
Unsympathetic Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 4:04:50

I've never understood this attack on drop-in-the-bucket nonsense such as IP within US borders.

If Congress actually wanted to address the money lost by US multinationals due to intellectual property theft, THEY WOULD ENFORCE STIFF TARIFFS ON ALL CHINESE GOODS.

Anyone who wants to think or assert that China has created anything in the last 25 years is flat-out lying. China's entire economy is nothing but copying American innovation - that's it.

Congress can make piracy stop - they just don't want to deal with the actual problem.

This is not including wage/environmental/border tariffs. China has a straight 25% tariff on all goods/services from the US that enter China.. and the US tariff is under 2%. A "Free Market" is one with no tariffs anywhere, and the simple truth is that when those Chinese border tariffs are eliminated, US goods are actually more competitive in the Chinese market than the equivalent Chinese good - in quite seriously all categories.

And no, China doesn't "own us" - look up the numbers, Chinese goods account for 2.7% of US consumption. By way of comparison the annual dollars we send to Canada for their oil is more than everything we buy from China. And you don't see people complaining about mooses overrunning DC, do you? Well, except for that one parade honoring Mickster and Patty, but we don't talk about that in public.

Edited By: Unsympathetic on Jan 22nd 2012, 4:18:30
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