
Jackelope Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 22:33:04

i see that and i completely understand, but he can just call isp and get new IP and come back... over and over again! anyways hes here and i hope he stays legal so we can have some good competition going next round. but im sure everyone will be watching and i hope if a deletion happens it is for good reason.

I hope you play a round Helmet and put your money where yur mouth is and see if you can rank top 10

bakku Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 22:47:32

Originally posted by Jackelope:
i see that and i completely understand, but he can just call isp and get new IP and come back... over and over again! anyways hes here and i hope he stays legal so we can have some good competition going next round. but im sure everyone will be watching and i hope if a deletion happens it is for good reason.

I hope you play a round Helmet and put your money where yur mouth is and see if you can rank top 10

btw, top ten is easy. i could all-explore into the t10 every set

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 23:21:57

talk is cheap... i could do it all day long lil doggy... show me.
Players are all really good out there... its getting interesting.

crest23 Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 23:22:03

2 in a row, NICE!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 23:36:45

Helmets record isnt top 10 every fact look when he didnt join gdi.. 108, 87, 63. Im fairly confident i could accomplish that as well any random player. As well after closer look, it only looks like he did well as farmer or indy... his Dict didnt do good at all... crest would blow him outta the park. as well his demo and rep didnt do good at all... so no, if helmet or you bakku can get a Dict in the top 10 with out the aid of gdi... ill be impressed. but crests 2nd place finish with a Dict is very impressive. all explore techer in the top 10... wouldnt impress anyone..

bakku Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 0:18:58

Originally posted by Jackelope:
Helmets record isnt top 10 every fact look when he didnt join gdi.. 108, 87, 63. Im fairly confident i could accomplish that as well any random player. As well after closer look, it only looks like he did well as farmer or indy... his Dict didnt do good at all... crest would blow him outta the park. as well his demo and rep didnt do good at all... so no, if helmet or you bakku can get a Dict in the top 10 with out the aid of gdi... ill be impressed. but crests 2nd place finish with a Dict is very impressive. all explore techer in the top 10... wouldnt impress anyone..

never realized you were a troll or i wouldn't have bothered to respond earlier. nevermind

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 0:22:17

Originally posted by bakku:
Originally posted by Jackelope:
i see that and i completely understand, but he can just call isp and get new IP and come back... over and over again! anyways hes here and i hope he stays legal so we can have some good competition going next round. but im sure everyone will be watching and i hope if a deletion happens it is for good reason.

I hope you play a round Helmet and put your money where yur mouth is and see if you can rank top 10

btw, top ten is easy. i could all-explore into the t10 every set

Didnt realize you just run around n post unimpressive records and shoot your mouth off and expect everyone to be blown away, I wasnt, just being honest, anyone else out there not blown away??, never mind.

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 30th 2011, 0:42:18
See Original Post

crest23 Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 1:06:59

lol, nice comeback.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 1:54:14

Isn't bakku the guy with the 38 mill NW?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 1:54:39

its not even Helmet posting... its a lacky, running around with all his unimpressive documentation...
pffff... that be the f'n day i run around showing someone elses record.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 1:55:15

he shoulda posted his own record then

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 2:27:57

I'll i have done is try and be a nice guy and mediate... they have just been plain rude, arrogant and condesending.. call me a f'n troll? and if i didnt date back 15yrs they'ld be even more assh0les then they have been. they can go f'k themselves and take there f'n unimpressive documentation wiff em. pfff
PS at least JJ is a nice guy unlike you fu cks
crest and blid excluded too.
And get a grip. Its just a Fu ckn game!!!

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 30th 2011, 2:38:23
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Nov 30th 2011, 3:21:58

you're small time unless you win with an all-x farmer

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 30th 2011, 3:25:33

Originally posted by Jackelope:
I'll i have done is try and be a nice guy and mediate... they have just been plain rude, arrogant and condesending.. call me a f'n troll? and if i didnt date back 15yrs they'ld be even more assh0les then they have been. they can go f'k themselves and take there f'n unimpressive documentation wiff em. pfff
PS at least JJ is a nice guy unlike you fu cks
crest and blid excluded too.
And get a grip. Its just a Fu ckn game!!!

I agree,some people are VERY condesending and HUGE assholes :)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 3:27:15

IMO a suicider is > Cheater. Thats how i view the game. Suicider ruined their own and a few more others set. A cheater ruins every one who play the set.
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 30th 2011, 3:35:35

Originally posted by TNTroXxor:
IMO a suicider is > Cheater. Thats how i view the game. Suicider ruined their own and a few more others set. A cheater ruins every one who play the set.

TNTroXxor....Im speechless,bro! you made me proud!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

trep Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 3:41:33

Originally posted by Jackelope:
he shoulda posted his own record then

He didn't really need to do justify anything he said. Not sure why you're so mad =P


EE Patron

Nov 30th 2011, 3:45:59

Originally posted by TNTroXxor:
IMO a suicider is > Cheater. Thats how i view the game. Suicider ruined their own and a few more others set. A cheater ruins every one who play the set.
Guys I hit for 200A getting 8m jets and 1m turrets and hitting me back for 2000A+, while they then finish 40th or something else cruddy is pretty infuriating... but it's happened enough times now that I'm getting kind of used to it... It's more part of the game than cheating is in any case.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 4:39:46


Heh blid it was an example. I cant think of a better or rather, shorter one lol
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set


EE Patron

Nov 30th 2011, 4:41:15

i thought i was agreeing with you anyway
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 4:44:49

jack's being emotional..

Every one in here only wants 1 thing. And that is a level playing field for all. Nobody is getting any special treatment and every one is trying their best to beat what ever record and try to get to the highest rank in the game.

Bashing a noob like JJ23 doesnt help. But its soothing.
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

bakku Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 6:48:08

Originally posted by Jackelope:
its not even Helmet posting... its a lacky, running around with all his unimpressive documentation...
pffff... that be the f'n day i run around showing someone elses record.

Originally posted by Jackelope:
I'll i have done is try and be a nice guy and mediate... they have just been plain rude, arrogant and condesending.. call me a f'n troll? and if i didnt date back 15yrs they'ld be even more assh0les then they have been. they can go f'k themselves and take there f'n unimpressive documentation wiff em. pfff
PS at least JJ is a nice guy unlike you fu cks
crest and blid excluded too.
And get a grip. Its just a Fu ckn game!!!

you're the one running around spouting off about everything and everyone. i called you a troll because you're acting like one.

you say "I hope you play a round Helmet and put your money where yur mouth is and see if you can rank top 10"

so i post a link to his game profile showing you he's finished t10 many times. you then post some nonsense about being unimpressed because he joined gdi and something about unimpressive documentation (which you asked for). that's trollish behavior

also, helmet never bragged about his results. all he said is that t10 in express is easy, which it is.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 8:12:35

helmet said top 10 was easy... no proof of that in his results.
you called me a troll.. I called you a lacky, cause youre acting like one.
again you call me a troll and im going to let that slide...
all i said was,"I hope you play a round Helmet and put your money where yur mouth is and see if you can rank top 10"
I dont believe thats an insult of any kind.

Look bakku, please dont condesend, belittle or insult me and think youre some kinda cyber tough guy. Just because you've been around here for longer than most doesnt make you special and doesnt give you the right to condesend to anyone.

I didnt ask for "impressive documentation" i asked him to play a round. 2 different things.

helmet and you both bragged about how easy a top 10 finish is.. there is no proof of that in his results. IMO

So STFU and show us.... not to be rude but "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"

If you want to continue to throw insults, we can drop back to your level and do that too. your call.

trep Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 8:17:44

wth do you mean there's no proof of that in his results?

nico Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 8:19:03

yeah, obviously proof of several top10s isnt proof in helmet's top... 10s...? i guess jackelope is too busy not listening to learn anything new

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 8:31:44

8 top 10 outta 16 rounds, 6 as CI 2 as a farmer... this does not prove top 10 is easy to do?? hes been playing 14 yrs guys, top 10 isnt easy to do!! whos not listening?
As well, his record isnt that impressive for someone thats been playing this long. hes only strong at CI and mediocre with a farmer. hes not a very well rounded player for the exp he has. IMO

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 30th 2011, 8:39:22
See Original Post

bakku Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 8:48:14

i started typing out a reasonable response and actually got pretty far but realized it was pointless. you're right. t10 is hard, no one can finish t10 easily. it's all a big crapshoot, you win.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 8:59:43

Im so glad, Bakku.
Now say youre sorry for calling me a troll.

bakku Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 9:25:04

Originally posted by Jackelope:
Im so glad, Bakku.
Now say youre sorry for calling me a troll.

i'm sorry i called you a troll. i meant to call you unintelligent and terrible at reading comprehension/logic

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 10:17:53

hmm, Jackelope and JJ23 both begin with a capital j... and Jimmy the Jackass has two capital j's in it. but that would leave me 1 j short of totally combining all of the j's into a decent acronym that covers both Jackelope and JJ23.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 10:34:36

Originally posted by bakku:
Originally posted by Jackelope:
Im so glad, Bakku.
Now say youre sorry for calling me a troll.

i'm sorry i called you a troll. i meant to call you unintelligent and terrible at reading comprehension/logic

Bakku, i momentarily thought you had a brain, but i guess having your head stuck up helmets ass has stopped the air intake and deprived what little brains you had of oxygen. My parents have always taught me not to make fun of retards so im not going to say anything more about you or Dibs... is dibss your brother by chance? kissing cousin?? i could swear there's some kinda relation there..

Warster Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 11:21:57

all of you, if you want to keep up the abuse i'll start editing posts
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 12:12:08

Originally posted by JJ23:
i will rephrase for jacklope by saying, top 10 with CI is brutally easy.

because it is.

and to the moron who called me a newb. haha wow. ive been around the game since you have been in diapers buddy. they have those for adults now bro, its called depend. but knowing you, probably already knew that..

I wouldnt want to take a guess on your age but we could all assume that you're much older than i am from your post. You're THAT old and still have a room mate ?!

So your gf is actually those order-thru-the-phone service right ? You must be one hell of a guy enjoy your life like that. Probably with a fat trust fund cheque every now and then i wish i have those
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

pele Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 12:48:03

I wish I was young again :/

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 13:55:35

Originally posted by JJ23:
somewhere on here i mentioned i havent had a roommate since early this year.. and with the average median home price here being over 600k... do the math.

You didnt have a room mate since early this year ? And yet still get deleted what, 6 times ? And all that while u kept yelling about 'check me and my room mate IP they are different so we not cheaters !' ???

ROFLMAO talk about dense
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 14:29:15

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Typically information about deletions remains private between moderators and players, but if JJ23 is going to make accusations towards the express moderators then I'm going to defend them.

The deleted pair was once again JJ23 and his "roommate". I guess that JJ23 figured that IP matches and cookie matches were flagging him, so he started playing the other country on a laptop/cell phone while playing his main from the same location. That way there wouldn't be any IP or cookie matches.

The roommate only plays while JJ23 is playing and apparently exists to serve JJ23. Shady stuff from this round alone:

-roommate puts JJ in DR and gets farmed by JJ, then they ally up
-roommate does tons of spy ops for JJ, including ally ops and defusing missiles

An example:

-roommate spies country X
-JJ23 grabs X
-roommate grabs X
-JJ23 farms roommate
-roommate GSes JJ23 to put him in DR

This particular example happened over a period of around 20 minutes.

You've been found guilty of cheating three times JJ23. And you never successfully appealed because "you know you're innocent". You're not innocent. The two express mods and the three game admins aren't all plotting against you. The admins of this game like to see players finish well and to push what is possible. The admins hate to see cheaters like JJ23 win. I apologize to the server for not giving moderators the tools to catch this type of cheating earlier.

If you try to cheat again you'll likely be banned from playing the game permanently.

By the way, in case anyone is curious about JJ's amazing records:

56 1 N O I T A N I M O D Y N D I (#58) 27,162 $32,050,000 CG

55 1 RachelsEhhButCarrieUnderwoodsOMG (#23) 19,388 $33,112,000 RG

54 4 Dont Think That I Cant Love You (#33) 11,111 $21,579,764 HG

53 3 Find Out Who Your Friends Are (#40) 11,111 $21,989,900 HG

52 1 Cuz You Should Be My Lady (#33) 18,321 $26,000,000 RG

51 1 Baby Jebal Geuui Soneul Japjima (#29) 16,585 $24,494,000 RG

50 3 Retaling LGs In My Wedding Dress (#54) 10,202 $22,131,450 HG

JJ's roommate didn't play in resets 53 and 54. Amazing how he finishes with 10M NW more when his roommate plays, isn't it?

So it was slag who started the roommate frenzy.. Ok so you didnt like 'him' to be called roommate. So what do you want to call it ? mraFdnaL ? etammooR ?
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Menion Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 15:28:10

*Shakes head* The childishness in this thread is unbelievable. Grow up guys.

Rob Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 17:29:34

I personally found this thread quite entertaining. Dont listen to Menion :p

Pain Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 17:46:21

ever since gregg left we have to find a new way to entertain ourselves.
Your mother is a nice woman

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:31:15

and here we go right back to the F'N beginning... thanx TNT for that repost!!!

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:36:12

lets see 50-53-54 played as a farmer... similar nets.
51-52-55 played as Rep/techer/casher? i would think neways similar nets.
56 as a CI which you think would be easy for someone with exp... so wheres your smoking gun??

Pain Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:40:21

the proof is a fluffin admin flat out said he was cheating. if youre not going to believe something the admins say, then just quit posting. pretty simple.
Your mother is a nice woman

crest23 Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:43:50

Theo farmer? I would think the extra pop in theo govt would eat all his food. He must have been techer. Techer is the one true strat. You cannot have a tech leech there. That could explain why he didn't win? With CI or rep casher it's easier when you have leeches.

Edited By: crest23 on Nov 30th 2011, 19:46:13
See Original Post
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:46:40

omg.. to recap, im no sheep. the mods cant show evidence. I agreed with that and said sorry. but these contiual cheep shots are stupid. they said t10 was easy. i said no its not. we argued about that and then TNT started with JJ again

Rockman Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:49:00

Originally posted by Jackelope:
omg.. to recap, im no sheep. the mods cant show evidence. I agreed with that and said sorry. but these contiual cheep shots are stupid. they said t10 was easy. i said no its not. we argued about that and then TNT started with JJ again

Why do you love JJ23 so much?

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:49:36

Crest i stand corrected. still my point was similar strat similar scores

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 19:50:29

rockman i love you more...
I believe he cheated in the past 2025, i believe that, he said he did... hes not hiding anything. i talked to him hes a nice guy w/brains, hes told me he has no intention of cheating... i believe him. if he gets deleted again... i hope they(mods) have just cause.
why do you all hate so much? forgive and forget... hes here to play and lets hope its a clean game and have some fun, instead of bashing each other.

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 30th 2011, 19:56:34
See Original Post

trep Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 20:12:39

Originally posted by Rob:
I personally found this thread quite entertaining. Dont listen to Menion :p

I have the same sentiments. I've only played Express once as I'm too drunk Fri/Sat nights to play properly, but I like coming here to read these threads recently =P

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 20:22:04

trep, that depends on your strat..

Rockman Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 20:26:55

Originally posted by Jackelope:
rockman i love you more...
I believe he cheated in the past 2025, i believe that, he said he did... hes not hiding anything. i talked to him hes a nice guy w/brains, hes told me he has no intention of cheating... i believe him. if he gets deleted again... i hope they(mods) have just cause.
why do you all hate so much? forgive and forget... hes here to play and lets hope its a clean game and have some fun, instead of bashing each other.

He was caught cheating in EE, not just 2025, and the moderators even explained what JJ23 had done to get himself deleted.

JJ23 is a known liar, if he lied about cheating in the past, and then got caught in his lie, why would you trust him to be telling the truth now?

Are you the person who runs his spy country for him that allows him to be such an awesome LGer, because he magically sends the exact amount needed without spying first, and the missiles of his target magically disappear when he attacks?