Jun 29th 2023, 18:53:58
I know who's not playing, it's AI all 16 country's purpled, in FFA, because h attacked RatZilla, Because of my spy attacks in Express, so this was cross server ,based attack based on spy ops? After AI's attack, we communicated in messaging, and AI demanded I give him,Trade msg trade allies to give him military, and cash for spy attacks done Express..lol He nuked Ratzilla, unprovoked in FFA. I didn't retail, I turned it over to my Clan Admin first. As for spy attacks in Express It's part of the game, don't like it to bad. As for my clan Thank you LOC, for covering my back. : AI 's now dead countries. Rank Country Land Networth Spec
63 Pink steel (#2308) 19,157 $6,306,990 T
64 Blue Eagle (#2325) 21,018 $6,251,822 T
65 Purple Fortune (#2310) 19,445 $6,244,076 T
68 Circus Dog (#2321) 20,848 $6,207,205 T
70 Strong Spider (#2318) 19,379 $6,186,640 T
72 Lazy Koala (#2319) 19,720 $6,166,873 T
73 Black Pluto (#2315) 19,863 $6,068,437 T
74 Grey Iron (#2311) 19,017 $6,028,221 T
76 Count Forsaken Adams (#2324) 19,115 $6,001,355 T
78 Tiny Pickles (#2313) 20,605 $5,986,054 T
89 Seagull Jack Ponza (#2320) 19,462 $5,827,010 T
90 Heavy Lion (#2316) 19,430 $5,825,130 T
101 Crunchy Brick (#2314) 22,307 $5,780,995 T
102 Tasty Neptune (#2312) 19,949 $5,780,696 T
111 Blood Thomas Eagle (#2323) 19,513 $5,686,843 T
114 Wealthy Knife (#2322) 19,335 $5,592,647 T