


Mar 14th 2011, 6:20:07

Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by Rico:
All this fluff they are accusing us of, but it is Sanct that needed to hide under a completely different tag just so the whole server would not kill them oop. Pretty sad.

You can fight a tag that's giving you fluff. You can't fight the entire server. That's just common sense. Go buy some.

Take your own advice, and welcome to Free For All.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks



Mar 14th 2011, 12:58:48

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by EViL:
I suppose my point is if this server is being ruined and having growth troubles then the one that you call home would be ruined and having growth troubles + some.

Excuse us "classic" FFAers for not taking proprietary advice from you folks.

I guess that wasn't clear.

I don't have a "home server". The people who built the game, built the forums, and provide bandwidth so you can play for free are not your enemies. The sooner you realize that there is no competition between 1a and ffa, the better off you will be.

You asked what my point was and you got it. Don't spill tears because you can't accept that your argument regarding this server has holes.

joe2 Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 14:33:22

Someone up there said we though CC sucked at warring, you would be incorrect. I pointed out that there is a reason CC is handing it to IMP in their war. CC is full of guys who know how to war because they've done it forever in 1A and are good at it. MOST of the clans on FFA aren't very good at war. CC is not one of MOST.



Mar 14th 2011, 14:42:20

Not to take away from CC - they were a kickass foe - but they were resorting to lemming us and were killing smaller and smaller each day. In addition, IMP shook the dust off and was making fantastic 30second - 1 minute killruns the past few days on targets that were online and walling. There is just no private market available to most so there's not much you can do, especially if you don't have the turns. IMP had several countries at 15mil and up, a few over 22mil and the whole top half of the clan was over 6-7mil. CC had only a few around 12-13mil. Its not their fault - IMP started with the size advantage and CC did a great job and cutting that in half in just 3-4 days. I'd hate to piss them off and get into a real grudge war with them early.

I'm not sure what news you are following. Either you're angry at IMP and are just spouting out garbage or you're hoping to get a few IMP guys to talk smack about CC's warring ability and hope that they stop killing you as well. I'm not sure which it is, nor do I care that much.

Best of luck with your future in another clan though, joe2.

Kill4Free Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 14:58:53

The war was too early for it to be obvious either way, the unlucky and the non-wallers are the first to go, NW really doesn't matter. To take out the active players takes a lot more effort, and both sides had a lot of that still to do.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

mrford Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 15:37:55

Originally posted by EViL:
Not to take away from CC - they were a kickass foe - but they were resorting to lemming us and were killing smaller and smaller each day. In addition, IMP shook the dust off and was making fantastic 30second - 1 minute killruns the past few days on targets that were online and walling. There is just no private market available to most so there's not much you can do, especially if you don't have the turns. IMP had several countries at 15mil and up, a few over 22mil and the whole top half of the clan was over 6-7mil. CC had only a few around 12-13mil. Its not their fault - IMP started with the size advantage and CC did a great job and cutting that in half in just 3-4 days. I'd hate to piss them off and get into a real grudge war with them early.

I'm not sure what news you are following. Either you're angry at IMP and are just spouting out garbage or you're hoping to get a few IMP guys to talk smack about CC's warring ability and hope that they stop killing you as well. I'm not sure which it is, nor do I care that much.

Best of luck with your future in another clan though, joe2.

we were lemming you because we couldn't break your top 100 at the time of the FS. lemming you is a sign of determination, not weakness IMO. i don't exactly know how you war, but we at CC war to win, and we kill the countries that need to be killed.

the "smaller" countries we were killing were your active countries. When we didn't have a lemming breaker online, we went down the list of # of hits.

deny it or not, you gave a CC member access to your forums for ops on Sanct and he saw your threads. you all were flipping out as you knew you were going to lose that war if something wasn't going to change.

as for 30sec-1min kills while the target was online? lol. i was 3 of those kills and they sire weren't 30 seconds. i walled 400+ defends on every one of those 3 kills when you tried to bull through and i had less than 15 turns on-hand in every one of those 3. Because the market was bare you got me, but they were very easy KRs to wall as i was easily able to chill with my pop below 200 without fear of you rushing me.

Hell, i still have one country alive that ate 857 defends in about 2 hours......

IMP is cool ppl, but i think they are delusional when it comes to war. Look at the decimation of Sanct. CC is the ONLY clan that has killed Sanct members above 15mill NW. WTF? Every other clan in this war has countries 2x more massive than our biggest. and yet we are the only ones killing their tops? its called a lemming run. we can lemming and kill a country in under a minute, and you cant kill a 5mill NW country in the same time? lol
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

joe2 Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 15:48:06

BTW I haven't looked at the CC/IMP stats I was going off of what Ford has said and knowing that the TNW divide wasnt that great between CC and IMP before SancT FS'd I'd say it was farily obvious that he wasn't pulling my leg.

mrford Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 16:17:42

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Mar 14th 2011, 16:48:52

Ford seems to have anger issues. I'm not sure why this ally war was/is so important to him. If it helps him cope better I'm completely fine telling him they were going to win just to get him to breathe a little slower. However, we certainly won't know now.

Originally posted by joe2:
...I was going off of what Ford has said...


Edited By: EViL on Mar 14th 2011, 17:00:51
See Original Post

joe2 Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 17:34:10

I knew someone was going to come back with that :P.

I have no reason to distrust ford, though we may disagree on some key points in this particular affair, he has done nothing to lose my respect.

There are people here who have done that, and others such as yourself EViL who disagree with me, but I have no reason to disrespect you for that.

In short as long as you haven't done something to lose my respect I have no reason not to trust what you say.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 14th 2011, 17:41:24

You haven't poked holes in anything. You're completely clueless.



Mar 14th 2011, 17:43:11

I can't read the future. If I could I would already have several lottery wins and I'd be on a Yacht in the Caribbean with no internet access. I'm just attempting to be objective here.

Will you be playing FFA next round joe2?

joe2 Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 17:52:42

No EViL, It really takes up to much time for me. Only played this set to kill swords, wasn't even playing countries last set. My wife gets mad enough at me for the time I spend playing 1A :P.

Junky Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 21:21:50

It woulda been a fun war nontheless.. we'd of had to lemming your larger countries but, eventually I believe we woulda came out on top :-)
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.