
isnarn Game profile


Jun 25th 2013, 22:31:23

thanks guys. hit me 30+ times then kill me out of the game for retal. no wonder everyone quits. have fun in your empty game.

Twain Game profile


Jun 25th 2013, 23:02:27

In a perfect world this wouldn't happen, but if you were running untagged, you were taking a big risk. As an alliance server, the point of this server is to band together with others. If you're running solo and untagged, it is assumed you're up to no good.

isnarn Game profile


Jun 25th 2013, 23:32:21

there isnt enough people playing to have that kind of attitude

ZIP Game profile


Jun 25th 2013, 23:43:57

sending missiles and Gs are retals ?
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

isnarn Game profile


Jun 25th 2013, 23:53:17

for hitting me 30+ times yeah.

and the 30+ hits where are not because someone thought i was up to no good.

people are still acting like this is old earth were u can farm off the casual players. look around there aren't any.

let me run unlimited countries and i will even things up

texhomastud Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 0:00:46

Originally posted by isnarn:
thanks guys. hit me 30+ times then kill me out of the game for retal. no wonder everyone quits. have fun in your empty game.

Agreed.I used to love this game, not anymore

m0bzta Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 0:09:07

proxies still work the same as the old earth i heard, just a n00b here i know nothing
Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 0:09:55

tag up and announce your intentions. its that simple. if you dont wanna tag up, then you are up to no good.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 0:18:59

i was tagged

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 0:19:31

fluff it iv got nothing better to do atm.

2168 dead

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 1:05:56

i didnt say just tag up, i said tag up and state your intentions. many times someone runs a solo tag and gets pacts and is left alone. you were lazy about it, and are fluffing because you were farmed, then you missile retalled, then you died. it doesnt matter if there are 10,000 players or 10, that chain of events gets you killed every time.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 1:18:52

ok that makes complete sense. get farmed get killed my fault. seems legit.

has nothing to do with tags or intentions stop pretending. they farm and kill people because they can -> team america.

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 1:29:01

false, they farm and kill people because suiciders are everywhere, and suiciders dont announce their intentions. so yes, it is your fault because

a. you didnt announce your intentions and try to get pacts

b. you missile retalled, which gets you killed period.

it is your fault broseph. learn your lesson, and come back the right way. CC has FAed solo tags that respond well to being farmed, and given them DNHs. you know what the difference between them and you are? their reaction.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 1:40:58

so if retaled 30 ss i wouldnt have gotten killed? yeah right stop trying that fluff

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 1:45:40

if you had retalled properly, and made FA contact, you probably wouldnt of gotten killed by CC, yes.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 26th 2013, 1:49:30

That's horsefluff, Ford. You know it too. Assholes like you create the suiciders because you are playing like... well, assholes.

There wouldn't be a suicider problem if there wasn't a preexisting asshole problem.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Angryjesus Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 1:57:35

Originally posted by Cerberus:
That's horsefluff, Ford. You know it too. Assholes like you create the suiciders because you are playing like... well, assholes.

There wouldn't be a suicider problem if there wasn't a preexisting asshole problem.


isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 1:59:14


mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 2:06:31

i havnt been suicided. i havnt been hit all set. im speaking for CC as a whole. i havnt killed anything this set, i havnt made a single hit on countries that arnt my own. go back to your room Cerberus, every time you come out you show everyone how ignorant you really are.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

brandon84 Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 2:18:27

I disagree I don't normally post in the forums but I just so happen to remember an encounter I survived with cc I was a big solo tag I went in the forums posted my clan name and that I wanted to net nobody hit me a lil over half way threw the set a member from cc hit me I retalled then got hit again I had no intention on fighting the biggest clan in the server with my 16 countries so I sent a messege asking to please stop attacking me not only did that country stop but he asked if I needed anything in the future fa or protection I didn't even expect it I even sent a messege saying that easy? yep so cc is ok in my book

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 2:19:44

these fools have no interest in the truth brandon, but thanks for your comments
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Jun 26th 2013, 2:20:52

So mrford; by that logic it's okay for me to suicide on the top clans right? Because while they're tagged; they have not stated their intentions not to randomly kill me for no reason, and as you can see in this thread they've done it before to others.

The logic of "well he might possibly someday be a minor nuisance to me despite the lack of evidence demonstrating that" is insane.

Let's face it; it's not the small one-man tags that are the problem. The problem are the people hiding behind huge tags who purposefully try and screw the little tags. There are people (just hit by one) who load up on military strategy tech, then attack their own country (also loaded on military strategy tech) multiple times. Then then use that country to attack smaller tags so that it's been hit multiple times (thus low gains in a retal) before their attack. That way they can funnel acres to their top countries and make sure that they can't be retalled properly. The guy who hit me didn't bother with defence at all, 0 defence anywhere; because he knows that if I try and take my acres back he can have his clan just kill me off claiming I'm a suicider.

That's what's wrong and that's the problem. This game has slaughtered any attempt at casual gaming. The idea of FFA is supposed to be where you can try out multiple strats; the wiki says "This is a terrific server for newer players wanting to learn about the game"; but in truth, as you pointed out, you must be tagged and have stated your intentions in order to not get farmed and killed; and in order for that to work you need to be known. Me stating that my intentions are to net is useless when I haven't played in years and no one knows me, people will just assume I am a troll waiting to suicide. That would be the same for all new players.

So no, the problem is not that players in one man clans do not actively seek out FAs to get treaties and prove that they are peaceful; the problem is that if you do not do those things that the existing clans will simply wipe you out at any given time.

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 2:26:17

that is a wall of text, but i will say that you are right, it sucks that the large clans have to kill most small tags and untags, but if you have played this game over the last few years, most netting clans get fluffed pretty hard by untagged and solo taged suiciders, so they decided to become proactive. its a what came first, the chicken or the egg, and in this case, the suiciders came first.

it is much simpler for a player to contact the large clans for pacts, than is is for the large clans to sit back and wait to be suicided. you seem to expect the larger clans to accept the suiciders instead of doing something about it.

CC has in fact always been good to most small tags and solo tags, as long as a dialog is established, and the builds are not threatening. the starter of this thread, instead of ingame messaging or asking for a contact here, missiled CC back after getting farmed, so he was killed. no other clan on the server would of reacted differently to that situation.

what you speak of is a much larger and complicated problem

Edited By: mrford on Jun 26th 2013, 2:29:31
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Hammer Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 2:30:26

rpottage1: well said, bro. Your last two paragraphs are right on target. The new players are expected to know the street rules.

isnam: That's the logic on FFA. The larger clans bully the solo countries or smaller clans. In your case, they farmed you, and then killed you because you stood up for yourself by retaliating the most effective way that you could against the larger numbers. Now, you are speaking out on the boards and getting chastised and again by a larger group.

My experience was similar. I played Earth a long time ago, knew it was dead, did not know EE existed until I stumbled upon the site. I created two countries in FFA since it is the only server in which you can run multies, and thought it would be the best place to test my old strategies to see what changes had been made. When the new primary game began, I would be back playing the game I had once loved a long time ago.

My countries were a few weeks old, had not attacked anyone, had no offense, and about 1 mil total nw between the two. Having the whopping 1 mil and no offensive power whatsoever, the largest clan on the server "thought" I was a suicider...a common paranoia on this server... so they killed both countries.

Like you, that was my fault, too, because I was untagged, didn't go to the board and announce know, all the things a new player is supposed to know as soon as he finds the site.

I thought the larger clans would be warring with each other or at least respectful towards a new guy since the clans are typically recruiting. If anyone was going to be a prick, I expected it would be some dude that started late as I did...not a clan of 100+.

I will say that the EE game function is much better than Earth was, and that there are some classy people on the boards and other servers that were not here when I played years ago. But, there is also a new breed of arrogance and group attacking, both in the game and on the boards, that places the game back in the 90's.

So, take note of who did what, wait a reset or two, and become a suicider since that is what they think of you anyway. When they poke fun at you for that, then do it again the next reset. You cannot kill off the 100+ members by yourself, but you can kill a few every damn reset until you get bored with it.

Edited By: Hammer on Jun 26th 2013, 2:49:17
See Original Post



Jun 26th 2013, 2:34:39

Yes, that's true. I'm not speaking about this situation specifically; I only know what's posted here, and things are never as simple as the forums imply so I try not to speak about specific cases.

I was talking about problem in general. My example of the guy hitting me wasn't from CC either; it was SOTA (I'm Hellenic if you were wondering, I like playing solo clans because I'm not on everyday so I don't want to make a big commitment with the chance of wars).

But yeah, it wasn't about this specific case. I have no idea what the timeframe for the hits were. 30 hits in one hour on your top country is different from 30 hits all set across 16 countries (for example).

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 2:39:59

there is a frekin thread on here asking for untags to read, talking about how untags will be killed. read it, and learn from it. this WOE IS ME YOU ARE SO MEAN is a joke. take the 5 min it takes to post on the boards, or read a thread, or in this threads case, contact the clan that farmed you before missiling, i gurantee you CC would of done something to make it right, and you wouldnt of died. there is already one testimony to that here, do you need more?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

brandon84 Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 2:42:14

np mr ford just speaking the truth fa contact has always been better then none and there is no question sending missles will get you killed there is order here as long as you play by the rules which are in every game yea you don't have to state your intentions or tag yourself but do you really want to take that chance? my very first time in ffa server I was exterminated by nbk was kinda funny for no reason at the time I didn't know what was going on so I said there has got to be a better way so I tagged solo stated intentions ran a few sets like that and now in a big clan its been fun

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 4:12:35

again i was tagged. again it had nothing to do with suiciders.
again it was excessive farming which has never been ok. and the idea that i need to post my intentions to defend myself is completely offensive

Stryke Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 4:15:26

rpottage, As far as my tag is concerned, you were only grabbed once by us, for which you've retalled with no further issues beyond that incident.

Also, it was me who's sent you a few recruitment messages in-game, as you look to be doing quite well on your own and wanted to offer you membership as a means to avoid future problems like this.

You will find as with mrford, I am quite reasonable and will actually extend a UNAP or DNH to one-man tags, as I have been there, playing alone in a tag (SOTA was a one-man tag just two sets ago).

As far as making a big commitment, my only requirements are that you come on site once in a while, we like to socialize and get to know our members and if you need help we're always there to offer any assistance. As it is, I have a few who check in once in a while, and a couple of others who loiter in IRC, so we're not demanding 24 hour a day activity here.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff



Jun 26th 2013, 5:04:51

Originally posted by Stryke:
rpottage, As far as my tag is concerned, you were only grabbed once by us, for which you've retalled with no further issues beyond that incident.

Also, it was me who's sent you a few recruitment messages in-game, as you look to be doing quite well on your own and wanted to offer you membership as a means to avoid future problems like this.

You will find as with mrford, I am quite reasonable and will actually extend a UNAP or DNH to one-man tags, as I have been there, playing alone in a tag (SOTA was a one-man tag just two sets ago).

As far as making a big commitment, my only requirements are that you come on site once in a while, we like to socialize and get to know our members and if you need help we're always there to offer any assistance. As it is, I have a few who check in once in a while, and a couple of others who loiter in IRC, so we're not demanding 24 hour a day activity here.
As I said, it was an example of what I'm referring to which is a larger problem with the game in general, not with any one clan or even server. I only pointed out it was a SOTA hit because I didn't want this to seem like an anti-CC thread or my paragraph to be an attack on them; it's not about you guys or anyone. The fact is they've implemented rules recently (at least on the Alliance server and I'm guessing her as well) to depower land-trading because it was being abused.

So it wasn't meant as an attack on SOTA; and in fact I didn't say it was cheating or even an unfair tactic. It's a normal tactic in the game and I know that. What I was saying is that it's an example of how Earth doesn't really provide a place for casual gaming.

Imagine if I had been untagged and retaled by acres rather than 1:1 hits. That would have meant about 4-5 retal hits to get my land back, and no tag. You guys may have messaged me; but I think we can agree that the majority of clans would simply assume I was a suicider and kill me. But a new casual player wouldn't necessarily know to tag up and certainly wouldn't know the retal rules. So I wasn't trying to attack you guys; I was just pointing out one example of how earth doesn't provide a place for new casual players who have no experience here.

So if you thought I was calling SOTA out, I apologize; that wasn't my intention and as I said, I know that's a standard tactic and I'm not trying to focus on any one clan or server but simply talk about the game in general.

kemo Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 5:16:53

Originally posted by isnarn:
again i was tagged. again it had nothing to do with suiciders.
again it was excessive farming which has never been ok. and the idea that i need to post my intentions to defend myself is completely offensive
enjoy repeating the past then retard
all praised to ra

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 5:19:43

Originally posted by isnarn:
again i was tagged. again it had nothing to do with suiciders.
again it was excessive farming which has never been ok. and the idea that i need to post my intentions to defend myself is completely offensive

you retal with missiles and special attacks, you die. you retal with LGs on the countries that grabbed you, you will probably get a DNH because no one likes to lose in landgrabbing. this was YOUR mistake here, not CCs. if you cant see that, then the same thing will keep happening to you.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Stryke Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 5:32:10

rpottage: I am not offended or anything, but my offer still stands for you to join us.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 6:06:29

30 hits isnt a fluffing grab. mfw at the end of a gigantic post u still dont understand it. what the actual fluff man?

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 6:49:00

you see, now i shall start participating in the killing of you because you are just being a difficult douche. have fun dying. i tried to explain it to you, and you just continued to fluff. once again, the fault is your own.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:26:21

your unfluffing believable

Edited By: isnarn on Jun 26th 2013, 7:28:44
See Original Post

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:33:12

seriously your a fluffwit eh. spend a day getting mad at me for not accepting getting farmed. wtf?

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:33:21

u mad bro? i see you got on IRC just to call me a fluffwit, lol. you would be wise to learn from your mistakes, but i see you are not a wise man.

i understand that it is hard for you to understand, but there is a difference between not accepting getting farmed, and suiciding. you suicided. if someone had missiled your countries, would you let them slide? there is such a thing as tag protection, you need to earn it if you wish to play in a small tag. you did not earn it, you responded poorly to a bad situation, you died. i can not spell this out for you any clearer, and you calling me names will not better your situation.

Edited By: mrford on Jun 26th 2013, 7:35:41
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Warster Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:35:15

here are some examples as to why untags get killed most resets

all of the above kills were the same suicider, first reset he hit from a small tag then the next set as untagged the next reset hid within a bigger tag.

go look at the countries that were killed and see who they hit for the reset?? THEMSELVES, no one else, at this point TKO as an alliance barely hit outside of the tag, but for 3 resets in a row our top 10 countries were killed or crippled,

this link is to the reset before all 3 of those kills

we did over 2000 hits outside our tag, 85% of them were on countries from TKO that were detagged and offered up to our members by their owners.

after those 3 resets , suiciding got worse and worse, so the major war tags started killing anything that looked like a suicider. because of this reset -

aLCoHol was TKO's tag that reset, we were hit by 120 untags right out of protection. 2 of the players continued hitting us all reset.

so before you blame the suiciding on the major alliances, maybe you should look at the history of the server. i know most of TKO players would be happy if we never had to waste a single turn on killing stuff, but hey it never works that way.

FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:41:07

yeah i understand that. but the point that iv made so many times it had nothing to do with being untagged or suiciding. i got hit 30 times and when i hit back i got wiped out. thats it end of story no matter how much ford carries on thats all that happened.

i came on here to explain thats why this game is so empty now. and my response was a buch of made up crap about claiming i was untaged and a suicider and when none of that was true they start calling me name? fluffing toxic man

Warster Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:44:46

Jun 24/13 3:39:20 PM SS by (#370) (CC) enders111 (#2231) () 103 A (+36 A)
Jun 24/13 3:39:17 PM SS by (#370) (CC) enders111 (#2231) () 98 A (+53 A)
Jun 24/13 3:39:14 PM SS by (#370) (CC) enders111 (#2231) () 105 A (+107 A)
Jun 24/13 3:39:11 PM SS by (#370) (CC) enders111 (#2231) () 94 A (+138 A)
Jun 24/13 3:39:08 PM SS by (#370) (CC) enders111 (#2231) () 97 A (+140 A)

untagged when CC hit u

Jun 25/13 3:14:00 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 159 C/0 F
Jun 25/13 3:13:59 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 158 C/0 F
Jun 25/13 3:13:58 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 157 C/0 F
Jun 25/13 3:13:58 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 157 C/0 F
Jun 25/13 3:13:57 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 156 C/0 F
Jun 25/13 3:13:57 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 155 C/0 F
Jun 25/13 3:13:56 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 154 C/0 F
Jun 25/13 3:13:55 AM GS enders66 (#2226) () A Rear And Pleasant Danger (#1846) (CC) 149 C/0 F

untagged when you hit CC

do you want me to continue??
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:45:55

like i said, you cant understand the difference between missile retals, and retaling. ask any other clan out there what they would of done, you wont get a single answer different than mine. this is too complicated for you, im sorry. i dont know what else to say.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:48:49

yeah but he wasnt killing me off for suiciding was he? those are land grabs. so pls do go on cus its in no way relevant

like i said earlier ford if i did 30 retals i would have killed of for that as well

Warster Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:50:20

throwing 16 countries against 200+ without declaring war on the forum IS suiciding
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:50:41

any way dont fluffing bother continue with your bull fluff because you have created a suiceder out of me and if its too complicated for you to understand that your in the wrong then i dont know what else to say.

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:50:52

no you wouldnt of. you are a silly man. keep talking in circles, no one here sympathizes with you, because you are a suicider
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:54:02

Originally posted by Warster:
throwing 16 countries against 200+ without declaring war on the forum IS suiciding

so my choice is

get 30+ hits everyday = cant play
retal 30 times = get killed and cant play
take someone out = get killed cant play.

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:55:06

ok what ever ford. doesnt matter how many times you claim that it doesnt change what actually happened.

mrford Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:56:48

lol god you are thick headed, you cant read can you? multiple people have told you what you should of done, and you choose to ignore them. that is fine, that is your choice but you need to stop playing the victim. you are fooling no one.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

isnarn Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 7:58:24

have u read one fluffing thing i have said ford? go back and try again you halfwit