
Klopek Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 1:55:32

Currently, anyone can figure out how many oil barrels, bushels, turrets...etc are being bought every hour. It would be nice if this information could be aggregated and displayed so that we can quickly obtain this info.

I have another suggestion. In addition to displaying the data I mentioned above, I think it would be interesting to know how many oil barrels, bushels... etc are being PRODUCED by every country linked to the market.

Similar to the way OPEC must report how much they are producing, I think it would be interesting to have this information. It might lead players to change their strategy mid-game in an effort to capitalize on any market shortage.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2011, 2:06:44

You can look at the market history in game, it should be under the Standing Orders link.

I think posting production numbers is unrealistic, but you can take a stab based on government types. If there are a large number of fascists, then food and oil will have a strong production rate, etc. In tourny however, this is a little less obvious as you cannot see the governments in other Games even though they share a common market. In general, the market will always be a big question mark, but that's part of the game.

Klopek Game profile


Jul 24th 2011, 2:19:57

Yes, I've been totaling the amounts of the goods I'm interested in daily but I still think this information should be aggregated and displayed for us so. It would save time.