
NOW3P Game profile


May 10th 2010, 21:02:20

cuz he just figured out there was a FFA forum like 2 or 3 days ago?

NOW3P Game profile


May 10th 2010, 22:41:46

we are :-)

Trippster Game profile


May 10th 2010, 23:26:01

Ignore the smiley.
I have 10 tabs open.
I may or may not be here.

gregg Game profile


May 11th 2010, 15:39:07

I post about LaE on the Express server because their cheating on ffa, alliance and the oher servers endangers the game.

Pang has said that he may close the site because of the time required to fight cheating by LaE, NA and LaEx.

I know some of you may want to defend LaEx but if you do, your run the risk of encouraging them and you may be killing the game itself.
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

Thunder Game profile


May 11th 2010, 17:43:03

You are an idiot gregg. He said he might shutdown FFA server because of all the time spent investigating cheating (not from LaE but in general) instead of developing the game more. Learn to read you dumbass.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Walding Game profile


May 11th 2010, 17:45:57

Who is LaEx?

NOW3P Game profile


May 11th 2010, 17:49:40

I think he means LaExSG1 - the tag that asked to sub-tag with LaE for a little bit of tag protection. Although I'm sure gregg thinks the 1 person that was running those 15 countries was cheating too :-\

MrCobalt Game profile


May 11th 2010, 20:29:49

I think LaEx is suposed to be his nickname for LaE's tag in express, sa in LaEx(press)...

mrford Game profile


May 11th 2010, 21:03:36

MrCobalt wins the prize!!!!!!!!!!!

1 day in Connecticut with llaar!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 4:01:47

Hello thunder
congrats on your new position

It is unfortunate that your first comment ever to me is an insult but i will let it pass
let us see if we can get a dialogue going
although neither NOW3P nor fordie were capable of it

they both practiced ad hominem slurs and were deliberately obtuse so i regret that your first comment directed to me was an insult because it bodes ill and is reminiscent of their posts

I welcome the opportunity to speak directly to a thoughtful LaE leader. apparently you are capable of nuanced thought a quality not present in the gentlemen i have been arguing with for weeks

I will acknowledge your point that Pang did not specifically point to LaE as the cause of his disillusionment but given the context of his statement the implication was clear.

I know you are busy with your new duties and battling the spreading NA scandal so i will try to be brief.

if you really intend to clean house please investigate the allegations on this server
please acknowledge that if some in your clan shared countries and illegal multis on two other servers they might well have done it here as well

As someone else posted it seems unimaginable that with me raising a ruckus for weeks on the forums that they would continue cheating
Once we had proof that they were playing multis and sharing information on this server two of the cheaters got scared off playing this server according to NOW3P
but they kept cheating on the other two servers

if someone is screaming "LaE cheats LaE cheats
and i sent proof to the mods"
why did they keep right on doing it?
Why didnt it get reported to the top of the clan and investigated?
Why did your new third in command not investigate the allegations but instead launch into a smear campaign? You could have caught the cheaters internally and avoided this whole scandal. Sorry i apologize this is not about his past errors it is about your future conduct. From now on, if someone says LaE is cheating have a protocol to investigate it.

You have inherited a cesspool, sir, and i doubt if there are many men who can clean it up.

You have read that cheating is endangering the whole game and you seem to agree.
I doubt if you have had time to read all my posts and probably only have sketchy reports from men who dont quite grasp the concepts therein but

Knowing that cheating is threatening the game please
acknowledge that you do not yet have all the facts and order your lieutenants to stop defending the clan until after all the facts are in and the remedies in place
order them to stop smearing a guy who only has the best interest of the game at heart. This is a time for humility not arrogance. Whoever your damage control specialist is he is failing, frankly you should bring in an old enemy to be your clan spokesperson and internal investigator. Even Toyota did a better job of damage control than your underlings are doing. voluntarily impose some restrictions on your clan
as a self discipline for the past scandal
and for the scandal still developing on alliance

NOW3P has the embarassment of having stated for weeks that there was no cheating and then having to eat his words
It should have been a cause of great sadness when this scandal broke but because of the smear campaign led by NOW3P and participated in by many within your clan,
my reaction was elation at having finally been proven right. Some of that may be my fault but much of it was a reaction to having been insulted for weeks.

Avoid that trap and do not defend the indefensible
conduct a thorough investigation of your own clan
not just a whitewash. If heads should still roll cut them off yourself. Stop the practice of LaE insulting those who want a clean game. If you can somehow adopt and enforce these suggestions you will have the gratitude of the whole community and i will post a positive statement about LaE.

Edited By: gregg on May 12th 2010, 4:10:37
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

mrford Game profile


May 12th 2010, 4:21:42

damn dude, put the thesaurus away

ur using words that don't need to be used, and/or shouldn't be used, like you are

not making your self smarter, just looks like you are trying too hard
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

May 12th 2010, 4:26:42

Why didnt it get reported to the top of the clan and investigated?

for somebody who's all up lae's ass, you sure seem to have missed something fairly vital. the top of the clan was where this fluff was happening.

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 4:35:50


thanks for straightening me out azz

u r right
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:09:59


not sure who he is

there are people besides me on this server who oppose cheating
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

NOW3P Game profile


May 12th 2010, 23:19:24

not true - everyone in express are cheaters. Didn't you get the memo?

Trippster Game profile


May 12th 2010, 23:48:01

I thought everyone but gregg was in LaE . And he was just mad cause we wouldn't let him in.
Ignore the smiley.
I have 10 tabs open.
I may or may not be here.

joe2 Game profile


May 13th 2010, 20:12:45

Originally posted by mrford:
damn dude, put the thesaurus away

ur using words that don't need to be used, and/or shouldn't be used, like you are

not making your self smarter, just looks like you are trying too hard

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought someone was going out of their way to use big words ;)

joe2 Game profile


May 13th 2010, 20:14:41

in other news kudos to the first person who used the words "obtuse, ad hominem, bodes and reminiscent" in the same sentence. Impressive use of words for someone who spells are "r"

NOW3P Game profile


May 14th 2010, 0:23:40

Man, I love me some noobs! They're just too cute not to wanna slap.