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U know that this won't stop the suiciders, we have had that policy for 8 resets and we get hit every reset
If a one man tag proves themselves to be neutral and not in it to harm the other alliances on the server than let them be?
There are worse things that can happen to an alliance then random suicides. You could have peeps using your tag to suicide from. Giving your FA nightmares and cold sweats at night because they do not know when or where the next Fk'up is coming from. Ultimately jacking with your alliance's ability to pact the next reset and causing a lot of internal strife, because members truly no longer feel safe as other major alliances begin to see your alliance as a potential problem...
Currently I run single because I simply do not have the time to dedicate to an alliance. I am not recruiting at the moment because I also do not have the time to be dealing with a second person screwing with some alliance they have a beef with for their own enjoyment.
If and when I have the time to take on the responsibility for other members then I may start recruiting. If the risk is too high that peeps would use my Tag to suicide from; (been there done that) then I will join an Alliance and gladly give them my time.
Then we have server politics, which at the moment seem to be conducive to bringing and retaining players who like myself may not have the time to dedicate to an alliance. I am hoping this political atmosphere does not change for the worse.