Game Development
Apr 16th 2011, 15:34:04
I live in edmonton!
Landgrabbing 204: LGing in EE
Bottomfeeding -> works, but is not that effective; farm the fluff out of small countries, get medium returns over time
Midfeeding -> gets excellent returns, high retal rate; should add up faster than bottomfeeding; hit a mid-sized alliance you have L:L or 1:1 (or even 2:1 if they're fat) at the right networth ratio, get a fluff-ton of land+ghosties, and then try to mitigate losses by adjusting your nw relative to likely retallers
Topfeeding -> lower returns, you *will* get retalled; massive ghost acres sometimes pay off; topfeeding (hitting a target with more land than you...) if you can get away with it, effectively increases your land, even if you get hit back for L:L, as the ghost acres from a big PS really really help elevate a country; if they're clever and hit back for 70% L:L first hit and equal second hit, you can break even after ghost acres, but this is rare.
Bottom line: best bet is to explore or land-exchange with a mainline alliance, imho, despite the fact that nobody really does this much...
Finally did the signature thing.