
hanlong Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 21:37:14

Originally posted by Detmer:
It is so fluffing straightforwrd.

We grabbed you twice (not intentionally as evidenced by me contacting you).

A whole bunch of unrelated countries then hit us because they wanted our land.

We were unhappy because you guys pull this stunt all the time and we would have prepared for it if you hadn't been so conniving.

We wanted a pact as long as we were repaid - we wanted you to treat us like we were actually allies - not like you just wanted to make off with our land. You never addressed that.

I am sorry you were apparently too busy to actually mention paying us back and only had time to post the news of my guys grabbing you now and again as a result of you farming us... I wish you would just admit that it is your fault.

2011-02-11 04:14:03 PS Natural Selection (#152) EVOosso ashes to ashes (#443) LaF 197A (327A)
2011-02-10 03:25:46 PS Natural Selection (#152) EVOosso ashes to ashes (#443) LaF 336A (437A)
2011-02-10 03:24:13 SS Natural Selection (#152) EVOosso ashes to ashes (#443) LaF DH

Evo hit you three times before we hit you twice... why didn't your members go ape fluff against them? They hit you more than us!

you only contacted me for drow's hit, not #449's.

that was completely intentional. it is clear as day that he wanted escalated PDM/LaF tensions.

and we did try to go "apefluff" on evo, but they actually resolved it unlike you guys. you can ask anoniem yourself.

like i said it wasn't PDM targetted as you guys keep on thinking it was.

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 3rd 2011, 21:40:08
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia