
Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 1:23:34

Congrats to the top players (and Tmac for another resounding win)!

There were some high NW's at the top with a lot of wars in the middle. Game B had some nice finishes too, and given the counts, Game A could be quite large next set allowing for some fun dynamics (and with a number of players who keep the same name on other servers as well).

There were 21 countries in game A the Tournament server.
Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Ippon (#1) 13,780 $47,586,234 HG
2 Reise Reise (#11) 15,404 $33,232,744 HG
3 Big Fish in a Small Poncho (#15) 9837 $28,132,908 HG
4 Tupac Lives (#4) 19,176 $24,906,806 RG
5 ASTRAL (#14) 15,631 $21,970,540 HG
6 GCS (#7) 14,785 $21,574,565 RG
7 ashe (#3) 12,548 $20,453,409 FG
8 Yodal33t (#2) 16,758 $17,193,287 CG
9 Swamp Guardians (#10) 8359 $13,577,095 CG
10 Turd ferguson (#13) 12,401 $8,709,955 CG

There were 58 countries in game B the Tournament server.
Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 p h i l t r e (#5) 18,036 $26,259,624 CG
2 The Aturan Empire (#3) 13,056 $22,212,368 DG
3 BiBiGoN (#14) 7473 $19,112,514 DG
4 Here For A Good Time (#8) 23,125 $16,709,307 FG
5 Sterlitamak (#9) 9919 $13,873,581 HG
6 Skol (#20) 14,311 $13,235,017 RG
7 Casascius (#1) 16,468 $12,906,575 RG
8 xWATARUxMDx (#13) 9979 $11,914,123 HG
9 greasy triple (#10) 8716 $8,786,104 TG
10 Maximus Decimus Meridius (#12) 10,951 $6,147,046 CG

There were 59 countries in game C the Tournament server.
Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Zachelvania (#4) 10,852 $14,007,752 RG
2 Black Hole (#3) 20,208 $12,167,634 FG
3 Liberty Planet (#13) 18,077 $11,987,751 CG
4 Neraka (#12) 13,419 $11,885,244 RG
5 fuk earth empy (#11) 13,023 $9,316,433 HG
6 Grumpy Old Man (#2) 11,187 $9,252,391 RG
7 Not today (#8) 12,835 $7,564,514 CG
8 Fred and Wilma (#5) 16,708 $6,127,219 FG
9 Bot (#7) 11,182 $6,109,098 FG
10 Sam (#6) 12,469 $5,279,302 RG

Game C get your act together =P

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 1:36:01

Nice to see greasy triple in the top ten

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 1:49:13

And Casascius - will the fight continue? Will guochel and Rocky (who sounds like are neither of those players) finally find love, destruction, dead rappers, or whatever the fluff is going on between them in Game A? No one knows, but I'm sure it will be exciting!

Tmac Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 2:20:58

Techer has been good to me =)

Wait, 138 countries? Something doesn't add up, lol.

Fun set, I could barely keep up with the news.

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 2:40:44

Great set Tmac

Your NW is crazy, I was fighting half the set but even if I had played my casher perfectly with no retals against me I wouldn’t have hit 47 mil NW

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 3:20:31

I'm in game C this set lets hope I can survive the madness.
- Premium Patron Member

Anarchist Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 3:30:53

I forgot to log in and finish lol oh well

Mrredmanbhs Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 4:19:59

#1 for the first time ever. Woot woot.

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 4:20:01

Seems like the lower servers with 50+ countries are more fun

Dec 31st 2022, 17:27:25

All these news and only one player above 35m NW. I assume that means grabbing didn't pay off for anyone else?

Very well played. But also if 5-7 players grabbed, and only one passed what can be done with all-xp every round(I assume the 33m NW one is all-xp?), then I gotta question the merit of grabbing. Or perhaps did all those others just straight up botch it? Seems unlikely.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 17:33:23

Grabbing in tourney can be high risk / high reward. I'm honestly not sure if the 33M NW grabbed or not, I know they've made a few hits in previous sets. The 9800 acre 28M NW certainly didn't. The top player grabbed early on and used it smartly to their advantage.

In tourney, there's a lot of benefit in knowing the names and whether they're safe to grab or if they'll make you pay (either with a retal where you lose more than you gain or go straight to war to ruin both of your chances). You also have to keep in mind that even if you get away with a grab one set, they may come after you in a future set.

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 18:11:37

Twisted, do you (or does anyone else) think it is possible to surpass 47 million networth without making land grabs?

You can debate the merits of grabbing all day but if you can’t win without grabbing then you are debating about playing for 2nd or 3rd

When grabbing real players it comes down to luck and experience in knowing who to hit and who not to hit

Simply, when your goal is to achieve a higher networth than what is possible without land grabs you’re going to have to risk making land grabs

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 18:31:48

There is still room in tournament to grab and finish better than all-x, but it comes with its own risks.

I wouldn't ever want to advocate for everyone to just all-x as I feel like that leads to stagnant and very boring gameplay overall.
- Premium Patron Member

Dec 31st 2022, 18:44:18

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Twisted, do you (or does anyone else) think it is possible to surpass 47 million networth without making land grabs?

You can debate the merits of grabbing all day but if you can’t win without grabbing then you are debating about playing for 2nd or 3rd

When grabbing real players it comes down to luck and experience in knowing who to hit and who not to hit

Simply, when your goal is to achieve a higher networth than what is possible without land grabs you’re going to have to risk making land grabs

Do you, or anyone else, think 47m NW is a reasonable expectation for anyone who grabs in tournament?
I assume that was a techer, given it grabbed and had low ending acreage. Not to take anything from Tmac but there is probably a reason(or two) that doesn't happen every reset. It's not only the grabbing that needs to work out but also the tech prices were insanely lucurative last round and Tmac as an all-xp to 9-10k acres would most certainly have finished first with a WIDE margin anyway.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 19:54:30

I don't understand the issue here, are you arguing over semantics? He had a great round and won, leave it at that!

Congrats Tmac!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 20:27:05

I miss the days of the mischievous badger and the burgler king

Dec 31st 2022, 20:41:50

I dont know why you are putting words in my mouth, koheartsgpa. If you follow the discussion it's about grabbing or not, not about Tmac. In my mind, and I could be wrong here I have not played tournament seriously for, well years by now actually, is that most of the people who grabbed last round would have finished higher with all-explore.

Tmac won, and he would have won with all-explore as well because he is clearly adept at running a strong techer, grabbing or not. But everyone else who grabbed, seemed to have lost out on it.

Now if the arguement was that you need to grab to get 45m+ NW i'd be on board with that.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 31st 2022, 21:01:40

I have mostly found that its possible to grab successfully, it just takes a bit more time... and mostly people go about it in a terrible way. I usually to do it when I see an opportunity to and I feel like it. That is far from every round though...
All-explore doesn't win that often even going back, because most of the time one of those all-exp countries have to make a retal or two that often ends up benefitting them... I guess that is up to definition if you would call that all-exp or not haha.

I think I have seen ~35-37m without grabbing/retalling. It's hard to remember and to know which ones didnt grab/retal. I generally seem to have landed more like 28-34m NW a lot tho, as I remember it the variability was mostly how much I overflowed. Getting under 30m NW was either due to overflow, playing the absolute wrong strategy or getting into some kind of war/arms race/suicide situation or a combination thereof.

Anyway thats a very nice NW from Tmac, grats!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 21:20:55

Originally posted by TwistedFirestarter:
I dont know why you are putting words in my mouth, koheartsgpa. If you follow the discussion it's about grabbing or not, not about Tmac. In my mind, and I could be wrong here I have not played tournament seriously for, well years by now actually, is that most of the people who grabbed last round would have finished higher with all-explore.

Tmac won, and he would have won with all-explore as well because he is clearly adept at running a strong techer, grabbing or not. But everyone else who grabbed, seemed to have lost out on it.

Now if the arguement was that you need to grab to get 45m+ NW i'd be on board with that.

My bad, carry on and welcome back 👍
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Tmac Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 21:29:52

I can confirm a 37m nw all x indy on a high military price set. You can push into the 50s with grabbing, but it's not always a realistic goal. I'm all x half the time.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2022, 22:18:51

Every time I play indy the market sucks :p
- Premium Patron Member

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 22:28:50

Originally posted by TwistedFirestarter:
I dont know why you are putting words in my mouth, koheartsgpa. If you follow the discussion it's about grabbing or not, not about Tmac. In my mind, and I could be wrong here I have not played tournament seriously for, well years by now actually, is that most of the people who grabbed last round would have finished higher with all-explore.

Tmac won, and he would have won with all-explore as well because he is clearly adept at running a strong techer, grabbing or not. But everyone else who grabbed, seemed to have lost out on it.

Now if the arguement was that you need to grab to get 45m+ NW i'd be on board with that.

All that I am trying to say is, you can’t say whether we would have finished higher with all explore than we did grabbing because that decision was already made for us. When you see Tmac make great early grabs without much in the way of retals and he jumps out to 13.5k acres very early you know that you have to land grab very well also in order to compete. Those of us who tried were not as lucky this round but that doesn’t mean we should have played for 2nd

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2023, 1:40:46

I'm always playing for second!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2023, 1:54:34

The risk vs rewards for grabbing in this server are next level, your GDI is misleading as fk, it doesn't protect you like in other solo servers, people can missile, AB, GS, BR, black op you without you having to break GDI, I think that's one of the biggest deterrents from grabbing, say you grab me for 300A, I log in....spy you.....see that I can't afford to retal, I'll wait couple days or even weeks to come back to you, however, if I'm not able to retal because I suck then I can wreck you by using other methods, GDI is a joke here and many players don't grab because they know this, there are players that don't care about being grabbed and those are the ones who usually get grabbed.

My observation in this server.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 1st 2023, 1:58:21

I farmed one country and he quit, that’s the perfect scenario for land grabbing being worthwhile

Unfortunately, I also hit another guy who decided to take me to war, luck of the draw

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2023, 2:03:07

If they make GDI like the other solo servers then grabbing and retaling would become normal and prominent IMO.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2023, 23:57:59

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
If they make GDI like the other solo servers then grabbing and retaling would become normal and prominent IMO.

Yes I agree

I especially don’t like the 1/2 net worth restriction

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 4th 2023, 12:07:04

This servers GDI is the standard GDI, how it always worked on all servers before "special GDI" was invented. I agree tho that the special GDI of primary and express is absolutely essential for those servers to be decent, and it would help tournament most likely as well although there will still be a lot of all-xp here because its a short round without bots.

Express is about the same number of turns but people get to 50-70k acres there so grabbing is mandatory for top players. But yeah if anything, special GDI would make a few single-taps and a few 1:1 exchanges happen.

I don't know why 1:1 retals need to be enforced by the game these days tho. It used to be the norm.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2023, 17:31:26

Yeah and imagine if GDI in Primary and Express were like here, it would be open season for suiciders 😁
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 4th 2023, 18:06:04

I suppose it would mean that players would have to play the full game again. For example, I play primary without a very good spal, without sdi, and without tanks and troops

All of these are essential to successful land grabbing in tournament, where I run with a very high spal as well as a good variety of military to deter retals and diffuse missiles

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2023, 18:28:20

You still get some of that in primary if you play as some top players do. They selectively farm people who they feel cannot do anything back and will have to carry SPAL, Tanks, etc., to prevent them from being special attacked.

It is lame to be suicided for little or no reason, but it also makes it more interesting to have that possibility open simultaneously. There are lots of ways to mitigate the impact of such an aggressive player. Maybe instead of preventing special attacks outright, the damage done by them could be tweaked not to be so devastating so that we would not eliminate parts of the game that has been around since day one.

Not an easy problem to solve with such a small player base remaining.

- Premium Patron Member

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 4th 2023, 19:07:32

I think the top primary players still typically play with 0 tanks and 0 troops, and 0 sdi

Mostly they just farm players right at the humanitarian range and use the game rules as defence

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2023, 19:34:51

I've spied a couple of them, and they had some, but yeah, the humans jumping is also a tactic used later in the game. Which I am not a fan of.

Edited By: Requiem on Jan 4th 2023, 19:36:51
- Premium Patron Member

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 4th 2023, 20:54:00

I remember being surprised in my first couple of sets when I spied Gerdler and saw him with 0 troops, 0 tanks, 0 sdi and a poor spal and he had been mass farming multiple countries

However, I noticed that he was simply using the humanitarian range as his only defence.

In my opinion, playing like that is an even more aggressive way to play. I can see how it frustrates the new players though

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2023, 21:04:11

Totally. I've advocated for the right-to-retal on that server specifically. I think if you farm someone (break GDI), and jump out of HR the _defender_ should have the right to hit them regardless.

That way an attacker cannot use the game mechanics to protect them from unfavorable behavior.
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 4th 2023, 22:06:24

Originally posted by Requiem:
Totally. I've advocated for the right-to-retal on that server specifically. I think if you farm someone (break GDI), and jump out of HR the _defender_ should have the right to hit them regardless.

That way an attacker cannot use the game mechanics to protect them from unfavorable behavior.

That’s probally the best idea I’ve heard in a long time

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2023, 2:22:38

Originally posted by Requiem:
Totally. I've advocated for the right-to-retal on that server specifically. I think if you farm someone (break GDI), and jump out of HR the _defender_ should have the right to hit them regardless.

That way an attacker cannot use the game mechanics to protect them from unfavorable behavior.

I support that 👍
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

guochel Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 21:22:27

you're not innocent yourself from using this tactic, too, rocky.

Originally posted by Rocky79:
I screwed up so bad today, hah

No targets so I figured I’d smoke the guy that broke gdi on me earlier in the round and then jump out of his range

I had a typo in my first PS and failed, and then I got upset with myself and oversent on PS #2 meaning I was unable to send a third PS

Then I had at least 4 but I think 6 or 7 food shortages when I launched my missiles.. which is terrible for a casher

I guess it’s karma for trying to stomp a player when he’s already been knocked down, lol

Whoops :)

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 21:34:08

You try to plant somethin in the conrete, y'knowhatImean?
If it GROW, and the and the rose petal got all kind of
Scratches and marks, you not gon' say, "Damn, look at
All the scratches and marks on the rose that grew from concrete"
You gon' be like, "Damn! A rose grew from the concrete?!"
Same thing with me, y'knahmean? I grew out of all of this
Instead of sayin, "Damn, he did this, he did this,"
Just be like, "DAMN! He grew out of that? He came out of that?"
That's what they should say, y'knowhatImean?
All the trouble to survive and make good out of the dirty, nasty
Y'knowhahatImean unbelievable lifestyle they gave me
I'm just tryin to make somethin..

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 6th 2023, 21:37:06

Reading ☝️ nearly broke my brain lol
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 22:50:20

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 23:00:01

Also wtf is this gouchel even talking about?

In the text he posted I was talking about flubbing my response to a Retal on Retal that had happened to me in primary last round

guochel Game profile


Jan 7th 2023, 0:06:18

Rocky, my love, before i posted that quote by you, you were telling the world how wrong it is attack a target and then jump out of NW range by using humanitarian range as a defense

so i posted a post by you of doing exactly that a month ago. You did the exact same thing, and then smiled all about it. whoops ;)

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 7th 2023, 0:17:21

oh lawd these two are back at it.
Wb? I guess.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 7th 2023, 0:49:45

This guy!

I just re-read the posts above and I don’t see anywhere that I said it was wrong to hit a target and jump out of networth range. I simply pointed out that this becomes the dominate (most profitable) strategy due to the game design.

I did say that I can understand how it drives new players away, but that is not an issue for the player that is using the game mechanics to their advantage. That is an issue for the game developers and if they wish to change the mechanics or not

Edited By: Rocky79 on Jan 7th 2023, 2:25:24

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 7th 2023, 0:54:25

Also fyi, If you hit me in primary and I retal I advise you not to retal on retal

Players who retal on retal become the victim of game mechanics at a later date when I grow to 4x their size :)

Thanks for the reminder from last round, despite flubbing the attack and damaging my own country in the process, a message was still sent successfully with regards to RoR policy

guochel Game profile


Jan 7th 2023, 1:15:46

rocky, my love. now that you know i am back from the dead, know this:

i have been watching you. i have been observing you. i see your every move. i know your every breath. i understand your every thought.

know that there will be a time when you think everything is good and happy, and i will sweep in from the shadows and rob you of your happiness. i will tie you up and press my ***This part has been redacted. it might be OK for other nische publications like 9000 shades of BDSM but we are too young, too old or conservative for this. *** into your deepest most tender regions. once that is done, i will cry with you, as we share our most intimate moments together

i love you, rocky! i have always loved you! you made me into the man i am today, and what i will be tomorrow. you are mine! Forever! xoxoxoxo

Edited By: Gerdler on Jan 7th 2023, 14:34:08

guochel Game profile


Jan 8th 2023, 0:30:40

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Also fyi, If you hit me in primary and I retal I advise you not to retal on retal

Players who retal on retal become the victim of game mechanics at a later date when I grow to 4x their size :)

Thanks for the reminder from last round, despite flubbing the attack and damaging my own country in the process, a message was still sent successfully with regards to RoR policy

no idea what you're talking about there, buddy. i don't even play primary or whatever game mode you're talking about

I guess you were trying to make your image look less aggressive when I posted this?:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I screwed up so bad today, hah

No targets so I figured I’d smoke the guy that broke gdi on me earlier in the round and then jump out of his range

I had a typo in my first PS and failed, and then I got upset with myself and oversent on PS #2 meaning I was unable to send a third PS

Then I had at least 4 but I think 6 or 7 food shortages when I launched my missiles.. which is terrible for a casher

I guess it’s karma for trying to stomp a player when he’s already been knocked down, lol

Whoops :)

I also noticed that you edited this post from "This guy is a moron." to "This guy!"

Originally posted by Rocky79:
This guy!

I just re-read the posts above and I don’t see anywhere that I said it was wrong to hit a target and jump out of networth range. I simply pointed out that this becomes the dominate (most profitable) strategy due to the game design.

I did say that I can understand how it drives new players away, but that is not an issue for the player that is using the game mechanics to their advantage. That is an issue for the game developers and if they wish to change the mechanics or not

Edited By: Rocky79 on Jan 7th 2023, 2:25:24

why did you do that? because you knew a lot of people would watch this post and so you thought it was the safest road to make yourself look innocent?

several things i've noticed about you in my interactions with you:
1. everything you say is motivated by something hidden. you always have hidden intentions
2. because of the nature of your hidden intentions, you are very astute at forming a solid polite public image to mask those intentions
3. as for your hidden intentions: you are the ultimate griefer. congratulations. we should call you UG from now on

guochel Game profile


Jan 8th 2023, 1:29:57

i just reread everything rocky wrote.

ok, i probably am incorrect in my analysis.

sorry, everyone. just ignore the last post

i'm a paranoid dumbass

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 8th 2023, 2:16:53

Nobody cares bruh
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!