
HellraZor Game profile


Feb 22nd 2018, 22:01:48

Between this, molestion,bullying,drugs,bad influence s,I say Home School really.

Riddler Game profile


Feb 22nd 2018, 23:04:29

Can we just do away with medicating the masses? Big Pharma is the real killer here

Rasp Game profile


Feb 23rd 2018, 19:15:36

Originally posted by Rasp:
There's many angles of debate on the issue of gun laws but I think there should at the very least be some discussion in raising the legal age of purchasing an AR-style rifle.

If I'm not mistaken, in order to purchase a pistol (from a non-private seller) in Florida, you have to be 21.
Unfortunately, ARs fall into a category of "rifle" which you are allowed to purchase at 18. I don't believe a teenager should be able to purchase an AR style weapon on their own. I would support the idea if they created a new category for ARs and raised the purchasing age, but leave other rifles alone. I grew up in a conservative family and received my first hunting rifle (bolt action) at age 13; however, I am leaning towards the left on this issue.

Ha! Less than one day after I mentioned raising it to 21, the governor is now talking about raising the purchasing age of all firearms.

"Also, we will require all individuals purchasing firearms to be 21 or older. Let me repeat – we will require all individuals purchasing firearms to be 21 or older."
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Heston Game profile


Feb 23rd 2018, 20:00:58

Lots of fluff will be spit balled by the muppets, most of it will be worthless. The rest will be laced with emotional innuendos disparaging guns, gun advocates and owners. With a bunch of nosy cuck holding foreigners putting their two bits of morality down, like we are a bunch of Canadians wanting to be a part of the EU.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

TipDaVampire Game profile


Feb 25th 2018, 1:25:48


Mini Game profile


Feb 25th 2018, 15:35:00

I fail to understand why there is so much adversity around america's gun control laws, yes - i'm not american, i'm Australian.

How is the argument made that people who still want firearms will get them illegally & it wont stop anything? Introducing gun control now will assist future reform and lowering the rate of homicides, mass murders & massacres. Considering that grandfather clauses exist with laws it's not as if everyone who currently owns a gun would have to hand them in for dismantling etc, those owning a weapon prior to reform would still be able to own that/those firearm(s) they already have.

Yes, people who still want to get firearms illegally will be able to do so as the rate of weapons in the U.S that can be obtained illegally is huge & you obviously have more to do with drug cartels, bike gangs, illegal weapon shipments/arms dealers etc. I can understand the fear around the change but saying no to reform of any kind should leave you with the feeling of having blood on your hands, you may not have pulled the trigger but your perpetuating a cycle that results in death and despair. you have an opportunity to change, you should welcome it.

Also; arming teachers - dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's one of the most stressful jobs on the planet, my girlfriends a teacher and comes home some days absolutely fuming, I've pushed teachers to the point they've thrown fluff at me, had mental breakdowns etc - i'm sure if a kid pushed a teacher far enough you won't just see murders & massacres where students are the shooters...

sinistril Game profile


Feb 25th 2018, 16:32:15

Originally posted by Mini:
I fail to understand why there is so much adversity around america's gun control laws, yes - i'm not american, i'm Australian.

How is the argument made that people who still want firearms will get them illegally & it wont stop anything? Introducing gun control now will assist future reform and lowering the rate of homicides, mass murders & massacres. Considering that grandfather clauses exist with laws it's not as if everyone who currently owns a gun would have to hand them in for dismantling etc, those owning a weapon prior to reform would still be able to own that/those firearm(s) they already have.

Yes, people who still want to get firearms illegally will be able to do so as the rate of weapons in the U.S that can be obtained illegally is huge & you obviously have more to do with drug cartels, bike gangs, illegal weapon shipments/arms dealers etc. I can understand the fear around the change but saying no to reform of any kind should leave you with the feeling of having blood on your hands, you may not have pulled the trigger but your perpetuating a cycle that results in death and despair. you have an opportunity to change, you should welcome it.

Also; arming teachers - dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's one of the most stressful jobs on the planet, my girlfriends a teacher and comes home some days absolutely fuming, I've pushed teachers to the point they've thrown fluff at me, had mental breakdowns etc - i'm sure if a kid pushed a teacher far enough you won't just see murders & massacres where students are the shooters...

Bet you wouldn't cause a teacher with a gun to have a mental breakdown Lol
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Heston Game profile


Feb 25th 2018, 17:13:59

Originally posted by Mini:
I fail to understand why there is so much adversity around america's gun control laws, yes - i'm not american, i'm Australian.

How is the argument made that people who still want firearms will get them illegally & it wont stop anything? Introducing gun control now will assist future reform and lowering the rate of homicides, mass murders & massacres. Considering that grandfather clauses exist with laws it's not as if everyone who currently owns a gun would have to hand them in for dismantling etc, those owning a weapon prior to reform would still be able to own that/those firearm(s) they already have.

Yes, people who still want to get firearms illegally will be able to do so as the rate of weapons in the U.S that can be obtained illegally is huge & you obviously have more to do with drug cartels, bike gangs, illegal weapon shipments/arms dealers etc. I can understand the fear around the change but saying no to reform of any kind should leave you with the feeling of having blood on your hands, you may not have pulled the trigger but your perpetuating a cycle that results in death and despair. you have an opportunity to change, you should welcome it.

Also; arming teachers - dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's one of the most stressful jobs on the planet, my girlfriends a teacher and comes home some days absolutely fuming, I've pushed teachers to the point they've thrown fluff at me, had mental breakdowns etc - i'm sure if a kid pushed a teacher far enough you won't just see murders & massacres where students are the shooters...

carrying a firearm is no different than carrying a knife, cell phone, car keys, comb or brush or a fluffing computer.
What's not being said is parents like me send our children to school (high school and university) armed with a pistol. Cause bending over and kissing your ass goodbye isn't an option. Esp with crooked coward police like the officer in Florida. Took cover and stuck his thumb up his ass while kids were being killed.
You enjoy your country, but that fluff won't ever fly over here.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Feb 25th 2018, 17:21:15

In the late 80-early 90s school shootings , stabbings were a daily occurrence in California. When gang fluff started being popular. Kids have it a lot better today. Except I would rather dodge bullets and knives than be taught about the lgbtqp community.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Dissident Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 4:42:52

melt them all down... every gun in america. erase the second amendment.

sinistril Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 5:12:25

How would you collect them? By using more guns? :P Then the government just... relinquishes their own guns? Or keeps a monopoly on violence ;) People trust the government much more than me, I guess.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Heston Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 5:54:03
The left
Any feminist man that doesn't allow me to fluff their wife while they watch is not a feminist.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

damondusk Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 12:59:30

The issue I'll not forget, no matter how loud gun controllers scream, is the MILLIONS of lives that have been lost to zealous gun control. You go ahead and scoff at the notion all day long but I want to ask you this - what makes the lives lost to gun ownership more valuable than those lost to gun control? What makes one child's life snuffed out more tragic than another? I challenge any of you to find me more cases of a gun in the hands of a private citizen killing innocent people than guns in the hands of governments who had disarmed their citizens.......go ahead, I'll wait........yet your plan to save lives is to rinse and repeat the same idea? What's that? Someone was about to point out that those overreaching governments make up a tiny minority of governments and that we cannot possibly expect to base our assessment of threat from our government on the actions of that tiny minority? But you can, however, base your assessment of the threat of gun ownership on the behavior of a tiny minority of gun owners.....
Is the shameless double standard and the idiotic, selective science starting to come into focus here? And to all the Europeans talking about our gun laws - who gives half a fluff what you think? So many of you scream about the US needing to mind it's own business and stay out of foreign affairs, yet you are the first to pipe up with what you want done with our laws. How about you live the values you prescribe to the rest of us. Do I come to your house and criticize your parenting or where you put the plates in the cupboard? I think not.

For a reality check on just how much you control the benevolence of any government, start digging up the mass graves in:
Cambodia, Guatemala, Germany, Russia, Uganda, China and Turkey. You won't find a single gun in one of those graves - they were illegal.

damondusk Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 13:07:00

"saying no to reform of any kind should leave you with the feeling of having blood on your hands, you may not have pulled the trigger but your perpetuating a cycle that results in death and despair. "

You're right - the millions upon millions of gun owners in the US are all inhuman monsters with ice cold blood running through our veins. I gargle the blood of innocent children slain in school house shootings and masturbate to horror films.
Of course, the same logic insists that every time you pull into the McDonalds drive thru, you're personally contributing to every untimely heart attack some chunky 20 year old has ever had.

You can slice it up any way you want but you CANNOT ascribe guilt to one party for the choices and actions of another. Period.

Mini Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 14:03:08

Originally posted by damondusk:
"saying no to reform of any kind should leave you with the feeling of having blood on your hands, you may not have pulled the trigger but your perpetuating a cycle that results in death and despair. "

You're right - the millions upon millions of gun owners in the US are all inhuman monsters with ice cold blood running through our veins. I gargle the blood of innocent children slain in school house shootings and masturbate to horror films.
Of course, the same logic insists that every time you pull into the McDonalds drive thru, you're personally contributing to every untimely heart attack some chunky 20 year old has ever had.

You can slice it up any way you want but you CANNOT ascribe guilt to one party for the choices and actions of another. Period.

How is comparing the personal choice of however millions of people that choose as to what they ingest against those that get shot/killed by psycopaths with the ease of access to guns? Are you trying to make the argument that you'd quite happily make the choice of taking a bullet over being fed a burger? I guarantee you pose that question to most people...they'll choose the burger.

Mini Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 14:13:43

Originally posted by Heston:
In the late 80-early 90s school shootings , stabbings were a daily occurrence in California. When gang fluff started being popular. Kids have it a lot better today. Except I would rather dodge bullets and knives than be taught about the lgbtqp community.

Are youth gangs not a thing in america anymore? (Honest question)

Also; you would honestly rather be a teenager having to worry about guns and knives, as opposed to people that identify as lgbti+?

Originally posted by Heston:

carrying a firearm is no different than carrying a knife, cell phone, car keys, comb or brush or a fluffing computer.
What's not being said is parents like me send our children to school (high school and university) armed with a pistol. Cause bending over and kissing your ass goodbye isn't an option. Esp with crooked coward police like the officer in Florida. Took cover and stuck his thumb up his ass while kids were being killed.
You enjoy your country, but that fluff won't ever fly over here.

Except that it is. Yes, they're all in some form capable of killing people but i haven't heard of someone massacring people with comb. I agree with the police officer, although i haven't read of the findings of the investigation into him.

I honestly have no response to the sending your kids to school with weapons, if they had the opportunity to be the hero and kill a killer are they going to be able to deal with knowing that killed someone? Have you prepared them for that? what if they miss and kill someone innocent? etc. (By no means am i questioning your parenting her Heston)

dragnars Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 14:23:05

damondusk Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 14:26:22

Makes sense because you can exercise the same level of control over a shark as you can over a gun? Is that the takeaway here?

dragnars Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 14:56:42

Makes NO sense because its a joke sigh.....

damondusk Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 15:13:46

Originally posted by Mini:
Originally posted by damondusk:
"saying no to reform of any kind should leave you with the feeling of having blood on your hands, you may not have pulled the trigger but your perpetuating a cycle that results in death and despair. "

You're right - the millions upon millions of gun owners in the US are all inhuman monsters with ice cold blood running through our veins. I gargle the blood of innocent children slain in school house shootings and masturbate to horror films.
Of course, the same logic insists that every time you pull into the McDonalds drive thru, you're personally contributing to every untimely heart attack some chunky 20 year old has ever had.

You can slice it up any way you want but you CANNOT ascribe guilt to one party for the choices and actions of another. Period.

How is comparing the personal choice of however millions of people that choose as to what they ingest against those that get shot/killed by psycopaths with the ease of access to guns? Are you trying to make the argument that you'd quite happily make the choice of taking a bullet over being fed a burger? I guarantee you pose that question to most people...they'll choose the burger.

OK, you didn't really say anything here. You set up a nonsensical compare/contrast straw man that didn't actually bear any resemblance to my own points. I mean, come on - is your reading comprehension really such that you are actually asking whether I prefer eating a bullet to a burger? Or are you using a straw man in lieu of a substantive argument? I'll entertain you, however, as though you had offered me something sensible to work with.

You first leapt WAAAAAY out on a limb to wash the hands of every gun owner in America with the blood of innocent victims of gun violence. Then you turn around and become the voice of reason when I hand you back that same insane blame-shifting logic {but replacing guns with food). It's almost as though you feel like the medicine you offer is good for everyone but you, or good for all polarizing issues except yours.....the bottom line is this - If I assume culpability for mass murders by simply owning and refusing to give up a gun, then how can you possibly not be culpable for the contributions cheeseburgers make to both the mortality rate and public health care costs in the US if/when you spend your money making BIG BURGER CORP filthy rich.....with money, by they way, that they will spend mind boggling amounts of on ad campaigns specifically designed to become embedded in your and your children's' memories. Childhood brainwashing isn't evil at it's core or you just don't care about children? See how ridiculous it gets? Of course you care about children, as do the rest of us....

You talk about gun control as though preventing deaths were the only and/or biggest factor to consider. If this were true, if retention of life trumps all else, then the burger debate becomes more relevant than ever. The number of people killed by guns in this country (especially after you subtract all the good shoots) is straight up laughable compared to impact of the obesity epidemic. If I'm a heartless uncaring bastard for not giving up my gun to save x number of lives, what are you for laughing at the idea of dropping your cheeseburger to save 100 times that many lives? (that number was pure random example, not an actual statistic). Don't get lost on "burger" vs "guns" because there are countless debatable points we could plug in in place of "guns" or "burgers" and the issue would still be the same: personal choice and accountability for those choices. (Someone PLEASE ask me about this later - I actually have some thoughts on middle ground solutions) My point here is that you cannot simply water this issue down to the broadest, most sweeping points and make policy based on those points. There is far more to consider than the face value (see "unintended consequences").

"How is comparing the personal choice of" was the key part of your question and the statement that followed. Personal choices are exactly what we should be comparing and the issues become very similar once we remove the inanimate object from the equation and start to lay blame at the feet of the actors of violence. Gun controllers want only the cops to have guns - good deal! Cops in the US are killing We the People, unarmed I might ad, in record numbers. They have their guns legally and our pile of dead bodies (for the purpose of this discussion) have none. Is the gun to blame here too? I don't hear anyone screaming for gun control when a cop kills an unarmed citizen, instead, you all cry for his head....or his job or freedom or whatever. We demand THE COP be brought up on charges or fired but we don't demand all cops be disarmed. I cannot stress this enough - objects are inanimate and cannot be inherently evil while choices, on the other hand, are the factor that determines evil.
I propose to you that THIS is why so many people bristle at arguments like mine: it forces you to face the fact that YOU are responsible for EVERY choice you make and you will NEVER outrun or escape that fact no matter how carefully you craft your excuse or what object you blame your sins on. Shooters are to blame for shootings.

Edited By: damondusk on Feb 26th 2018, 15:19:05
See Original Post

damondusk Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 15:14:55

Originally posted by dragnars:
Makes NO sense because its a joke sigh.....

I realize it's a joke lol
But it IS a joke at the expense of one side of the debate, is it not?

Heston Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 16:33:28

[quote poster=Mini; 44618; 841696]
Originally posted by Heston:
In the late 80-early 90s school shootings , stabbings were a daily occurrence in California. When gang fluff started being popular. Kids have it a lot better today. Except I would rather dodge bullets and knives than be taught about the lgbtqp community.

Are youth gangs not a thing in america anymore? (Honest question)

Also; you would honestly rather be a teenager having to worry about guns and knives, as opposed to people that identify as lgbti+?[\quote]

Yes if I could choose one to deal with instead
Of both , projectiles and sharps all day every day.

Originally posted by Heston:

carrying a firearm is no different than carrying a knife, cell phone, car keys, comb or brush or a fluffing computer.
What's not being said is parents like me send our children to school (high school and university) armed with a pistol. Cause bending over and kissing your ass goodbye isn't an option. Esp with crooked coward police like the officer in Florida. Took cover and stuck his thumb up his ass while kids were being killed.
You enjoy your country, but that fluff won't ever fly over here.

Except that it is. Yes, they're all in some form capable of killing people but i haven't heard of someone massacring people with comb. I agree with the police officer, although i haven't read of the findings of the investigation into him.

I honestly have no response to the sending your kids to school with weapons, if they had the opportunity to be the hero and kill a killer are they going to be able to deal with knowing that killed someone? Have you prepared them for that? what if they miss and kill someone innocent? etc. (By no means am i questioning your parenting her Heston) [/quote]
Well, how do you deal with being dead? Why be a hero? You imagine a teens stacking up in a school hallway searching to engage a threat and eliminate? Lol I'm glad you have thought it through. Free thinking is paying off.
Turns out several police were on scene listening to kids get shot, not just one. This is because there are a lot of fluffing democratic liberals in law enforcement. Folks that in a draft would go to Canada or Mexico. Folks that believe pacifism is better than a bullet proof vest in a hail storm of bullets.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Feb 26th 2018, 23:35:11

The bright side of this bullfluff thread is nobody is for the mass slaughtering of innocents. A lot of folks would lay down their security and liberty in the hopes to save lives and hold others responsible without having to go down range.
This is very admirable, but not al all logical. Not for the USA, which has a freed slave population, a native population that decimated by people from every country on earth who had been exiled for their homes for a number of reasons, none good. Lastly, a number of countries had to be kicked off the continent by force.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Serpentor Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 5:33:25

I was going to throw in another Canadian comment about what you guys need to do, but really there’s no point. USA is fluffed. Your whole history is fluffed, your future is fluffed. There is just too much fear and hate guiding your economic and racially segregated society that I think you’ve past the point of recovery. The billionaires that own your politicians are making tones of money while prison population continues to grow and everyone is killing each other. Everyone else lives in fear of some impending doom, so better have a gun ready. Oops my retarded step son stole my AR and killed a bunch of kids, oh well, when do I get my gun back, I have a right to defend myself.

It’s not all bad though... it’s a great place to vacation! 👍🏻

The EEVIL Empire

sinistril Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 7:54:01

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Makinso Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 13:46:04

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Ivan:

yeah because your opinion is more important then people being happy

Of course it is. Reminds me of the Rotherham scandal where the reporter almost didn't follow up on the story because he didn't want to upset people. Even Swedish scientists admit that sex changes don't actually treat the underlying conditions that lead to high suicide rates and with "regret" surgeries on the rise and an epidemic level suicide rate maybe the solution is to actually treat the condition rather than messing with hormones etc of younger and younger children who aren't capable of being out of arm's reach of their parents in a supermarket let alone making a life changing decision whose implications they can't even begin to understand.

Also, I'm 100% for any adult that wants to do it to go ahead. I'd cheer on Caitlyn Jenner if she wasn't a murderer. But promoting it for impressionable children instead of treating a very serious condition is where I draw the line. You wouldn't tell a depressed kid the best way to make him less suicidal is to wear a clown costume everywhere. You'd get him the help he needs.

In the Netherlands we have a 77,4% dutch (white) group. That's our demographic.
In the US you have a Dutch 73,6% american (white) group. That's your demographic.

The dutch bigger diversity groups are divided into 6 groups of which 1 group is mentioned as "other"
The US bigger diversity groups are divided into 5 groups of which 1 group is mentioned as "other"

This means are demographic is more diverse and the amount of total "foreign" nationalities is about the same. So how do we have a different demographic sinistril? They are nummerically the same!

sinistril Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 14:02:26

US population is 63.7% white according to the 2010 census (likely even less now). What you on about?
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Heston Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 19:24:50

Not to mention we share a boarder with corrupt, dangerous, poor, crime infested third world fluffholes that we wet nurse billions of dollars.
I think we have painted the USA well here.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Serpentor Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 19:59:22

corrupt, dangerous, poor, crime infested

Sounds like the u.s. to me
The EEVIL Empire

Soviet Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 21:12:47

Originally posted by Heston:
Not to mention we share a boarder with corrupt, dangerous, poor, crime infested third world fluffholes that we wet nurse billions of dollars.
I think we have painted the USA well here.

Originally posted by Serpentor:
corrupt, dangerous, poor, crime infested

Sounds like the u.s. to me

Yeah Canada, Mexico, California, New York to name a few...
Imaginary Numbers

braden Game profile


Feb 27th 2018, 22:09:00

Don't bring canada into that argument. We might skew left (read: them not me. I am right and I am white: and will apologize for neither,) but we are still capitalist, we have laws that our government officials, for the most part, are held to, and you win with the crime if I shoot a teenaged girl downtown I'll spend 4 years in prison, less with time and a half for time served during trial.

Viceroy Game profile


Feb 28th 2018, 1:41:24

This thread has zero business being on AT. Move it or close it.

Edited By: Primeval on Feb 28th 2018, 13:56:51
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Oceana Game profile


Feb 28th 2018, 8:49:17

Till you can find enough people in enough states willing to back changing the second amendment, most arguments to change the laws drastically enough to have any effect will never survive the courts. I could see a change to 21 making it, but not much further, Though I have a problem with the concept of your only a semi adult, Your old enough to carry an M-16 but not an AR??? And how did this thread go off on Gender Identity rant, like that has anything to do with this??

Originally posted by Heston:
The silver lining in California in regards to identity disorders in school is that when you get officially put on paper with one, you lose the ability to serve your country in the military.

Heston It would be a surprise to me to Know California has control over whom The Federal Government allows to serve in US Military.

As to the lets make it more illegal ideas, when I was in High School in New York back in the 70's, I remember someone offering to sell me a 357 Magnum for $50, ( yes it was clear it had been used in a robbery) a legal Magnum went for 7 times that price so being under age anyway if I had really wanted one which do you think I would have bought??? There are already plenty of illegal weapons available and cheaper then legal ones, oh and no paperwork required, so making more illegal wont change much.

Edited By: Oceana on Feb 28th 2018, 9:15:19

Heston Game profile


Feb 28th 2018, 16:56:42

Originally posted by Oceana:
Till you can find enough people in enough states willing to back changing the second amendment, most arguments to change the laws drastically enough to have any effect will never survive the courts. I could see a change to 21 making it, but not much further, Though I have a problem with the concept of your only a semi adult, Your old enough to carry an M-16 but not an AR??? And how did this thread go off on Gender Identity rant, like that has anything to do with this??

Originally posted by Heston:
The silver lining in California in regards to identity disorders in school is that when you get officially put on paper with one, you lose the ability to serve your country in the military.

Heston It would be a surprise to me to Know California has control over whom The Federal Government allows to serve in US Military.

As to the lets make it more illegal ideas, when I was in High School in New York back in the 70's, I remember someone offering to sell me a 357 Magnum for $50, ( yes it was clear it had been used in a robbery) a legal Magnum went for 7 times that price so being under age anyway if I had really wanted one which do you think I would have bought??? There are already plenty of illegal weapons available and cheaper then legal ones, oh and no paperwork required, so making more illegal wont change much.

in cali we still have grades. There are standards to join the military. Gov schools have psychologists and provide services to students . This is record. Mental health and you passing or failing school both determines military service eligibility.
But ya California is a retarded fluffhole.

Edited By: Heston on Feb 28th 2018, 16:59:43
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

major Game profile


Mar 1st 2018, 0:09:29

i am just steady buying a few more guns, and stocking ammo... they can pass any law they like... but there are a lot of hard ass Americans who will not turn over there right to defend against a tyrannical internal government. 2nd amendment.

farmer Game profile


Mar 1st 2018, 1:06:29

the do not have to change the 2nd amendment to affect gun owners they can restrict ammo and other things

Viceroy Game profile


Mar 1st 2018, 3:18:28

If a mod is going to edit my post, I wish they would tell me why. I do not remember the specifics of what I said, and I would like to avoid butting heads with them and their policies in the future.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Heston Game profile


Mar 1st 2018, 4:46:37

You ordered a mod by name to close this thread cuzz it has no business here. If you are prone to bumping turtle heads on political threads on AT , don't read them. ESP when a mod clearly let you know in one form or another your request was heard and passively denied.
More over if you don't even know wtf you posted, how can you fluff about the removed content? Gawd almighty jr.

Edited By: Heston on Mar 1st 2018, 4:48:41
See Original Post
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Mar 1st 2018, 4:47:44

Originally posted by Viceroy:
If a mod is going to edit my post, I wish they would tell me why. I do not remember the specifics of what I said, and I would like to avoid butting heads with them and their policies in the future.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Viceroy Game profile


Mar 1st 2018, 4:52:19

I like how I can talk about masturbation and ejaculation and nobody bats an eye, but as soon as I address a mod specifically, everything gets altered. I apologize for being such an extreme threat to this forum.

I'm done paying attention here. Snowflakes like yourself will no longer need to complain about my ironically off-topic posts in a thread that is itself off-topic.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

sinistril Game profile


Mar 1st 2018, 5:07:05

These threads are healthy for AT. Let's us exchange opinions and keeps the forum alive. If you let the forum die, the game will be soon after. If you don't like it, don't read. Not sure how he's a snowflake when you're the one whining.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 1st 2018, 14:47:28

Originally posted by Viceroy:
If a mod is going to edit my post, I wish they would tell me why. I do not remember the specifics of what I said, and I would like to avoid butting heads with them and their policies in the future.

Originally posted by Viceroy:
.... but as soon as I address a mod specifically, everything gets altered. I apologize for being such an extreme threat to this forum...

I edited your post only because it quoted a person that is perma-banned and his post was deleted. None of your original content was edited. I usually leave notes, but I seem to have forgotten this time.

Originally posted by Heston:

More over if you don't even know wtf you posted, how can you fluff about the removed content?

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 2nd 2018, 16:27:17

The bottom line here is that the agencies tasked to protect the citizenry failed at every step of the incident.

1. The FBI failed to follow up on a verifiable tip, just blew it off.

2. The Broward County Sheriff failed to train his people on what to do during an active shooter scenario, and thus the deputy froze and claimed to be setting up a perimeter while he was busy hiding behind a car outside.

3. There was no plan to organize an evacuation responsibly, and thus the shooter managed to escape the facility.

4. Not too long ago, a couple of murder suspects escaped from the Broward County Jail, if anyone remembers. So, security lapses appear to be common there.

Does anyone dispute those points?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 2nd 2018, 16:28:45

Oh, and let's not forget the school resource officer was armed, right!

He would have done better to turn his weapon over to that coach, who would have instinctively known what to do with it.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Heston Game profile


Mar 2nd 2018, 17:25:39

#2 and #3 the deputies are trained to handle these situations. Their response varies at times. Most of the time they go to a call or near the call and wait for more back up. ESP when there is violence involved in the call. The Supreme Court ruled that police and law enforcement are not obliged to save your live or help you at all. Their bonds and insurance dictate their response. So shareholders and executives enforce the law.
Students were ordered to stay in place after the shooting was confirmed after the fire alarm. Holding students in place at school is the standard everywhere. Imo this move was not done with safety or the best interest of the students and faculty. It was done to minimize damages and costs to insurance companies spreading the burden and liability. They write their own standards and requirements which are obviously very low in attempt to wash their hands of it. Then start blame to everyone in a particular category.

Edited By: Heston on Mar 2nd 2018, 17:30:26
See Original Post
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Rook Game profile


May 6th 2019, 8:35:27

ttt for old GT

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 29th 2019, 4:03:00

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Why is this on AT?

It's not on AT, it's on General Talk.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!