from the 14% loss for a government change and switched to Monarchy. Sell 150m to 300m bushels on your PM for $38 while you are a Mono. (The PM price for selling bushels as a Theo will be way lower than $38, so watch out!) Then switch to Theocracy, and buy out your PM at the low Theo prices. Keep buying out your PM to the end of the set, and win!

Congrats to currydubs on his win last set!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 24th 2021, 0:06:00

WHAT strategy doesn't matter nearly as much as actually following one and playing it somewhat efficiently.

Ratski keeps getting 20k acres, but with poor techs, a bad mix of buildings and perhaps getting those last acres too late in the set that amounts to very little total income.
One advantage of Nitell's strat is that its all-xp. A player like ratski really needs to focus on those fundamental aspects that he keeps botching instead of on grabbing. Any strat can be all-xp tho.

Due to bad building mix and low techs Ratski makes $200-250 per acre per turn and then a good portion of that goes lost to a badly balanced military... Meanwhile the bots and the sentient players on this server makes $500-700 per turn per acre.

You dont need 500k spies on 20k acres, you might on 60k acres.

I suggest
all-xp, 220cs, republic
get max 500 ICs and stop making spies at 50k spies
Other than that either 100% farms or 50/50 ent/res
Spend all cash on YOUR SPECIFIC income techs every 5 turns until the income techs are 95% maxed
run 0 tanks 0 troops(you dont need them until you break GDI, which you dont as all-xp) enough turrets to not look like the best target on your scores list

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 24th 2021, 0:08:13

If you consistently fail to get 30m NW or more I really don't think you need to grab on this server.

cordycsw Game profile


Nov 24th 2021, 3:11:58

hi bonus

NitelL Game profile


Nov 24th 2021, 21:15:56

I like how the whole community here has made it a project to educate Ratski. Haha

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 24th 2021, 21:25:23

Anyone still here is undaunted by hopelessness.

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


Nov 24th 2021, 22:00:05

this * !

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
So, what strategy are those 50k acre theocracy countries running?

I can understand the first place Communist country was an industrialist

But I don't know about 2nd and 3rd place which were both 50k+ acre theocracy countries

Anyone with insight please let me know,



Having massive land gives you a much larger private market. With Max tech Theo you could buy out for like $2-4 billion cash (depending on acreage) and resell your mil to easy top 10.
I wasn't paying close attention but I think a couple were Tyr->Theo converts. You lose 14% of resources, but all your food is on the market so some buildings and small chunk of mil. Tyr gets you more land/less turns, Theo gets you the best deals (Dem with Max tech is next).

As a side note you will notice smaller top 10's go on a landgrab frenzy shortly before destock. This is to maximize private market.

Edit: If you choose to convert Tyranny to Theo usually works best for teching. As a techer you should be using the absolute minimum turns for grabbing and building. You can finish top 10 Tyr techer, but Express server seems to prefer Theo.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 25th 2021, 0:43:29

Originally posted by NitelL:
I like how the whole community here has made it a project to educate Ratski. Haha

It is more like a case study type of situation 🤷‍♂️

Edited By: KoHeartsGPA on Nov 25th 2021, 0:45:39
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 3:25:02

Originally posted by Gerdler:

I suggest
all-xp, 220cs, republic
get max 500 ICs and stop making spies at 50k spies
Other than that either 100% farms or 50/50 ent/res
Spend all cash on YOUR SPECIFIC income techs every 5 turns until the income techs are 95% maxed
run 0 tanks 0 troops(you dont need them until you break GDI, which you dont as all-xp) enough turrets to not look like the best target on your scores list

There's no way I'm doing anything every 5 turns.. hah

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 27th 2021, 4:31:10

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by Gerdler:

I suggest
all-xp, 220cs, republic
get max 500 ICs and stop making spies at 50k spies
Other than that either 100% farms or 50/50 ent/res
Spend all cash on YOUR SPECIFIC income techs every 5 turns until the income techs are 95% maxed
run 0 tanks 0 troops(you dont need them until you break GDI, which you dont as all-xp) enough turrets to not look like the best target on your scores list

There's no way I'm doing anything every 5 turns.. hah

And why not? hah!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 5:40:01

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Rocky79:

There's no way I'm doing anything every 5 turns.. hah

And why not? hah!

I prefer to spend a hundred or two hundred turns all at once

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 27th 2021, 6:30:12

you can ofc spend a 200 turns at once but if you are a farmer you need to sell food on private every few turns and spend some of the cash on tech perhaps.

Im not saying spend 5 turns, then sell on public market and wait for it to sell. And if you are a casher dont sell at all ofc, just go to the market and buy tech every few turns, just like you would buy food or jets/oil when you need them.

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 7:03:48

You think people are actually going to play a couple turns, and then go switch to the market screen and buy tech, and then repeat that process every couple of turns?

That sounds like a lot of effort for a free text based internet game, especially when it resets every weekend and it seems that no one cares who wins anyway

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 27th 2021, 12:57:13

I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

guochel Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 16:04:21

Originally posted by NitelL:

You should now start converting to full MBR. Destroy all your labs at one go, and rebuild them as Military Bases. This conversion will cost you ~$130m and take ~85 turns. You would thus be left with ~4b to destock with. Since you started conversion on the 24th, you should be done by the 25th.

With 60k Mil tech, a 6k acres MBR would destock at $180/nw. On a 30 day set, you have 5 days of market replenishment left (from 26th-30th). Buyout your private market entirely, and logout with an empty private market. Login the next day and buyout the whole private market again. Remember to always logout with an empty private market to allow for maximum market replenishment. Just repeat this daily until the 30th. You should be able to spend 2.65b on your private market, which would translate to 14.7m nw. Since you started with ~4b, you still need to spend the remaining 1.35b on the public market. I suggest you spend this on day 26 while public market prices are still low.

As half of your stock is in bushels, remember to sell them so you login with 2b again the day after you blow your first 2b.

i don't understand why you would convert to mbr with 2 billion dollars in food stockpiled. when you convert your land into military bases, doesn't that lower the selling price of food in the private market? i thought about doing this in tourney this round, but i decided not to convert to mbr because of this reason

for instance, you convert all your acres to mbr. now, instead of selling bushels on private market at 35 dollars, it's now 29 or 27 dollars even with maximum military tech.

and if you try to convert all your bushels into money prior to converting to mbr, you get a lot of corruption during those 80-200 turns you're using to convert to mbr. because you have 4 billion cash

so why would you convert to mbr if you have 2 billion dollars worth of cash in food stockpiled? (assuming you already have 2 billion dollars of cash in the bank that's not food)

Edited By: guochel on Nov 29th 2021, 6:27:52
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 16:07:59

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

Mods know who the griefer is. Galleri 'Not My Problem™' Supermod won't do anything for some reason. Players get banned on other servers for player abuse, but not this one. He picks and chooses which set to ruin, farms as many countries as possible, then turtles up. I can't tell you how many players have quit this game (many permanently) because of THIS EXACT BEHAVIOR. Do your fluffin job Galleri. Holy fluff what a diversity hire you turned out to be.

Good luck guys. Mars and it's No Mod policy landed on Earth (express/team at least). I do enjoy the challenge, but I witnessed personally as it destroyed Mars2025 and ended that game for all of us. I see the same pattern here, and you guys deserve better. Please retire Galleri Not My Problem™. You are of no use as a mod.

NitelL Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 16:49:43

Originally posted by guochel:
i don't understand why you would convert to mbr with 2 billion dollars in food stockpiled. when you convert your land into military bases, doesn't that lower the selling price of food in the private market? i thought about doing this in tourney this round, but i decided not to convert to mbr because of this reason

for instance, you convert all your acres to mbr. now, instead of selling bushels on private market at 35 dollars, it's now 29 or 27 dollars even with maximum military tech.

and if you try to convert all your bushels into money prior to converting to mbr, you get a lot of corruption during those 80-200 turns you're using to convert to mbr. because you have 4 billion cash

so why would you convert to mbr if you have 2 billion dollars worth of cash in food stockpiled? (assuming you already have 2 billion dollars of cash in the bank that's not food)

You sell the food on public. (: Food on market does not get lost to gov switches or decay.

guochel Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 18:37:43

Originally posted by NitelL:

You sell the food on public. (: Food on market does not get lost to gov switches or decay.

that will never work in tourney. i have 85 million bushels, right now. i can't sell that many on the public market. the buying/demand is not big enough to buy all those bushels from me at 35 dollars per bushel

i guess converting to mbr with stockpiled bushels will never work in tourney

Edited By: guochel on Nov 27th 2021, 19:00:45
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 27th 2021, 19:57:41

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

Mods know who the griefer is. Galleri 'Not My Problem™' Supermod won't do anything for some reason. Players get banned on other servers for player abuse, but not this one. He picks and chooses which set to ruin, farms as many countries as possible, then turtles up. I can't tell you how many players have quit this game (many permanently) because of THIS EXACT BEHAVIOR. Do your fluffin job Galleri. Holy fluff what a diversity hire you turned out to be.

Good luck guys. Mars and it's No Mod policy landed on Earth (express/team at least). I do enjoy the challenge, but I witnessed personally as it destroyed Mars2025 and ended that game for all of us. I see the same pattern here, and you guys deserve better. Please retire Galleri Not My Problem™. You are of no use as a mod.

She can only delete after the fact, if there is any rule broken like collusion, multi or similar. The fact is it's never on her plate except that one time one of these guys offered a trade of land in team server for land on express and thereby suggested collusion ingame and was reported for it... Even that set all the damage was already done when she deleted.

This is on admin/dev/mod boss depending on what action you are suggesting and what is on the table. You have to understand that the mod of a server has a limited set of behaviors to punish and a very limited set of available punishments.
Without knowing what information is available to the mods every reset its very difficult to say if they are doing a bad job or everything they can.

What Galleri could do would be to write out a "Spirit of the server"-post that points out behaviours that are unacceptable and then enforce those rules in this server. Last time this happened(in team server), and even tho the playerbase suggested those rules and agreed with them when they were implemented, the mod who correctly enforced those rules got removed.

00Rosso Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 19:59:14

one day ill be at the top of this game lol

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 23:51:06

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

Mods know who the griefer is. Galleri 'Not My Problem™' Supermod won't do anything for some reason. Players get banned on other servers for player abuse, but not this one. He picks and chooses which set to ruin, farms as many countries as possible, then turtles up. I can't tell you how many players have quit this game (many permanently) because of THIS EXACT BEHAVIOR. Do your fluffin job Galleri. Holy fluff what a diversity hire you turned out to be.

Good luck guys. Mars and it's No Mod policy landed on Earth (express/team at least). I do enjoy the challenge, but I witnessed personally as it destroyed Mars2025 and ended that game for all of us. I see the same pattern here, and you guys deserve better. Please retire Galleri Not My Problem™. You are of no use as a mod.

She can only delete after the fact, if there is any rule broken like collusion, multi or similar. The fact is it's never on her plate except that one time one of these guys offered a trade of land in team server for land on express and thereby suggested collusion ingame and was reported for it... Even that set all the damage was already done when she deleted.

This is on admin/dev/mod boss depending on what action you are suggesting and what is on the table. You have to understand that the mod of a server has a limited set of behaviors to punish and a very limited set of available punishments.
Without knowing what information is available to the mods every reset its very difficult to say if they are doing a bad job or everything they can.

What Galleri could do would be to write out a "Spirit of the server"-post that points out behaviours that are unacceptable and then enforce those rules in this server. Last time this happened(in team server), and even tho the playerbase suggested those rules and agreed with them when they were implemented, the mod who correctly enforced those rules got removed.

Galleri can delete players (same couple) who harm the player base and ruin the experience for MULTIPLE players.
If Galleri is too NMP™ then she can inform another admin who can do the job for her.
It will chip away at the player base, but that only matters to players, which she is not. Nothing affects her personally, so fluff off, NMP.

Edit: A spirit of the server doesn't mean anything if the offending players spent days negotiating with mods to twist rules and escape bans. It's technically not bullfluff, so......... NMP.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 27th 2021, 23:55:46
See Original Post

NitelL Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 13:11:59

Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by NitelL:

You sell the food on public. (: Food on market does not get lost to gov switches or decay.

that will never work in tourney. i have 85 million bushels, right now. i can't sell that many on the public market. the buying/demand is not big enough to buy all those bushels from me at 35 dollars per bushel

i guess converting to mbr with stockpiled bushels will never work in tourney

Probably true given how small tourney is now (2a with 18 players) - this was written 10+ years ago for tourney (2a with 229 players), and since rejoining I've only ever tried this in Express, where it works like a charm. Given this board, it's about Express.

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 14:52:14

Some of you guys are really funny

I also think Galleri should delete people who land grab my countries

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 18:27:34

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Some of you guys are really funny

I also think Galleri should delete people who land grab my countries

You haven't been around long enough to understand. It's a systemic problem. It's the primary cause for loss of talent. It is demoralizing to build a country, competing for top 10, when suddenly some player walks through the ranks doing 10 grabs each. Then turtle up and wall their country. If nobody kills them this will be repeated until they run out of stock and just start random missile strikes. That player specifically created a country with the intent to landfarm for fun, and trash the set for multiple players. They won't make top 10 and had no interest. Only fluffing with other players. The term griefer or suicide, there is a reason.

When you actually learn this game Rocky and get to a point where you can compete for top rank, you will watch as days of work is obliterated and the others around you, just because. Check back and tell us how funny it was.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 18:36:02

Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by NitelL:

You sell the food on public. (: Food on market does not get lost to gov switches or decay.

that will never work in tourney. i have 85 million bushels, right now. i can't sell that many on the public market. the buying/demand is not big enough to buy all those bushels from me at 35 dollars per bushel

i guess converting to mbr with stockpiled bushels will never work in tourney

To be fair this set in tournament has been constant warfare. That mixed with cashers/ rainbows who build farms to offset cost. Not nearly the demand. Can't keep military on market more than 30 minutes though, so it's not a total loss.

guochel Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 21:04:15

Originally posted by g0nz0:

To be fair this set in tournament has been constant warfare. That mixed with cashers/ rainbows who build farms to offset cost. Not nearly the demand. Can't keep military on market more than 30 minutes though, so it's not a total loss.

how do you know that ppl are building farms who aren't farmers??? did you spy on ppl? is this game A?

is that why the food prices have been so low the entire set?

Edited By: guochel on Nov 28th 2021, 21:41:03
See Original Post

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 28th 2021, 22:15:09

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

Mods know who the griefer is. Galleri 'Not My Problem™' Supermod won't do anything for some reason. Players get banned on other servers for player abuse, but not this one. He picks and chooses which set to ruin, farms as many countries as possible, then turtles up. I can't tell you how many players have quit this game (many permanently) because of THIS EXACT BEHAVIOR. Do your fluffin job Galleri. Holy fluff what a diversity hire you turned out to be.

Good luck guys. Mars and it's No Mod policy landed on Earth (express/team at least). I do enjoy the challenge, but I witnessed personally as it destroyed Mars2025 and ended that game for all of us. I see the same pattern here, and you guys deserve better. Please retire Galleri Not My Problem™. You are of no use as a mod.

Is there a reason you still don't understand the rules and what is and isn't deletable? You supposedly have played here for a long time "per you".....
Yet, here you are still having a woe is me victim stance after running proxies.
Hello Kitty Adventure Island is looking for players.

Edit: P.S. "hired" is paid. mods do not get paid in the game.

P.S.S. mods have generally stop playing the game to stay "fair". Prime can't even play at all as a mod boss.

Seriously......what is the issue you have with me? I am the only active and interactive mod with the player base.....
For some reason you think there are several things I should be doing and "apparently" aren't, except they are things I shouldn't be involved in or can't deal with. As for your admin answer..... I suggest you check out bug and suggestions forum.
I can't turn water into wine...

Edited By: galleri on Nov 28th 2021, 23:59:15
See Original Post

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2021, 1:22:00

Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

To be fair this set in tournament has been constant warfare. That mixed with cashers/ rainbows who build farms to offset cost. Not nearly the demand. Can't keep military on market more than 30 minutes though, so it's not a total loss.

how do you know that ppl are building farms who aren't farmers??? did you spy on ppl? is this game A?

is that why the food prices have been so low the entire set?

Spying is a tool, I don't know why you would be puzzled by people spying to get Intel, that's what it's for.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

guochel Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 2:17:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Spying is a tool, I don't know why you would be puzzled by people spying to get Intel, that's what it's for.

i haven't spied once this entire set.