
qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 22nd 2011, 4:05:31

Does anybody have/ can anybody make an exhaustive list of the TIL Wars, World Wars and SLIT Wars, and the combatants on each side?

It would be much appreciated
Finally did the signature thing.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 4:10:04

I will start :

1st TIL war (WW VII)

Ten TIL or TIL-associated alliances (Elysium, IX, LCN, M4D, PDM, Quebec, RED, SoF, TF and TSE) were up against the ten alliances that composed the Union and their allies (ARROW, ICN, Kindred, Masters, Militia, RAGE, Ragnarok, SOL, SoP and Steel)
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 4:10:44

I hope Earth Empires gets big enough for sizeable World Wars like the TIL wars.

Junky Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 4:14:00

we can have world wars... but they'd be more like regional wars compared to the old ones.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Reckless Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 5:25:44

At the sizes now it would make for a good first EE World War.

KaiN Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 7:54:54

m0m0 > you

Ivan Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 14:36:44

If i remember right IX switched sides and were in the same side as SoF for the first TIL war

from the slit war sides i just remmeber Sol LaF IX TIE vs Rage SoF Rival NA LCN?

Makinso Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 15:41:53

These were the tags in ANTI-SLIT during the first fully escalated world war of the SLIT era. This was the war that happened in the set of April/May 2006. Some alliances flipped sides over time up till 2008. And some went into neutral mode avoiding conflict with both sides.

In general the anti SLIT side was a less cohesive and stable group then SLIT was as a group. Alliance in Anti SLIT came and go over the 2 years SLIT vs Anti SLIT raged on. Though a few consistently fought SLIT. (SoF Rage MD LCN Imagnum)

beveRAGE - Rage
Eclipsex - Eclipse
Elysium - Ely
eXoNeTs - Exodus(Later turned into ZT?)
iMagNum - Imag
NeoHump - Neofed
OMEG40ak - Omega
Ragnarok - Rag
reVENGe - Vengeance
Tribal - dunno about this one but it put out a fair amount of hits.
xMDx - MD
Mphoenix - MPE

In the later era of ANTI SLIT the following tags joined the conflicts between SLIT/Anti SLIT on the side of ANTI-SLIT. This constant changing of tags in that group also caused bad blood between certain tags in the ANTI-SLIT group. Which eventually lead to not being able to lead a succesfull campaign against SLIT.

KoTG - Keep of the grass.
NA - Netters Anonymous.
Rival - After being FSed by SOL late 2006
ZT - Spin off from Exodus after Exo retired the exo tag. (They join the SLIT side late half 2007)
WoG - After they returned from another game.
PDM - After they revived the tag under I think Detmer/Sir Balin and Comwood.
ICN - Did a few random FSes on random SLIT involved allies.
GNV - I think under leadership of Anoniem.

on the SLIT side you had.

Evo (turned neutral around halfway 2007)
Sanct (dissapeared as a tag for abit)
MX(disbanded after SX spun off from them)

I have a feeling I'm forgetting 2 or 3 tags in this list. So please fill her up as you see fit. The tags in this group were a little more consistent and apart from Rival relations remained strong until the SLIT core group decided it would be bad for earth if they remained together as a group.

From that disband of the coalition the SOL/IX vs TIE/PDM/LCN conflicts started.

Dooman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 16:51:34

I'm pretty certain that SancT existed throughout the SLIT/ANTI-SLIT wars.... only time I recall us vanishing was late 2001 for one reset. (If that), which was way before any of those wars broke out.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 18:06:52

WoG was after SLIT had internally collapsed. WoG/Rival players started a tag in EC during the 2nd TIE/PDM vs IX/SoL war.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 22nd 2011, 18:09:38

realistically, SLIT collapsed before the first SLIT war in EC...
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Makinso Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 21:56:46

Originally posted by Pang:
realistically, SLIT collapsed before the first SLIT war in EC...

Well true enough Pang.

It was decided SLIT would cease to exist with the start-up of Council server. But with the opening gangbang on SOL(whom was the first of all SLIT tags to move to council) by core members of the Anti SLIT group SLIT was basically strong armed into regrouping.

I remember LaF And IX moving to EC early that set to help us out. LaFfers tagged SOL IX created the IX tag and TIE tagged up as Enigma under Pekis and I think se7en leadership.

That's basically when SLIT2 started up.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 22nd 2011, 22:19:38

Well our last Alliance round ended with a month to go in EC, so many LaFfers had started the set with their EC alliances, and the other LaFfers (including almost all of LaF's leadership) set up a LaF tag mid-set. We told all of our members to keep netting where they were, as it was going to be their last set with their EC alliances and we wanted the members to enjoy that.

IX FS'ed the folks hitting SoL, then ZT came to me and started threatening me, saying they were going to declare war on us because we were a SoL ally. Same thing happened to Eug (Don) as well. We told everyone who was fine fighting to tag back over to LaF as a deterrent to keep them from hitting. I forget who fired the first shot, but I am pretty sure that LaF fought from the LaF tag that first half-set they were in EC, not in SoL. Some folks may have been playing in SoL as their EC host alliance, though.

Edited By: Pang on Apr 22nd 2011, 22:45:54
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Makinso Game profile


Apr 22nd 2011, 23:26:03

hhmmmm that's probably it. I know we had a ton of LaFfers in SOL at that point (30 - 40).

I just dug through the stats and you guys had a separate tag indeed. From what it looks like LaF recalled the LaFfers in SOL to the LaF tag to war, or at least had them restart in the LaF tag.

Ivan Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 7:17:21

Indeed TIE did tag up as Enigma, but refused to admit that it was TIE so SoF ran them over :D

Killa Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 16:56:55

Few notes

IX/LCN were in TIL then left after the first major war

Unknown was on the side of IX for most of the major wars


de1i Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 17:01:15

I went camping one weekend and at the start of the trip we were in TIL, when I got home we weren't. That was quite the surprise :)

A few IX tagged SOL before coming to EC over as well!

Kyatoru Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 18:01:31

I don't feel the little bit of TIL stuff being copy/pasted around is very accurate. Though it could just be my memory. I guess a trip to the AT Archive would help. For example, I don't know why TSE is there unless we convinced them to die for us. I wouldn't even consider them close to a 'TIL associate'. Same for M4D. There are others that would be more associated to either side, like AzN, CAF, Unknown.

Where is MD? TGA? Didn't Omega/Berserk fight RD the reset before? So they should be in this.
TF hit ICN while already at war with Infidels.

I believe I archived most of the TIL council forum once we decided to close down. But it's all on an old zip disk in storage. I don't even have a zip drive anymore. heh. Maybe one of the leaks still has some stuff.

IX/LCN didn't leave until before the 2nd war, about a reset and a half after the first.

Edited By: Kyatoru on Apr 23rd 2011, 18:07:41
See Original Post

Makinso Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 18:04:14

hmhmmm I'll copy the records I have on TIL from SOL archive.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 18:08:00

Actually I think Apo got this from IX long ago.

I'll post it here. But prepare for a long-ass read. With kudos from SOLs history archive!


Makinso Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 18:08:05

IX point of view:

The Terror of Earth - Chapter 8: Clash of the Titans
10/15/2004 4:06:20 PM

Summer was on its way and in the same manner the Earth community was reaching its own boiling point. The Ivy League had dominated the previous reset; surely, other alliances had taken serious notice. Not only had SoF dominated the networth category but fellow TIL alliances IX and LCN had won a crushing victory against suspected opposition alliances RAGE and SOL. By all accounts, that conflict was considered a warm-up to any further coalition-based warfare.

The Ivy League too noticed that opposition was forming against its ranks. The coalition was too powerful for its own good and in a natural and logical way, a bastion of opposition was expected to arise. Thus, the Ivy League made plans for a confrontation and sought to have every gap covered. Also, it was pivotal to know of any opposition plans in order to dash out in offensive whenever need be.

The Illuminati X were entering their 2nd reset under the reign of dual presidents Duque and Scarface. Rising star Mega was their Minister of War and de1i was once again exercising his role as main FA, a post which would become his niche for quite a while. The alliance decided on reuniting its two main tags under the normal unified banner of IX and so the concept of twin tags passed unto history. Ex-President DeityLord was no longer around yet interestingly enough he announced on 9 May that we has looking for people interested in making a new alliance. The fact that he had retired not long ago from IX under the premise that he needed a break from the whole game came into conflict witht his new development. In hindsight it was obvious that he had left IX to form another alliance since he did not favor the course IX was taking. His new alliance would be another shot at what he understood would be a successful course of action. Alena and Ex-President DTA would soon join him in that endeavor.

The reset’s initial stages ran quietly as both the Ivy League and the opposition connived on what to do. IRON and Genesis merged on 18 May to form the new alliance Steel, which would be under the direct command of Corflu and Russin. However, more importantly, this alliance harbored Viper, a notorious coalition builder that was perceived to be the driving force behind any anti-TIL buildup. Eleven days later, the Ivy League had its first confrontation with an alliance that refused to adhere to its land policies. TGA had been having landgrabbing issues with PDM and in the process a PDM country had been killed. Since, under the coalition’s charter, an attack on a single TIL member was considered as a direct attack on the whole of the coalition, the Ivy League decided to show its muscle and coordinate an attack against TGA. The attack would be a demonstration of power and a deterrent against anybody that would dare challenge Ivy League hegemony. It was expected that even after crushing TGA the Ivy League would still be challenged. However, with a swift destruction of this alliance perhaps other alliances inkling toward the anti-TIL group would think again.

Under these assumptions the Ivy League threw itself over TGA on the evening of 29 May. The combined firepower of Berserk, Elysium, IX, Omega, PDM, SoF and TF assured that TGA would be swiftly eradicated and that soon enough all these alliances could return to preparing themselves for a bigger war. MD, on the other hand, would stand aside and police for the attacking alliances. In this manner 33 TGA countries perished in the first night under the fire of 7, 489 hits.

As people of the anti-TIL opposition protested these actions on AT, IX was suddenly caught in a war against the little known Legio Sparta alliance. Out of the blue, Sparta declared war on 31 May since its president, Sutler, claimed that IX was farming his alliance, had a ridiculous retal policy and was not willing to give a DNH. Sparta was a small alliance that had broken off from SOL and had never taken off. This was its first major action and also the last one it would ever make. Though it officially lasted till 17 June, this conflict was essentially over in the initial stages since IX completely ravaged the alliance. Though Sparta interrupted the wargaining of IX, it did however serve as a good tune-up for the eventual confrontation against the anti-TIL. Also, some TGA countries would pop along the way and IX members could pick them off and get their early war experience. By 2 June TIL had killed 72 TGA countries, while leaving only 15 alive. IX performed 1,804 out of the 18,736 total hits. A day later those 15 were all killed and TGA momentarily disappeared.

Another positive event for IX took place when the EEVIL Empire, a small alliance merged into IX on 1 June. This gave IX about 15 valuable players to add to its already huge roster of players (over 220). Not only did IX gain a new elite division but among these players there were some leaders that would have a major part in IX's future.

Other foreign events were taking place as the Spartan War unfolded. On 8 June a major merger occurred between TIE and Immortal Seawolf [ISW], a merger which created the behemoth named TIE Immortal Seawolf [TIS]. This new alliance had as its goal the conquering of the networth charts through its mass of 280 members. The previous merger between LaF and League would now have some netting competition for this set. Also of note was TIL member Berserk's declaration of war on RED on 9 June, a fateful decision since eventually RED would defeat them as their war drew to a close.

Even more important events were taking place concerning the Ivy League and its opposition. As June progressed it was almost a confirmed fact that Arrow, RAGE, SOL and Steel were heading an united front against TIL. IX and SoF had also come under bot attack, a first in IX history. Budvar, a former member of Steel, ran a bot that hit both alliances. Although the damage was not considerable, both allies rallied to quickly dispose of the bot. This bot attack would be a very important grievance that TIL would hold against its opposition in the coming weeks.

The Ivy League would further strengthen its ranks with the addition of IX partner LCN on 15 June. LCN was a very good fighting alliance that would certainly help TIL. SOL on the other hand would acquire the services of the Clowns, who joined them on 18 June. In between those events, an alliance officially died and IX's war with Sparta ended. On 17 June Sparta ended its unsuccessful war against IX, after almost three weeks of conflict. UCN also faded away into history. This old and once powerful alliance was closing its doors after 5 years of storied existence with Solan declaring that most of its members would now continue in Elysium, a TIL member.

Now, as the reset reached towards its climax, both blocs awaited for a collision. The fact that IX and SoF had been botted had prompted TIL leaders to plan for an attack against the insurrection. In the process of planning it was confirmed through TIL agents and other sources that alliances like Arrow and SOL were preparing to attack. It was very much obvious that the Ivy League was a target. And so, TIL leaders prepared for an incoming attack while having their agents collect as much information as possible concerning which of all TIL alliances were the main targets. Since IX, MD and SoF were the Big Three of the coalition it was expected that any of these could bear the brunt of any opposition assault and so nerves were flying high in expectation.

In a sudden twist of fate, the coalition learned of an attack time. The evening of 21 June had been selected as the anti-TIL's attack date and so these rumors prompted the coalition to plan a pre-emptive strike on the opposing bloc. Immediate course of action was passed along to all available TIL alliances and the coalition prepared for sudden deployment. The leader of the coalition, SoF, would now take the first step.

The clash of the titans began on that very evening of 21 June. SoF began the First Ivy League War by declaring war on Steel. Budvar's actions were declared as the main grievance that led to the attack. The second prong of the Ivy League offensive began when MD declared war on both Arrow and SOL. This bold move was performed as to ensure that Arrow and SOL would receive some battering before they regrouped with RAGE and Steel to launch their own major counterstrike. Agents placed in the enemy chatroom provided information that SoF was the main target of the counterstrike. IX had initially stated that it would police for both MD and SoF as they fought the Union, as they became known on that day. However, now that the Union was gearing for a massive attack on SoF, IX awaited to strike the third major power in the Union, RAGE.

Arrow, RAGE, SOL and Steel countered SoF in force and destroyed most of their top rankers and caused some extensive damage unto the middle ranks. In order to relieve the pressure on SoF, IX executed the third and final prong of the TIL offensive by declaring war on RAGE. RAGE was a natural target to IX due to the pact breaking of the previous set and their attack on IX during the LCN/SOL War. IX would now engage in its second campaign against RAGE, an action that would repeat itself constantly in the coming years.

As 22 June came by, 7 major powers of Earth found themselves at conflict. By all means this had been the start of the Sixth World War. Now it was only logical that the war would broaden.

As the final tallies were calculated all Big Three alliances had done powerful strikes on their Union targets. MD had even done history. MD amazingly performed one of the biggest strikes in Earth history up to that point by unleashing over 7,500 hits and claiming 25+ kills against both Arrow and SOL. In terms of hits, it went over the record holder Arrow’s 2001 FS on IX while the latter still had the

Makinso Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 18:09:07

It was this reset btw!

eset 19 May3 to Jul20 02: TIL Lashes Out(WWVII)
CWG rejoins SoL | 1st TIL War Breaks Out | UCN disbands

Kyatoru Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 18:40:01

Though obviously a bit centric, that's definitely a better picture. And you can see that one paragraph that keeps getting reposted is only accurate when the full context is present.


Kyatoru Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 18:50:31

We used to bully so many much larger alliances while TF was in TIL. It was fun. But dealing with Peanut,DigiTek, and TGA was like stepping in dog crap. You couldn't get them off your shoe and we had a handful of multies linked back to those idiots hit us each reset for the next 2-3.

TF and TGA were both on red alert about to hit each other when I asked Locutus for MD to farm the hell out of TGA. They made like 120 grabs in 4 hours and TGA scampered away. That was so funny. And then we tag killed them a couple of days later.

Edited By: Kyatoru on Apr 23rd 2011, 19:12:32
See Original Post

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 23rd 2011, 19:22:07

Thats a good read :) good stuff


and put it on the wiki :)
Finally did the signature thing.

de1i Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 19:40:56

You mean Apollyon's "cousin" Makinso. ;)

In case anyone cares Kaiser wrote that.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 24th 2011, 0:04:54

Kaiser was a good earth historian. Did TONS of work on the old wiki

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 24th 2011, 17:17:03

crib notes for Kaiser's post:

IX didn't want to be killed by RD, so they flipped sides :p

and Lust had too many egos to ever be successful
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 24th 2011, 17:39:06

IRON and Genesis merged on 18 May to form the new alliance Steel, which would be under the direct command of Corflu and Russin. However, more importantly, this alliance harbored Viper, a notorious coalition builder that was perceived to be the driving force behind any anti-TIL buildup.

I feel like I should also clear this bit up:

The way that set went down (I was hFA in Genesis during that time -- Corflu was pres, Viper was an 'inactive' VP) was that I had been chatting with SoL about merging all set long and we were getting to a place where we were almost done setting it up. I went away for a vacation, came back and found that Corflu had signed a merger deal with IRON, because SoL was being sticklers on selecting a name.

Corflu then had his 2nd child and immediately bailed on the game because of the kid + another game, so I got back to more of less a mess in terms of internal stuff, with us now being an absolutely amazing target for SoF with our size increase. What Corflu didn't check before signing that merger deal was that IRON was mainly a spammy/multi tag, and by the end of our first set together, only about 5-10 of IRON's 40-50 members actually stuck around. Russin was also very inactive/apathetic, and eventually de-merged himself and a few others into a renewed IRON tag a set or two later. About 5-10 others didn't even tag up STEEL prior to the war, but I think they were killed anyway. This merger always irked me more than anything else in Earth, because it basically ruined one of the best netting alliances at the time, souring a lot of the hardcore netters on remaining with us through the difficult sets ahead. It was an obvious mismatch, but Corflu just looked at the #'s and liked the idea of leading a 100 member alliance. Momentum merged in a few weeks later, and even though they were a 12 member alliance, added more to STEEL than IRON did -- eventually making up the core of STEEL leadership during its post-TIL heyday.

Viper wasn't super involved until after STEEL was FS'ed and it was clear that STEEL was now in a very bad place. I don't remember him politicking too much before the wars... but obviously he got into it at some point, culminating with the STEEL vs Omega wars, which I'm confident Dragonlance would love to tell you about :p
I remember people trying to claim that since Viper was in our tag, he was obviously politicking... but he wasn't until Genesis was already dragged into the war and not looking to be in a good spot. He was inactive and I believe he was focusing on his studies.

The result of that war was a few leaders (me, Biscuit and Striker) became more apathetic to the STEEL cause when it became obvious "our side" was going to win, but only because of all of the other NATO allies (especially IX flipping sides), and I eventually went into inactivity towards the end of the TIL saga, so I can't comment on that part.

So ya, that's how that set went down within Genesis, at least as far as I remember. Realistically, Genesis would have netted if SoF hadn't made it obvious they were targeting Genesis that set, partially due to disagreements between Corflu and Helmet.

Edited By: Pang on Apr 24th 2011, 17:47:26
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 24th 2011, 17:54:39

I remember when Berserk FS'd us I was thinking "seriously? wtf?" especially since they were aligned with the same side we were to some degree... it was kindof weird...
Finally did the signature thing.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 24th 2011, 17:55:32

btw, as I thought about that stuff, it made me long for the kind of politicking that used to happen back in the day...

it makes the politics of today look so fluffty by comparison
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 24th 2011, 18:17:43

Originally posted by Kyatoru:
For example, I don't know why TSE is there unless we convinced them to die for us. I wouldn't even consider them close to a 'TIL associate'.

If I'm thinking of the right server war, I was in TSE at this time, and we joined for the pacts and possibility of closer ties with the big alliances. I think originally we were just more fodder, but we had one of the highest HPM/activity and surprised everyone. We ended with quite a few pacts and a lot more respect.

Kyatoru Game profile


Apr 24th 2011, 19:22:07

Genesis was a great alliance and I always liked Corflu. I was pretty disappointed to see the Steel merger and Viper's coming influence over them through the following few resets. I know Viper popped up when we ganged TGA. I remember being amused at how much attention and influence this total idiot on AT was given by the union alliances. At some point during or right after the first TIL war, I gained access to the Steel site to spy on them. I just remember thinking " :( ".

Corflu was one of my first friends outside of Omega/MD when eXist broke off from Omega, and up until TF joined TIL, Genesis was still one of our closer allies. I do remember when Corflu went inactive, I didn't realize you guys were close to merging with Sol though. Genesis really should have stayed a solo alliance. Even if they would still go through the union, nato, etc stuff the same. Iron wasn't even close to being on the same level as Genesis.

Edited By: Kyatoru on Apr 24th 2011, 19:53:22
See Original Post

Kyatoru Game profile


Apr 24th 2011, 19:33:46

Originally posted by qzjul:
I remember when Berserk FS'd us I was thinking "seriously? wtf?" especially since they were aligned with the same side we were to some degree... it was kindof weird...

Berserk's issues with RED had been going on for a couple of weeks. I remember Berserk wanted to hit you guys sooner. I think it was IX and MD that had been delaying them, trying to work things out because we wanted RED on our side, and both alliances ready to fight. But RED kept grabbing Berserk who was losing retal ability. After warring RD that last reset and going through a leadership change from Althena(beltz) to Beef and Grelk, Berserk was a total wet napkin and shouldn't have even considered warring. They completely fell apart in this war. We (the rest of TIL) were glad to see that Berserks move didn't dissuade RED from assisting us later in the reset.

Incidentally this reminds me of either earlier in this same reset or the reset before, DaneDyn was having trouble with RED and I convinced them to FS you guys. I laughed pretty hard when a ceasefire was agreed upon pretty quickly so that RED could keep netting. I think seeing this take place also encouraged Berserk to hit RED too.

In a some what similar situation, I was still only co-leading TF with Sammuel as part of the WI/eXist merger, when we ended up under estimating Infidels and getting into a prolonged conflict of our own before the TIL war started after blindsiding them for a few topfeeds. Though we were much stronger and hit ICN despite still being at war, we could have played a much bigger role in the TIL war. Stupid moves by new alliances.

Edited By: Kyatoru on Apr 24th 2011, 20:00:47
See Original Post

Kyatoru Game profile


Apr 24th 2011, 19:41:25

Originally posted by Tertius:

If I'm thinking of the right server war, I was in TSE at this time, and we joined for the pacts and possibility of closer ties with the big alliances. I think originally we were just more fodder, but we had one of the highest HPM/activity and surprised everyone. We ended with quite a few pacts and a lot more respect.

The perspectives would be accurate. That's honestly one the best way for any smaller alliance to improve their relations and standings as long as they can show some effort.

Kyatoru Game profile


Apr 24th 2011, 20:12:43

The second TIL war was rather interesting because IX and LCN had defected but still held FDP's with most of TIL. We brought in TIE, ICN, and Quebec to replace them. While these alliances had some size, and Quebec (say what you want about them) could actually fight, they were not even close to the firepower of IX/LCN. Despite this, without the heavy influence of RD, spies, and bots, I don't think TIL would have lost this war either. It was the outside influences imo that degraded our morale and made us more suspicious of each other. Come to find out, the main source of leaks and spying was because someone had hacked login/pw's of mods and TIL heads like New Horizon...

I remember TIE/TF did a joint FS on SOL with TIE leading the warchats. Their policy of targets all Tyr's first regardless of size, made us go absolutely crazy and do all future warchats on our own lol.

Edited By: Kyatoru on Apr 24th 2011, 20:15:03
See Original Post

euglaf Game profile


Apr 25th 2011, 16:43:05

Originally posted by Pang:
Well our last Alliance round ended with a month to go in EC, so many LaFfers had started the set with their EC alliances, and the other LaFfers (including almost all of LaF's leadership) set up a LaF tag mid-set. We told all of our members to keep netting where they were, as it was going to be their last set with their EC alliances and we wanted the members to enjoy that.

IX FS'ed the folks hitting SoL, then ZT came to me and started threatening me, saying they were going to declare war on us because we were a SoL ally. Same thing happened to Eug (Don) as well. We told everyone who was fine fighting to tag back over to LaF as a deterrent to keep them from hitting. I forget who fired the first shot, but I am pretty sure that LaF fought from the LaF tag that first half-set they were in EC, not in SoL. Some folks may have been playing in SoL as their EC host alliance, though.

We were FS'd by ZT and eventually the rest of anti-SLIT came to hit us too (within 24 hours) which was rage and 2 other alliances I can't remember off the top of my head. The interesting thing about this war for LaF was that when we were moving over the new server there were discussions on breaking up SLIT because of the effect we were having on the server. The only alliance that LaF ever wanted to kill in the anti-SLIT section was MD and we had already done that 3x in a row and even forced them to join tags with SoF for a set or two. As far as I was concerned we had no beef with anyone else in anti-SLIT except they kept hitting LaF by association with SLIT. So when we moved over I was intending to neutralize for both LaF and the server's sake but it turned out anti-SLIT did what they always did and lumped LaF with SLIT and FS'd us.

The SLIT side won and LaF had 3 or 4 original countries left at the end. When we got hit I asked all the members to tag back to fight off anti-SLIT and every LaFer with the exception of one or two tagged their great potentially t10/t100 countries over and just mopped them.

Edited By: euglaf on Apr 25th 2011, 16:47:44
See Original Post

dazedboy Game profile


Apr 25th 2011, 17:10:31


Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 25th 2011, 18:53:44


we definitely wouldn't have stayed with SLIT if we weren't FS'ed when we came over.

and then we would have fought Rival 1v1, which likely would have been a lot more positive than them being part of the anti-SLIT gangbang for two rounds, then disbanding to perform crazy guerrilla tactics to try and run LaF from the game one round later. That ended up being worse for ICN than for LaF, weirdly enough.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 25th 2011, 21:44:32

Heh kya i remember some issues with danedyn in the past but they're very vague atm... wonder what i wrote down in our history...
Finally did the signature thing.

mazooka Game profile


Apr 25th 2011, 22:22:01

Dane dyne hit red after they were informed that red was considering hitting them. I believe vic read it on the heads board and told them. I remember that set, 2 red countries were was my badass country. Never liked them after that =p

Makinso Game profile


Apr 25th 2011, 22:28:56

fun times this game needs more members, thus more(bigger) tags.

trumper Game profile


Apr 26th 2011, 23:06:38

Ahh the TIL wars. I remember the forming of TIL. I think I was doing LCN's FA at the time or maybe I had become a 'head' which was our little council so-to-speak of leadership. If my memory serves it was Duque/IX pushing it hard in the beginning. I had forgotten all about LUST and DL although not surprising Alena joined them since she was good friends with DL irl (Still is I suppose--although Im friends with her too albeit havent seen her in probably 3 years now). But i dont have all my old icqs or the old gamerstown that probably had volumes of discussion about TIL.

Dragonlance Game profile


Apr 26th 2011, 23:46:26

Kaiser always conveniently ignored all mention of Angy/IX cheating and t-bone spying etc. and he always lost his fluff whenever anyone mentioned it lol.

worst earth experience ever? having to be in the same warchat as Steel in anti-TIL.

dear gods. so painful.

Dragonlance Game profile


Apr 26th 2011, 23:50:11

on the plus side we recruited speedwood:p


Need to find the old hilarious steel war thing tearoll and hansen put together with the zelda theme.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 27th 2011, 3:30:44

Originally posted by iScode:
Lust was aweomse, I dont think their were too many ego's in leadership pang (which is what I think you meant, my apologies if you didnt) I think their were too many ego's in the membership from different alliances, the internal fighting was quite prolific, I specifically remember a number of instances with imag members having to be sorted out internally with other lust members (Imag merged into lust for its first set to help it get set up, this would be the first set I played with WoG and NoNers.)

I meant egos throughout the alliance -- members, leaders, members who think they should be leaders, leaders who felt they should have a say in planning but not need to do any work, etc :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Helmet Game profile


Apr 29th 2011, 22:29:14

I remember us getting gangbanged in that TIL war, but we still outhit almost everyone and our allies were free to just take free pot shots at the anti-til. Our restart rate was insane.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2011, 21:24:52

Heh; the gamerswiki site came up and had some of this and i was going to copy it, but then it went down again last night =/
Finally did the signature thing.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 30th 2011, 22:54:10

I remember leading warchats during the TIL wars. That was awesome fun.

Lord Slayer Game profile


May 1st 2011, 0:50:42

The problem with Lust was 2 fold. The main leadership in Lust got along great, not any ego's between us, and to this day (or at least 6 months or so ago) will still keep in contact by phone or other means.

The problem was some ego's in the mid leadership area, and some people thinking that them or their division, should get special treatment. That brought on the second part, which then made deity lose interest/get frustrated.

What then was reborn was the WoG group, which let most of the NoN group in along with a few others from Lust, to be the division that would be heard of as one of the best around.