
Tin Man


Oct 17th 2013, 4:03:12

not top feeding or bottom feeding but when you're close in NW 1 retal will guarantee you your land back. Clans should sign grabbing pacts, this game would be so much better =/

Tin Man


Oct 17th 2013, 4:05:22

lol, had to turn the swear filter off to make sure 'fluff' was included. I'm intrigued to go and check out some threads for a comical relief 0.o

Red X Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 4:15:03

Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Rocker Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 6:49:59

It baffles me that people let this game become so fluffing boring compared to what it was 7 years ago.

The lack of new players does not help any.

Twain Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 15:32:02

The amusing thing is that everyone fluffed about land-trading several years back and nothing was done.

Then everyone just accepted it, and even NBK, who was the biggest opponent of land-trading, now is okay with it.

Now they actually keep messing with the formulas to make land-trading less lucrative.

Regardless though, the only way land-trading is going to be taken out of the game is if the game mechanics make it less lucrative than other methods of gaining land. The only way I see to do this is to either remove ghost acres altogether or make significant changes to the amount of ghost acres you get. In which case, you wouldn't have the guarantee of getting your land back.

In fact, I think the original point of having that guarantee is a silly reason to advocate for grabbing anyway. That's actually a better argument for land-trading among one's own countries, since I wouldn't have to waste turns spying targets, adjusting breaks, and checking news to make sure my clan hasn't farmed your clan....

Instead I can just login to two countries, have them hit each other 3 times, and move on.

Dragon Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 15:57:11

There's about 145 players TOPS on this server. Just short of 2300 countries the last time I looked.

60% of those players (roughly 1400 countries) are in the 10 largest tags in terms of membership. Of course, this assumes that every player is running 1600 but for the sake of argument, the numbers are legit.

At first blush, "grabbing pacts" sounds like a decent idea, but it's not a lot different than internal land trading other than that it would take much higher resources to do grabs/retals and lower TNW overall.

The big problem is available targets. If you have 16 countries and want to do 3 grabs a day with each one, that's 48 countries you're going to hit. Now say you have a 10 person clan and ALL are going to do 3 grabs a day. And then multiply THAT by 10 10 person clans.

fluff gets muddy in a hurry. That's 4800 countries a day being hit and 4800 countries a day retaling. Even if you want to argue that this would end up as 2400 attacks and 2400 retals a day, the numbers still don't work out.

Unfortunately, there's only 2300 on the entire server. The math says that all that "exciting grabbing outside the tag" can't be supported by the available country pool. And that assumes so pacts between anyone.

The whole thing devolves into constant warring which is no ore exciting and interesting than constant internal land trading.

At the end of the day, it's a matter of the individual player simply picking his poison:

Boring set after set self-farming, Boring set after set All-Explore or Boring set after set War.

Heston Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 18:48:34

I pick boring set after war. There is at least a chance of an opponent being butthurt so that person can be flamed. That seems to be the popular and only pay off to playing. That is even too predictable. However once in a blue moon an aimless will roll in slobbering all over the place.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Dragon Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 18:55:24

I think I'll make a poll.

Tin Man


Oct 17th 2013, 20:28:15

I'll make a pact, I'll PM it to ya :D

brandon84 Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 20:30:24

I have not been around as long as some of you fossils =) but there are other servers to get beat up on and pillaged raped servers to get double teamed on who do you hit who do you don't hidden alliances in the other servers some may like chaos don't get me wrong it can be fun but I do like the way ffa is set up please do not do anything with the acres kr already suck its not broken don't fix it if anything give us more land so people can get even bigger the bigger everybody gets the more fun it gets but that is just my opinion and don't flame me to bad for saying it just kinda looking in on the situation

Tin Man


Oct 17th 2013, 20:42:43

This would be an agreement signed by both Alliances to allow Standard Strikes and Planned Strikes between them. For the sole reason that land trading with yourself is like sex, a lot more fun with strangers! People would buy that thing called Defense, and the market would be a MILLION times better. Interactions between other countries in the world makes a bit of sense to me =/

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2013, 21:51:18

It least having sex with myself, my diseases don't go anywhere.



Oct 17th 2013, 22:06:22

Originally posted by Jade Penn:
4. Server Generated bot countries some of which attack at random without warning.

^ Love That ^

+Random Godzilla attacks and meteor strikes?

and Better acres(ghost acres)/returnz when hitting outta "Tag"?

"I see with strobelight vision and I'm alwaze in a panic! My only skill is murder and I'm stuck on Automatic!"