
Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 19th 2022, 19:17:31

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I wonder how everyone in America feels about USD $5000 per gallon of fuel and USD $10,000 for a carton of eggs

Hyperinflation like this could be on the horizon thanks to the US going full retard with Russian sanctions and losing their status as the world reserve currency

The tv tells me it's transitory. Everything is just fine. What concerns me more is the desperate need to affect true and substantive measures in addressing Climate Change™.
We need to see mandates move forward on vaccinations for children entering the school system and masking while inside closed spaces, like classrooms and gym.
I also think it's imperative that Americans work to improve access to voting rights for minority communities and undocumented citizens of the United States.
These are things that matter to future generations if we truly believe in peace and prosperity. America can be exceptional again. If it can just accept grandpa's colonialists world view followed him to the grave. Make New America a great place to be.

We should also let mentally ill men compete in women’s sports and call it progress