
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 22nd 2011, 22:19:38

Well our last Alliance round ended with a month to go in EC, so many LaFfers had started the set with their EC alliances, and the other LaFfers (including almost all of LaF's leadership) set up a LaF tag mid-set. We told all of our members to keep netting where they were, as it was going to be their last set with their EC alliances and we wanted the members to enjoy that.

IX FS'ed the folks hitting SoL, then ZT came to me and started threatening me, saying they were going to declare war on us because we were a SoL ally. Same thing happened to Eug (Don) as well. We told everyone who was fine fighting to tag back over to LaF as a deterrent to keep them from hitting. I forget who fired the first shot, but I am pretty sure that LaF fought from the LaF tag that first half-set they were in EC, not in SoL. Some folks may have been playing in SoL as their EC host alliance, though.

Edited By: Pang on Apr 22nd 2011, 22:45:54
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