
BlackHole Game profile


Jul 26th 2023, 21:00:18

CM Jul 26, 12:28 Nama Saya Amin (#27) (SOLtree) Alleged Crime (#86) (Jelly) 179 B
6 C

Mercs/SoL/SoF cannot reasonably make a case that they aren't just griefers, and that's why they are so worried about Clan GDI.

I took multiple months off of this game. I came back and joined nobodies alliance. I've purposefully distanced myself from LaF and everyone else, in ALL servers. I've attacked nobody in alliance, spied on no one. And hell, I didn't even have a very good country. I had no military, no spies, no bombs.

And yet SoL and crew killed me again.


There is only one answer. To grief people. It wasn't done for political reasons. It wasn't done to protect themselves. It wasn't done because we are in a long war. It was done because they don't like me, and they want to ruin the game for me, and they are able to.

This is 100% why Clan GDI was put into the game, I would imagine. And it makes sense. It's sad it had to be put in, but when half your player base only wants to ruin the game for others... what options are left?

Symbolic Game profile


Jul 26th 2023, 21:05:11

Well to be blunt, it was probably pretty fun to kill you lol.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 26th 2023, 21:21:33

Oh I'm sure it was.

But again... the whole defense was you aren't griefers. When you very clearly are. You killed a solo player for no other reason than it's fun to ruin their set.

I genuinely ask this question.... Will your side ever let me play the game? Or is the intent to grief forever?

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2023, 21:35:49

It's to shut your mouth.

You had pending pacts with LaF, and had a 100% tanker build, unfortunately for you I was on mobile looking you up in GHQ, while a bit zoomed in(too much porn) and I didn't see the 'pending pact' part of it, LaF never having accepted your what I'm assuming was begging for FA attempt.

Hours later SoL pointed out the 'its pending pact' fact but I had already placed you on the kill list.

I'm glad it was you though, chin up
Catch me on ir c

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 26th 2023, 22:16:59

What in the fluff are you talking about? Pending pacts? 100% tanker build? How many tanks did I have?

Just admit, you all wanted to kill me cause you're griefers. No other reason.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2023, 22:24:50

Dr. Weezy’s preventative maintenance special?
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2023, 22:33:45

I don't speak soy boy language, whatever your explanation for 'grief' is, here are mine.

Trade Ally 1: Once upon a LaF (#9) LaF Pending
Trade Ally 2: Treemaker (#105) LaF Pending


[25-Jul-23 15:00:44] <&ABM> Trade Pacts:
[25-Jul-23 15:00:44] <&ABM> Ally: Once upon a LaF (#9) (Pending)
[25-Jul-23 15:00:44] <&ABM> Ally: Treemaker (#105) (Pending)
[25-Jul-23 15:00:58] <&ABM> Pending ally. not yet ally.
[25-Jul-23 15:01:01] * ABM stabs WZ
[25-Jul-23 15:03:48] <WZ_> Wat
[25-Jul-23 15:03:52] <WZ_> Be nice
[25-Jul-23 15:07:01] <WZ_> Oh
[25-Jul-23 15:07:41] <WZ_> Didn't zoom out all the way on phone
[25-Jul-23 15:08:09] <WZ_> Well he got 100% tanker build he ain't up to any good abm kill him :p

Spies 239,365
Troops 47
Jets 0
Turrets 0
Tanks 152,410

^^^ those are your TOTAL TANKS


For any further questions or assistance, please contact Supreme Leader Buchward The III
Catch me on ir c

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2023, 22:40:28

Yeah that’s a kill target right there. I bet he’s gonna grief the non-gdi tags and force them into clan gdi. Wouldn’t surprise me if Cotton Ball Pat orchestrated this

Good job weezy
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander


Jul 26th 2023, 22:42:02

Noob move. You're supposed to hide the tanker build.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 26th 2023, 22:43:46

I had 150k tanks... aka, basically zero at this stage of the game. I didn't have a 100% tanker builder. I had a 'basically no military build' and a very small amount of tanks that I produced after I stopped making spies. And I only made a few spies to avoid being griefed.

And yea, I had pending trade pacts with LaF. Two of them. That have been pending for... Oh I don't know? A month maybe? You think if I had an actual relationship with LaF they'd be pending and not accepted?

I think the fact that they were never accepted proves my point more than anything.

Oh, and just because you're silly and I want to point out the absurdity of you.

Evo/Mercs/SoF/SoL got ALL BUTTHURT when Evo got attacked for, not having pacts, BUT ACTUALLY SENDING FA. You went all freaking apesh!t over the fact that Evo got attacked when some of their members sent actual FA.

You have any proof I sent or received any FA? Or that I even could have? No, didn't think so.

The hypocrisy is sooooo stunning here.

Just admit it bro. Ya'll attacked me cause you don't like me. And you wanted to grief me. That's it. That's all. And you'll do it again next set, just like you did last set, and have every set I've ever been here.

I dare you to prove me wrong.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2023, 22:56:33

I’ll just say this from looking at the history of the chats,

It didn’t appear that anybody knew the identity of the country.

It just looked like someone trying to partner with laf for shennanigans to mess with non gdi alliance players.

It’s a feasible kill
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander


Jul 26th 2023, 23:01:22

I remember a time when derrick thought prime was giving out his numbers and about a year later we learned of a couple mods that were really giving out numbers. One got banned and one only got purpled. Dang. What clan were they in again?

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2023, 23:22:42

Bro, read what I wrote slowly, carefully, take a few minutes, after you'll realize I clearly stated there was a mistake on the initial KR. Had I seen the PENDING part I probably would've just placed you in a watchlist and waited, hoping you'd twist my arm.

Originally posted by BlackHole:

And yea, I had pending trade pacts with LaF. Two of them. That have been pending for... Oh I don't know? A month maybe? You think if I had an actual relationship with LaF they'd be pending and not accepted?

I think the fact that they were never accepted proves my point more than anything.

Yeah, that's why they are 'pending', because it's a one way relationship, LaF doesnt like people that post on AT, maybe try going silent and they'll one day even be your allies bud!

Now be a good lapdog, restart and wait outside the door
Catch me on ir c

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 26th 2023, 23:53:24

Shweezy, do you think I care what LaF likes and doesn't like?

Just for the record, I've been invited to join a number of alliances. PDM, Stones, TIE, LaF and others.

I'm choosing to play solo not because I don't have any friends or any people that want me to play with them. I'm choosing to play solo because I know I'm so deep in the heads of Mercs/SoF/SoL that my presence in any alliance would get them attacked, and I don't want to cause trouble for my friends in all of these other alliances.

The excuse that you didn't know who I was, if true, just shows your ignorance. I've been chastised in the past for not knowing the names/identities of people on the team server when I assumed two squads were together. And the reason cited for me needing to know who I hit was that 'x player' had used that name many times in EE history, history that predated my time here. That didn't stop anyone from chastising me for making the mistake though.

I am under the Jellyfish tag. I've literally posted on the EE forums about my tag Jellyfish declaring war on others (LaF players, no less) in the team server. And I'm literally playing under the handle Blackhole with the Jelly tag on another server actively running right now. AND members of SoF/SoL/Mercs have commented on me being back in the game, so I know that people have noticed.

Regardless, the fact remains, that ONCE AGAIN you all have hit/killed me with no provocation. And rather than apologizing, I get a 'it was fun killing you' and a 'it was to shut your mouth'.

But of course, it was all a mistake, right? If it was a mistake why don't you apologize. Maybe pay some reparations?

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 0:00:54

...because you're a nobody
Catch me on ir c

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 0:03:16

So because I'm not good enough to your standards, I can be hit/griefed/killed without provocation at any time, every round?

How are you not a griefer/bully again?

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 0:10:28

Read up imbecile

You're a huge attention whore bro, fark you're tiresome, have a good rest of the set Kim
Catch me on ir c

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 0:20:09

Well I'm glad you've basically conceded the point. You are griefers. That was a much worse defense than I thought you'd be able to put up. At least Superfly would have gish galloped this conversation with a ton of misdirection.

Now you know why clan gdi exists, it's because griefers like you seek to ruin the game for others.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 0:40:27

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Read up imbecile

You're a huge attention whore bro, fark you're tiresome, have a good rest of the set Kim

Gj weezy for taking this guy out before he can AB a bunch of unsuspecting players. U and I don’t see eye to eye on a lot on things but for once, I agree with you for this one.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 0:59:01

Pacts pending w the enemy... Has tanks. Looks like a good decision by weezy.

- Premium Patron Member

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 1:00:43

LOL - griefers defending griefers, imagine that.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 1:19:04

Originally posted by Requiem:
Pacts pending w the enemy... Has tanks. Looks like a good decision by weezy.

By that logic, it was absolutely the correct decision for LaF to kill all EVO members, even those who hadn't sent any FA to Mercs a few sets back, right?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 1:46:43

I don't know, I don't care. Restart BH.
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 1:54:06

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Well I'm glad you've basically conceded the point. You are griefers. That was a much worse defense than I thought you'd be able to put up. At least Superfly would have gish galloped this conversation with a ton of misdirection.

Now you know why clan gdi exists, it's because griefers like you seek to ruin the game for others.

Keep my good name out of your dirty griefing mouth black hole. If you aren’t in clan GDI your only intent is to attack another team and grief them as well….

also lol at “I took a few months off” you where literally an active participant of this game as you spent your time off poop talking everyone that you don’t like.

Anyways I’m out again. This game like you is no bueno amigos…..

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 2:02:38

Originally posted by Requiem:
I don't know, I don't care. Restart BH.

Oh, now that the hypocrisy been shown it's a 'i don't care, i don't know, i'm not involved in these conversations'. Convenient.

I think my point has been made very clearly.

Griefers all around!

For the record, I thought I had clan GDI turned on. I didn't realize it wasn't on by default, and was very surprised when I was able to be attacked. But I'm also only half playing the server. Hence why I had like 1mil nw and 100k total military. But I'm glad that you guys saw me at this big bad threat with my 130k tanks, LOL. Bunch of softies.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 2:08:41

In your opinion.
- Premium Patron Member

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 2:15:53

Right... that's why I wrote it.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 2:16:49

Glad we agree :)
- Premium Patron Member

GeneralofRome Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 3:01:39

Wait wait wait wait….

All this over killing a solo?

Have I missed something over the last few years or has a dude running a solo tag all of a sudden think he’s relevant?

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 3:22:29

is this griefing?

2023-02-05 15:21:07 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2647A (2759A)
2023-02-05 15:02:50 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2634A (2764A)
2023-02-05 12:40:10 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2633A (2634A)
2023-02-05 12:09:00 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 1980A (1981A)
2023-02-05 12:08:56 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2409A (2410A)
2023-02-05 12:08:52 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2630A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:45 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2629A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:08:38 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2629A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:33 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2628A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:08:29 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2627A (2629A)
2023-02-05 12:08:22 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2627A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:17 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2626A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:08:12 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2626A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:06 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2625A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:07:58 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2624A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:07:45 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2622A (2648A)
2023-02-05 03:20:24 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 1986A (2019A)
2023-02-05 03:20:17 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2002A (2037A)
2023-02-05 03:20:11 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2036A (2072A)
2023-02-05 03:20:06 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2310A (2351A)
2023-02-05 03:20:01 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2381A (2431A)
2023-02-05 03:19:54 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2341A (2407A)
2023-02-05 03:19:48 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2300A (2389A)
2023-02-05 03:19:39 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2264A (2366A)
2023-02-05 03:19:31 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2234A (2342A)
2023-02-05 03:19:26 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2209A (2324A)
2023-02-05 03:19:00 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2187A (2310A)
2023-02-05 03:18:56 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2168A (2303A)
2023-02-05 03:18:46 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2150A (2296A)
2023-02-05 03:18:13 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2133A (2303A)
2023-02-05 03:17:36 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega DH
2023-02-04 13:25:03 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 1931A (2030A)
2023-02-04 02:35:44 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Merry Xmas (#53) TheOmega 1728A (2035A)
2023-02-04 02:31:49 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Ratatosk (#353) TheOmega 1139A (2127A)
2023-02-03 03:38:27 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Hmpfs (#141) TheOmega 1332A (1447A)
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Real Man


Jul 27th 2023, 3:24:33

Originally posted by Requiem:
In your opinion.


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 8:13:44

Any action the game allows is all fair. That is why Clan GDI was implemented.

Clan GDI going forward, after Qz has fixed it up (added spy ops), should provide everyone with what they want. People who want to net in peace will be able to, and people who don't just won't join. I'm dumbfounded why he would have rolled it out in the first place without also adding spy ops.

It was apparent what was going to happen. Because SOL took advantage, Qz fixed the loophole, so the result is desirable for people who wanted clan GDI.

Clan GDI won't be the end of the world, and I think people will accept it and either quit or move forward over time.

BH, next time, just join clan GDI :D
- Premium Patron Member

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 10:42:06

Well obviously Req, I thought I had. And it's not the fact that I died that made me make this post. It's the fact that SoL and crew claimed they weren't griefers, and thus there was no reason for Clan GDI, when they very clearly are griefers.

Dutchy Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 10:50:18

Originally posted by Coalie:
is this griefing?

2023-02-05 15:21:07 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2647A (2759A)
2023-02-05 15:02:50 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2634A (2764A)
2023-02-05 12:40:10 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2633A (2634A)
2023-02-05 12:09:00 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 1980A (1981A)
2023-02-05 12:08:56 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2409A (2410A)
2023-02-05 12:08:52 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2630A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:45 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2629A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:08:38 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2629A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:33 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2628A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:08:29 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2627A (2629A)
2023-02-05 12:08:22 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2627A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:17 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2626A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:08:12 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2626A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:08:06 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2625A (2630A)
2023-02-05 12:07:58 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2624A (2631A)
2023-02-05 12:07:45 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Swamp Guardians (#24) Evo 2622A (2648A)
2023-02-05 03:20:24 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 1986A (2019A)
2023-02-05 03:20:17 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2002A (2037A)
2023-02-05 03:20:11 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2036A (2072A)
2023-02-05 03:20:06 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2310A (2351A)
2023-02-05 03:20:01 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2381A (2431A)
2023-02-05 03:19:54 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2341A (2407A)
2023-02-05 03:19:48 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2300A (2389A)
2023-02-05 03:19:39 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2264A (2366A)
2023-02-05 03:19:31 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2234A (2342A)
2023-02-05 03:19:26 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2209A (2324A)
2023-02-05 03:19:00 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2187A (2310A)
2023-02-05 03:18:56 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2168A (2303A)
2023-02-05 03:18:46 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2150A (2296A)
2023-02-05 03:18:13 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 2133A (2303A)
2023-02-05 03:17:36 SS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega DH
2023-02-04 13:25:03 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Del Sol Class Starship (#238) TheOmega 1931A (2030A)
2023-02-04 02:35:44 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Merry Xmas (#53) TheOmega 1728A (2035A)
2023-02-04 02:31:49 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Ratatosk (#353) TheOmega 1139A (2127A)
2023-02-03 03:38:27 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Hmpfs (#141) TheOmega 1332A (1447A)

Conveniently ignored by BH.

Link Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 11:00:31

yall killed him on accident? hahaha

I Am a meat popsicle.


mrford Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 11:48:27

What a butthurt baby.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 12:21:56

I'm sorry this thread is even here and I wasted my time scanning through it. Butthole sure is an idiot and time waster.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 13:11:52

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Just for the record, I've been invited to join a number of alliances. PDM, Stones, TIE, LaF and others. ?

I was able to verify with Doug that you are indeed not welcomed to PDM. I’m glad that was debunked. I also asked a guy in stones if that was true and he said “lol what?”.

Probably because you griefed them in February.

2023-02-05 15:21:07 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2647A (2759A)
2023-02-05 15:02:50 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2634A (2764A)
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Doug Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 13:39:48

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:

Just for the record, I've been invited to join a number of alliances. PDM, Stones, TIE, LaF and others. ?

I was able to verify with Doug that you are indeed not welcomed to PDM. I’m glad that was debunked. I also asked a guy in stones if that was true and he said “lol what?”.

Probably because you griefed them in February.

2023-02-05 15:21:07 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2647A (2759A)
2023-02-05 15:02:50 PS Black Hole (#411) RESIST Camelot (#8) PDM 2634A (2764A)

Hold on! That’s partially true, but that’s partially not true. One black hole was brand new to the server and to the game over what a year ago we do recruit sometimes people who are new. But there was a lot of drama that surround this goes back to some of the hits that were made some of the suicides that remain then getting hit and then retail, etc. etc. so I want to make a clear of that in the beginning days that black hole did come as with all clans when somebody shows up and says they’re new we often offer recruitment or have them come play for a sec. This was not exactly the case we did offer a black hole place to play in the very beginning before he even started resist so let’s be clear before he even had a clan and other people got there a little dirty hands on him . well over a year ago so that was when he was brand new to the game he didn’t have a lot of background or insight into the game. We all have done it all clans. See somebody come and say hey, looking for a clan and many of us step forward and say comply with us that’s not unusual in the game but once a drama started unfold and people started getting their hands involved in drama involved that was redacted. Now as for today, I think black hole has some very valid points and some of the things he said, and has said, however, I believe that he’s pounding away and things that he will never be able to change. He does make good points but again he’s pounding away at things. It just will never change it is what it is. The game is what it is and there’s nothing he’s going to be able to do to change it which is unfortunate however because I think the game could use some change, but to make the point and to make Coalies comet accurate I didn’t feel that it was important to make a comment that this was something that was in a very early days of one black hole arrived. Then when he hit us with that retaliated, and the reasons why he hit us were well we know why but that’s OK it’s been over and done with for a year and I hold a grudge towards anybody so I don’t even know why this fluffing thread is here to be honest with you.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 13:48:07

Doug are you talking about rectums again? Ahaha
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Doug Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 13:54:08

Originally posted by Coalie:
Doug are you talking about rectums again? Ahaha

You’re a pain in my axx

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 13:59:40

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Doug are you talking about rectums again? Ahaha

You’re a pain in my axx

I see why you like EE it’s a sausagefest in here
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Doug Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 14:16:50

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Doug are you talking about rectums again? Ahaha

You’re a pain in my axx

I see why you like EE it’s a sausagefest in here

lol you’re such a prick. I love you.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 14:19:20

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Doug are you talking about rectums again? Ahaha

You’re a pain in my axx

I see why you like EE it’s a sausagefest in here

lol you’re such a prick. I love you.

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 14:52:52

Right - Doug has in the past offered me a spot to play there.

And Doug and I are on very good terms. I think that if I asked Doug if I could net with PDM for a set, he'd say yes.

With Stones, I spoke with Taker. He actually wanted Resist and Stones to merge up under one banner. So I guess he didn't offer 'me' a spot, he offered my whole team a spot. Feel free to ask him.

That was some pretty crappy detective work you did there

Dutchy - you want me to respond to attacks I made a long time ago, in my first set on the Alliance server, THAT WERE DONE UNDER THE GUIDANCE AND RECOMMENDATION OF SUPERFLY?!?

He's even admitted it here, multiple times. He admitted it to Doug, too. He encouraged me to make those hits, LOL. He had to apologize to Doug for it.

If your best defense of you griefing me, is that when I was new to the game, your allies got me to grief someone else....

Well that's a fluff defense.

Also - I've apologized to all the parties for those actions. Multiple times. Which is why Doug and I are on good terms.

Have you all ever apologized for your griefing? I've still yet to see an apology in here from any of you for the griefing you just did to me.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 16:12:19

Stop saying my name man. I don’t want to associate with you further. How many times do I need to tell you that?

You and I are done forever. You ain’t a good person or someone I want to associate with….

Go repeat coalies name over and over if you want. I am done with all things black hole, resist, etc..

The only person that I ever want to deal with from that repugnant era of the resist is Milkman so PFO.


Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 16:22:53

Doug is on good terms when everybody , but will he offer you a spot in PDM right now?

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2023, 18:38:59

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Dutchy - you want me to respond to attacks I made a long time ago, in my first set on the Alliance server, THAT WERE DONE UNDER THE GUIDANCE AND RECOMMENDATION OF SUPERFLY?!?

Was it superfly or was it GERDLER that gave you guidance?
"He (Gerdler) kept trying to convince me to hit Tmac"
"He (Gerdler) was trying to sweet talk me into hitting Tmac cause Tmac was gonna break the NW record this round"

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 19:48:38

Ask Superfly. He'll tell you. Cause I'm pretty sure I didn't hit Tmac, I hit Doug, Swamp Guardian, and a bunch of others.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 19:49:51

And... you're rehashing fluff from like 8 months ago dude.

We are talking about if I suicided anyone when I was new to the game. We are talking about how a group of vets, who whines about not being griefers all day long, griefed me, a solo player, with a country that has attacked no one, and had about as close to no military as possible.

It's called hypocrisy!