
Drow Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 2:37:01

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Drow - you claim I am making up facts, while blatantly doing so yourself.

Let's start with your point #3.

I was warned by NO ONE that I was going to be attacked. And if by running my mouth, you mean exposing the cheaters in your alliance.... welp. Sorry bro, sucks to suck.

I love that you are claiming knowledge about M4D warning me of attacking me, when you aren't in M4D, and you aren't me. How would you even know this information? I'm sensing a trend here, and the trend is you claiming knowledge, or sticking your head into situations, you have nothing to do with.

Moving on.

#4. Again, why are you speaking for M4D? Why are you defending them here? Why are you doing propaganda and damage control? They've got SJ, Empy, Leto, and TC. And I known they've all been strangely absent around these parts later, but those are the leaders in M4D. Not you. So why are you trying to be the P.R. department for an alliance you're not in?

#2. These are the facts. M4D announced intention to hit others. M4D purposefully didn't pact SoL/Stones. But they went out of their way to aggressively pursue pacts with everyone else. And we are supposed to believe that's just an accident, and was not an intention move? Come on.

#1. I have no idea who is preparing to attack PDM. I'm not involved in any discussions, I'm just Blackhole. The one who sheds light on situations that need light. I would suspect no one wants to war PDM. And I'd also suspect PDM doesn't want to war, which is why there is so much chatter from within PDM about what is happening.

#6 - I agree, it does have something to do with your alliance. Your splintered alliance in M4D got crushed. And I think someone in M4D went crying to you about it.

Good chat though, Drow. I think we've all made the points we need to make.

Warned by no one?
Jouster specifically put it in writing, on AT, that they were going to fluff you up this set, before the set even started. I've linked to it previously. Are you really claiming you have that short a memory?

You just made claims about people planning to hit Paradigm. let me quote you:
"I care because I'm aware of several conversations that have taken place with regards to PDM and their support for M4D. In particular, next set.

I care because I think PDM is an excellent alliance that Drow has inherited leadership of, and the value of them to this community is overlooked. PDM continuing to be apolitical is valuable because I think people need a place they can go net without fear of getting dragged into a war.

That seems to be in jeopardy, based on what I've been seeing. "

You're telling me that's not a claim about people planning to hit us?

You ask why I'm "speaking up for M4D". Why are you speaking up for Mercs?

Further, how is my calling out the spin that you're putting out any different from my speaking up for mercs and calling out the spin that cathankins and josey tried putting out about mercs, and later evo?

If anything, it demonstrates 100% consistency on my behalf.

Further, you just directly contradicted yourself with your responses in points #4 and #6.
Firstly you say that Paradigm is not a part of M4D, then claim in #6 that we ARE a part. make your mind up.

You're getting back off the rails again.

Lastly, Aphro's posts and WeeZy's post somewhat seem to contradict each other, at least to me.
Aphro's does however, confirm what I had heard previously in terms of SoL refused to pact specifically because of TC, which is ABSOLUTELY their right, and TBH, I agree with.
I'm not a TC fan either.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie