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^^ You say that cuz you kept your head. An ear shot has made you a little thoughtful.
If you could view Phole as a terrorist leader, which he is, you could take him out with an air strike or drone launched missile.
For gawd sake, don't let that ear shot make you soft.
Well, you know, I’ve been through a lot, and this was just another test. Some people might get rattled, but not me. It was just a scratch, really, barely missed me. But it sure got people’s attention, didn’t it? Maybe it even helped—who knows? Sometimes, these things bring people together, make them realize what’s at stake. And to the person who did it, I’ll say this: You might have thought you were hurting me, but in the end, you just made me stronger. And stronger means a bigger win. So, thanks for that—biggest win ever!