
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 12th 2012, 13:25:09

thats why weve discussed multiple times ways to lower tempo without making it so there is a hard cutoff

the simple version is change walling to be inefficient at low pop

the actual problem is timezones and time commitment, quite often you will see a small alliance able to make kills during the first 2 days when they have stored turns but as the turns run out and they have a higher proportion of their own countries unable to attack they can completely fall apart and do things like dropping back to only 1 warchat a day

i do not think kills should be allowed in team at 5, in alliance at 5 (or more) it could be tuned for you to be able to get some kills in 1 run/day and require a second/third day, with the amount you can kill exceeding the amount of pop that can be regained (this assumes people hitting every few hours and the enemy walling inbetween, there will always be a point at which it would become very slow to wear down an optimal waller, perhaps give a penalty for being constantly below max pop or just require more coordination)

edit: removed maths i sidetracked myself a bit

if you want to reduce tempo you make it so more countries are required to kill a country in a given time period, if you just want to bring advantage to small groups you only need to make it so they can get a kill eventually

but if you reduce tempo too much without doing the other you increase the cutoff point when factoring in entry barrier

i argue current walling destroys the ability to balance the game with a lower tempo

and removing stored turns only changes the initial tempo not the prolonged one

Edited By: enshula on Jan 12th 2012, 13:39:22
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