[quote poster=Mini; 44618; 841696]
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In the late 80-early 90s school shootings , stabbings were a daily occurrence in California. When gang fluff started being popular. Kids have it a lot better today. Except I would rather dodge bullets and knives than be taught about the lgbtqp community.
Are youth gangs not a thing in america anymore? (Honest question)
Also; you would honestly rather be a teenager having to worry about guns and knives, as opposed to people that identify as lgbti+?[\quote]
Yes if I could choose one to deal with instead
Of both , projectiles and sharps all day every day.
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carrying a firearm is no different than carrying a knife, cell phone, car keys, comb or brush or a fluffing computer.
What's not being said is parents like me send our children to school (high school and university) armed with a pistol. Cause bending over and kissing your ass goodbye isn't an option. Esp with crooked coward police like the officer in Florida. Took cover and stuck his thumb up his ass while kids were being killed.
You enjoy your country, but that fluff won't ever fly over here.
Except that it is. Yes, they're all in some form capable of killing people but i haven't heard of someone massacring people with comb. I agree with the police officer, although i haven't read of the findings of the investigation into him.
I honestly have no response to the sending your kids to school with weapons, if they had the opportunity to be the hero and kill a killer are they going to be able to deal with knowing that killed someone? Have you prepared them for that? what if they miss and kill someone innocent? etc. (By no means am i questioning your parenting her Heston) [/quote]
Well, how do you deal with being dead? Why be a hero? You imagine a teens stacking up in a school hallway searching to engage a threat and eliminate? Lol I'm glad you have thought it through. Free thinking is paying off.
Turns out several police were on scene listening to kids get shot, not just one. This is because there are a lot of fluffing democratic liberals in law enforcement. Folks that in a draft would go to Canada or Mexico. Folks that believe pacifism is better than a bullet proof vest in a hail storm of bullets.