
crysk Game profile


Dec 27th 2011, 23:58:50

1) I'm VP, not pres, I am not the leader of ely.

2) Why would I let you guys get the upper hand on us? Your leader made it very clear by talking to way too many people about killing us because Rockman and Llaar was in our tag. I wouldn't have given it a second thought if it was just one person, but it wasn't, it was multiple people. Seems you're likely the only one with any sense in IMP sublime, and you know damn well if there was talk like that about someone hitting IMP, you wouldn't take the chance and you'd hit first regardless of numbers (Look at the numbers vs the little tags you've picked on the last few sets)

3) I fully expected you'd kick our butts no matter what the numbers were. It's actually a shame you didn't, I fully expect more fun to come

4) If tko hit us with the numbers game, I sure as heck wouldn't let my clan hide. ANYWHERE. A loss is a loss, I wouldn't dishonor my clan for my own gain, which is exactly what IMP is doing hiding in multiple tags and then tagging over to hit.

5) I've said it multiple times, NBK knew we wouldn't be involved in the war with Semper, it was made VERY clear. And Gungrave also knew that IMP was our target very early in the set. If they wanted IMP, they should have made it clear they did. They didn't.

And now...I'm done with this. A month left in the set, tag up and fight a bit. It ain't over til its over.

Edited By: crysk on Dec 28th 2011, 0:03:57
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