
hanlong Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:38:04

Are you sure you want to delete your country?
This cannot be undone.


don't bother contacting me for FA matters related to LaF, i'm not going to read them anymore.


thank you orkin for reminding me this game is a collosal waste of my time. i would've figured someone like dagga (to be fair he's pretty tame recently) doing this, but apparently you beat him to the punch
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:40:17

he actually did just delete his country :-(

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:40:33

You forgot to change your sig.
Smarter than your average bear.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:45:48

ORKIN has always been a troll hanlong.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:47:55

That dosn't change the fact that I'm right Lord Tarnava. The whole situation is VERY fishy especially considering that LaF and RD's histories have intertwined so frequently.
Smarter than your average bear.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:48:51

You can be right in your own mind ORKIN, lord knows logic or intellect don't work on you.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:49:52

Of course I'm right. Today's leadership = no balls. Which is exactly why hanlong quit and went home crying after someone called him out on his RD BS.
Smarter than your average bear.



Mar 2nd 2011, 4:50:59

i just want to say, if it's true that LaF and RD planned this,

why the fluff would RD kill the land sources.

LaF wants PDM's land.
RD wants PDM dead.

conflict of interest, there is no basis on this accusation.

and you guys just forced out the easiest going FR in LaF's recent memory.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:54:40

Forgotten: hanlong is a grown ass man. Nobody forced him to do anything. He was a horrible FA if 30 minutes of TheORKINMan posting on AT made him have a nervous breakdown and quit.

Forgotten: As I said, there is the possibility LaF simply new RD would be hitting soon and took advantage of the situation to fatten up on countries that would soon be unable to reciprocate any sort of damage whatsoever. Nobody said RD is a string marionette of LaF, just that there was collusion and foreknowledge during these series of events and that magically RD does something to directly benefit LaF yet again.
Smarter than your average bear.



Mar 2nd 2011, 4:58:00

LaF is doing retals on PDM's unacceptable retal method choices.

if you are going down the road, you have to keep going and say that PDM did this on purpose, by retaliating with missiles and harmful ops.

so again, PDM, LaF and RD are all in on it according to your theory, to get PDM killed.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:00:37

I wonder why RD has a problem with PDM's retal policy and is FSing them anyway? Considering LaF and RD have exchanged members and leadership incestually for over a decade it's not much of a stretch.
Smarter than your average bear.

Feynman Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:01:51

No worries, Omega wil still beat LaF in ANW.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2011, 5:07:26

How exactly do you define "obvious" Orkin? From my understanding of the definition, in order for something to be "obvious" it first must be true.

Your "obvious" conclusion regarding LaF and RD does not meet that condition

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:09:07

"Other major alliances generally view the situation as effed up and wrong but do nothing because they don't view it as any of their business. As long as it isn't THEM they won't make any waves over it or even call them out on it because they don't want it to be them next."

so, just from that, we cheat, and we ruin the game, drive people away, are generally disdainful people. i get that. but now we aren't cheating, and we ruin the game, drive people away, and generally disdainful people?

what, exactly, do we have to do for people to not see us as the devil? all explore netgain and ask sof to fs us when they can't find a third target for a prearranged war?

Guys, I'm thinking Big Six. Except it would be SoL and SoF, for big two?

"Considering LaF and RD have exchanged members and leadership incestually for over a decade it's not much of a stretch."

This is also true. I'll be head of LaF next reset.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:20:58

braden: All *I* wanted to see from LaF was them saying hey RD hitting PDM while we have an active disagreement isn't right. So we've suspended any further retals while they deal with that situation. That would have been enough for me to believe LaF had developed a moral center. Regardless of who you think is right in the retal issue an already maimed alliance taking a full FS from a bunch of jackwagons isn't right. That's the thing that makes this look like such a fluff move IMO.
Smarter than your average bear.

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:32:49

and you calling me a jackwagon based off of nothing regarding me is so much less of a fluff move?

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 2nd 2011, 5:35:56

lol@braden's post

maybe RD could try not running countries solely as landfarms for the Mrs?
or FSing a pretty weak alliance for an even weaker reason so your buttbuddies in LaF can get a few acres?

you know, just for a start...

and yes, SOL did it to iMag but what you guys and LaF did pretty much warrant a war set from SOL even more ;)
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:38:43

If i ask you politely to have sol fs us do you think that will win us some brownie points?

maybe sof can jump in, really show us the floor, that should get us to stop cheati.. oh, wait, that should get us to stop being the same as everybody el.. oh, wait. how about we just quit, leave the game?

"JMHO but there's a decent chance this is the beginning of PDM folding from the game or at least going away for a while."

anybody lose any sleep over pdm being replaced by us?

no? didn't think so.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 2nd 2011, 5:58:48

you're retarded
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2011, 6:08:35

I find it amusing that Orkin is oh so sure that we got RD to bit for us, meanwhile the exact opposite is true. The truth is RD spent a lot of time convincing us not to hit pdm, to the point where we got pissed and threatened to fs pdm anyway because RD was taking too long. RD pushed their planned fs date more than once due to us threatening to ruin their war plans by fsing pdm first.

I still feel that we should have hit pdm regardless (RD needs to understand that when you plan a fs for that late in the round, you run the risk of someone beating you to the punch) but alas it wasnt up to me this time around.

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 6:12:17

i am so, so much more than that. you sell me short.
your unwillingness to accept keeps you from understanding fully.

furthermore, i try not to resort to childish name calling whenever possible. we'll call it upbringing?

(i also think i'm clever)

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2011, 6:13:49

PS: I have asked anyone that ever came around babbling about an RD-LaF connection to provide proof, any tangable proof at all. I am yet to see any (because it doesn't exist perhaps?)

Laf was no more connected to RD than any other long standing alliance

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 6:14:19

don't worry, next reset.. sorry, the set after, we'll fs laf for

"to the point where we got pissed and threatened to fs pdm anyway because RD was taking too long."

i told you at the pickelbarrel four years ago rd dictated to laf one reset, laf to rd the next. this reset was OURS OURS OURS!

(i should add icn, sof, sol and a number of other alliances were present for said meeting :P)

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2011, 6:24:29

Sorry, I forgot.

Sorry about breaking the party line too

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2011, 6:33:48

Also: Papsmurf never lead LaF, you are thinking of papafunk

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 6:50:22

you can be forgotten about our meeting, but the perpetual laf/rd relationship is INEXCUSABLE.

i am laf, you are rd. we are the same. when you need new shoes, i head to payless. when i outgrow my pants, you set up a meeting with your tailor.

i also just finished a wine of wayne gretzky #99 estate, so i wouldn't drive for a while, after all we do share bac.

mazooka Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 7:32:23

Its always some bullfluff like that though havoc. This really is a pos server.

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 7:38:48

"Eh, not really related, but I'm just mad that as an Omegan I now have to netgain against a bunch of 40k acre LaFers who got all their land from PDM, and because of RD didnt take much if any flak back.."

congratulations, you need to beat a few people who got a few acres easier than you. i have to compete against the ire and hatred of the whole server.

care to exchange positions? no, i thought so?

Havoc Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 7:47:56

You could always just stop reading AT;)

Maz, where you playing these days?
Unholy Monks | The Omega

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 7:49:54

there hasn't been a neq reader since two thousand and five, who are we kidding?

xaos Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2011, 9:02:21

These threads just make me disrespect all alliances involved. Sad to see hanlong go, since he was actually trying to give a fluff. Way to go, flufftards... you've officially caused yet another player to quit. Couple hundred more and you'll have won, right?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 2nd 2011, 9:05:46

Deliberately creating FA problems makes the head FR position more stressful and time-consuming, who could have guessed?

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 9:38:02

xaos, you got me. since '99 it has been interetst to have you quit. i can't believe you'll let me win so easily?!

dagga Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 9:43:54

It all comes down to this - LAF decided it would be clever to mass-hit an alliance in 24 hours to ensure most of them wouldnt be retalled. It's a dog act. The best thing to do would be to put your hand up and say 'yes we acted like a bunch of pricks to get more land'.

Stop with the charade. I would love to hear Pangs thoughts on how LAF are encouraging other alliances to stay in the game by these types of moves.

Unfortunately, LAF's close association with RD over the years also make this look twice as bad.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

braden Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 9:47:48

"Unfortunately, LAF's close association with RD over the years also make this look twice as bad. "

no commesnt on any other alliance' close relation to rd, or should i start explaining differences and indiffereces?

Thunder Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 10:16:43

I am the Robotech master behind the curtain with the fiery balls.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

dagga Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 10:22:39

braden, no other alliance is currently partipating in a joint offensive with RD.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Notorious Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 10:24:47

braden - use the quote feature you weirdo
*eats a banana*
Notebook Pusher


New Member

Mar 2nd 2011, 13:40:23

Originally posted by dagga:
braden, no other alliance is currently partipating in a joint offensive with RD.

there is no joint offensive

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 14:48:56

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
PS: I have asked anyone that ever came around babbling about an RD-LaF connection to provide proof, any tangable proof at all. I am yet to see any (because it doesn't exist perhaps?)

Laf was no more connected to RD than any other long standing alliance

And here is where LaF comes in with the seemingly reasonable posts that in reality fly in the face of the facts of the matter. YOU sir yourself some years back when you WERE the LaF shotcaller had an extensive ICQ conversation with me over the special relationship between RD and LaF in regards to RD having a soft spot for LaF and most major Don's at least getting an invite to join etc... Don't try and pull this BS with me now.

As for hanlong suiciding, I'm sure that should elicit oh so much sympathy considering he's playing a restart and suicded to raise LaF's ANW. fluff move after fluff move with you guys.
Smarter than your average bear.

Rockman Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 15:14:34

Originally posted by dagga:
It all comes down to this - LAF decided it would be clever to mass-hit an alliance in 24 hours to ensure most of them wouldnt be retalled. It's a dog act. The best thing to do would be to put your hand up and say 'yes we acted like a bunch of pricks to get more land'.

Stop with the charade. I would love to hear Pangs thoughts on how LAF are encouraging other alliances to stay in the game by these types of moves.

Unfortunately, LAF's close association with RD over the years also make this look twice as bad.

A farming that could have been prevented had PDM not used nukes and harmful spy ops as retals (and even on non-offenders), topfed us multiple times after we put them on DNH, and declined Hanlong's multiple offers of a NAP.

And yes, LaF should have not put the wrong country on farm. When your alliance uses harmful ops as retals, that type of thing can happen. LaF is at fault with regards to putting the wrong country on farm, but PDM's policy of harmful ops as retals was not a wise one.

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 15:30:46

Originally posted by Rockman:
A farming that could have been prevented had PDM not used nukes and harmful spy ops as retals (and even on non-offenders), topfed us multiple times after we put them on DNH, and declined Hanlong's multiple offers of a NAP.

And yes, LaF should have not put the wrong country on farm. When your alliance uses harmful ops as retals, that type of thing can happen. LaF is at fault with regards to putting the wrong country on farm, but PDM's policy of harmful ops as retals was not a wise one.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here since you simply misread. I believe dagga was referencing your techer ring - farm - pump defense strategy.

Edited By: Sir Balin on Mar 2nd 2011, 15:33:19. Reason: tone, purposelessnes
See Original Post

Rockman Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 15:37:16

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
Originally posted by Rockman:
A farming that could have been prevented had PDM not used nukes and harmful spy ops as retals (and even on non-offenders), topfed us multiple times after we put them on DNH, and declined Hanlong's multiple offers of a NAP.

And yes, LaF should have not put the wrong country on farm. When your alliance uses harmful ops as retals, that type of thing can happen. LaF is at fault with regards to putting the wrong country on farm, but PDM's policy of harmful ops as retals was not a wise one.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here since you simply misread. I believe dagga was referencing your techer ring - farm - pump defense strategy.

Again (again!) the harmful ops were not retals, they were from a n00b who, WELL BEFORE things got so out of control, we offered to you as a farm target. I know it's a sticky situation that we're both to blame for, but I know you know what happened as we fleshed it out on your other thread, so despite the benefit of the doubt this stinks like spin.

Ah, I didn't think dagga was criticizing the outrunning retals strategy that LaF and many other alliances have used for years. I don't know why he'd complain about it now.

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 15:40:41

Yeah, I hear you there.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 2nd 2011, 15:50:32

Do you have the logs of said conversation? Because I dont recall saying hat, nor do I believe I would say that. Especially not to you heh.

Did laf have a lot of people flow through RD back in the day? Sure, but so did every other long standing alliance (SOL, IX, RIVAL etc.)

Patience Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:02:19

Well FFS. Once again, people living 10 years in the past who still think they have an axe to grind have chased someone from the game. Congratulations.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:09:24

No one chased anyone from the game Patience. hanlong quit because of RL issues. This is just another farce on LaF's part.
Smarter than your average bear.

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:12:36

LAF and RD are not the same clan who would have known

Patience Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:13:16

Just keep spinnin'. Some things never change.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:15:44

No you're just stupid and don't see plainly obvious things. Moreover I don't care if hanlong WAS "driven" away from the game. Here's a shock? The only thing that hasn't changed is you're here acting like a passive aggressive fluff.
Smarter than your average bear.