
A-Rod Game profile


Feb 27th 2023, 1:37:56

What in the world is with all the 40-50 acre attacks everyone is doing? might as well just explore. That was bonkers.

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


Mar 1st 2023, 23:32:12

that is gold after you have gotten to midgame!

A-Rod Game profile


Mar 1st 2023, 23:47:55

Be far more effective to make 5 meh PS's and explore.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 10th 2023, 12:56:39

I have no idea A-Rod I’ve been wondering that myself. You have about 3 guys that run tyrannies and they will grab the bots until they can’t get good gains. Maybe the mods should give them their own bots so they can ruin
The game for themselves but not you as well. Seems more fair if someone is going to do something like that to not ruin it for everyone. Or maybe more bots.

I don’t know but what a stupid thing to do 50 acres per turn lmao there’s same guys never finish over 20-30 mil tops because of this silly stuff

NitelL Game profile


Mar 10th 2023, 18:59:17

Well, the finishing nw gap between rank 10 and rank 1 over the last (many) sets is anywhere from 30-50m nw. lol

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 11th 2023, 16:17:35

a 10,000 acre techer that stocks early can hit around 50 mil, so these techers grabbing to 30,000 + acres and finishing at 30 mil and using all of their turns to do 50 acre land grabs (instead of a few 500-800 acre grabs and using those same turns to tech and make $$$) are losing a substantial amount of money. I would compare it to the games equivalent of an empire that spends all of their $$$ on frivolous adventures overseas and then comes home with little to show for it.

3 Lord of Chaos (#7) 10,762 $49,060,629 DG

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


Mar 16th 2023, 5:13:31

lol, you guys are funny. just want easy land.

A-Rod Game profile


Mar 23rd 2023, 1:12:40

There is a point when the easy land isn't worth the turns you spend on it. ~150 acres with buildings just doesn't compare to the $15m+ per turn you didn't tech. Your talking about ~50tpt there.