
mike Game profile


May 29th 2012, 3:10:59



did you see my country named after you this set?

Pain Feels No Pain?

it died to IMP or NBK, i forget which.

CC SUCKS ASS! we are terrible netters i promise you
Carpe Cerevisi

Pain Game profile


May 29th 2012, 3:12:08

yea im sure it was one of the many that blew up my IRC highlights on several occasions, one of the perks of idling in the public FFA channel :P
Your mother is a nice woman

mike Game profile


May 29th 2012, 3:22:56

bsnake forced me at gunpoint to make them i think
Carpe Cerevisi

SublimeNightmare Game profile


May 29th 2012, 16:41:46

Originally posted by Pain:
Sublime youre a nice guy and all, and maybe you dont deserve it but you choose to play in an alliance that prides itself on basically being douchebags and doing douchebag things. i mean look at your own signature. because of this people are going to enjoy giving the bullfluff right back to you.

obviously youve wronged enough people that you constantly have fluff like this happen, its not like random people just woke up and said "hey that IMP alliance looks like a good one to hate on". maybe you should work on that image.

Since I have been in IMP (about 1 year), the only truly lopsided negative thing I remember was the llaar DOW & Mercs DOW. BTW, the Mercs DOW was much like what other alliances like to do to IMP. But we hit a clan that was already down and it was a non-contest. Focus cleaned us up after that when we were out of stock. Which we properly deserved. But that I could understand.

Being killed by Atlantis and now Canada is extremely frustrating b/c it's not even a real clan. If Focus was pounding our brains in right now at least we would have a target for the next reset.