
Kill4Free Game profile


Jul 14th 2024, 18:58:21

Slagpit, I have pretty much mastered buying stuff and reselling using standing orders. Just look at the #1 country for just about any set for the last 3 years. The reason why I do not have standing orders for any of those techs, is because the price has been going down faster then you can sell what you buy. In the last 10 days the price went from around 7500 per unit, to 3k maybe sells. Right now with the price continuing to decline, I lose all the profits I make when the price falls and I have stock on hand.

I can try for Bushels (Didnt have enough cash on hand to work it), however trying to resell all the other stuff with the prices of tech falling faster then I was selling, meant that my cash flow was not good enough to keep a price stable. I threw around 80b into the market to try to stabilise it, but the bots went down a couple times, and each time resulted in the price falling by a large amount. (Player provided tech wasnt selling, and prices fell with no bots to buy. When bots got back on, they started selling at the crashed price).

Even jets which should have been easy to maintain, was difficult as the price hopped around too much, so sometimes I wouldnt be able to resell for days, and the expense of carrying them was as high as the profit.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2024, 20:31:22

I'm taking this set off but it sounds like I'll have a lot to relearn next set.
Just shut up and have another beer

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2024, 10:58:59

I am glad you did or there would be another 30m tech per day that wont sell..

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 16th 2024, 14:44:08

What's the point in being so negative?

Kill4Free Game profile


Jul 16th 2024, 17:05:32

I agree, no sense being negative. Things are just different, which is fun learning a new way to play the system. Agri was the one tech that massively spiked up in sales, which is sort of ironic, seeing how massive of a food shortage we have going on at the moment.

All in all, it is tougher to sell tech atm, with a guaranteed sell price for Agri is at 2300 now. Bus and Res 2750 (2900 sorta sells). Techers did always make too much money before, so I just view this as a bit of a nerf that assists other builds and strats.

If I could request anything, it would be to increase the private market sale price (especially on commies) of turrets. If the price was increased by 50% Indy builds could be a bit more self sufficient passed a certain size.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Jul 19th 2024, 19:51:12

Originally posted by Slagpit:
You should see the following general market trends on a server without any big wars:

1) Tech prices will get very high quickly and will slowly fall over the round
2) Food prices start cheap, will peak in the middle, and will slowly fall for the rest of the round
3) Military prices bottom out in the middle of the round and will rise in the end of the round.

That's just based on how the game is designed. The bots have good fundamentals and follow supply and demand principles when interacting with the public market so that's what you should expect with the latest style of bots.

You guys are saying stuff like the market prices are wrong. If they are wrong then you can resell and make a profit, right? Food is expensive right now because there is high demand. If I forced the bots to sell food for $40 then the public market would be empty of food for any reasonable price. There was $7.3 B spent on troops over the last 24 hours compared to $280 B spent on food. Without any major wars, I would expect food to be very expensive and for military to be very cheap for this time of the round. I'm also told that human players don't often pick CI. Why are low military prices a problem then? I'm also told that farmer is a very common strategy for humans. Why are high food prices a problem then?

For FFA it is very easy to change the number of bots. That is a setting that is specific for each server. It is also possible to change the strategy makeup of the bots. If you guys like to farm rainbows and don't like how the bots "mess up" the market then I can add more rainbows to the server. That's no problem. But so far we aren't communicating that well and I still don't quite understand what the problem is.

I completely missed this post, sorry Slagpit. You are 100% correct that we are failing to communicate, we are just used to a certain trend, and have doubled down on that, as it works with the way FFA was setup. Basically there are a few points on how ffa is played that differs from 1a.

-Wars are short, one side always blindsides another side, and with only a few exceptions, one side is dead after a few thousand missiles. Military prices do not tend to spike unless over brief periods (Usually I am the only one other then bots buying military for most of the sets).
-Most players play techer or oiler/farmer, when you are trying to run a large amount of countries without micromanaging each one, it is a lot easier to run either of the above two. One you just get land, the other you get your land fast and tech. I have done cashers a few times, but techer income is triple typically. Im ok with tech selling for less and other play styles become more useful.
-Prices on market are almost solely controlled by bots as the main supplier, and the main purchaser, so changing anything with bots completely changes everything that we tend to expect. 1a the market is player run, as the bots are all farmed into submission. Most people arent willing to do that with 16 countries. I am damn efficient at it, and I have a tough time.

Ways that this can be improved from both of our perspectives.
-Random PS attacks from bots on player countries. Forces players to keep a minimum amount of defense at all times in every country, also makes military consumed without a war present. If an attack succeeds, perfect, if it fails, no problem, the militaries are consumed either way.
-A higher fluctuation in sell price on stuff the bots put on the market, this will make market crashes a bit slower as prices are more spread out, rather then making a wall at one point.
-Remove decreasing explore rates, with bots being free land, explore is completely useless after around 8k acres, might as well buff it, bring more cash to the table on explore cashers and farmers that FFA players like to run. I would go as far as removing it, and making one of the bonus lines to increasing the rate on top of that. Making it possible to make a super explore country. (Building costs will be the breaking point, but it would be fun to balance that).
-Player run Indys are not very successful passed a certain point, the chance to military expenses helped this, but not by enough. I think that increase private market sell price of turrets will also add to the variety of country styles players will run.

The more valid strats the better, I think everything will balance itself after that. Right now though we need players to run stuff other then techers (And I am guilty of that this set).

As for the statement that a demo can make a lot of money with the current market, the answer is no. Since you made that post, prices have crashed below 2/3 of whatt it was that the time (Which is why no one had SOs up for it). Food I had an SO up for 65 for the last week. Most of the food is put on within $10 of the highest price, but I am not willing to go that high. The cost is high if even one person decides to dump and I would lose money too. Right now I suspect in the main techs bots buy, the production made by players is double the market. The issue isnt the players, it is just the change to the bots, that the players could not possibly predict how it would affect the FFA market, so I suspect a lot of low NW finishes this round.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Jul 26th 2024, 1:43:31

Can you check on the bots Slag, they may be down or just not buying. Stuff isnt moving at all really, but it may just be they reached the limit of what they are buying tech wise atm.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 26th 2024, 3:14:36

They are playing turns. They are less willing to pay high prices for tech as the round winds down because there are fewer turns to play during which the additional tech benefits them.

Kill4Free Game profile


Aug 6th 2024, 19:33:03

The bots stopped working on August 5th, they are down again. Almost no market interactions of any type took place (buying, selling, etc)
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 6th 2024, 21:15:40

Restarted 15 minutes ago

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 15th 2024, 0:14:19

I've updated the bot code and the 20 A bug from last round should be fixed. I'm hoping to add functionality so the bots automatically restart if the script gets stuck but I'm not sure when that will be available.