
spawn Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:02:50

... i hope you werent netting....


/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Wulf Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:19:39

Act like a spam tag and get treated like a spam tag. Act like a legit alliance and get treated like a legit alliance.

spawn Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:22:19

we have clear stated policies, spam tag dont
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

lakitu Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:23:47

lol i didnt grab you guys spawn. no hard feelings though, i suck at netting anyway so i lose out on nothing. may as well have been me who has 0 stock than a player with 200m bushels.

cheers :)



Mar 10th 2012, 18:24:40

some nice fella from rival donated few million bushels :P

Mapleson Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:28:13

Good job spawn. You can attack an members of an alliance that never touched your tag. What do you think that will earn you? Respect in the community? Or more of fluff on you and your members? You ententionally fluff over people netgaining that never attacked SAMCRO and then come to AT to complain?

I guess we made a mistake in not farming you early and often to keep you down rather than letting you grow mostly unmolested (one member did hit you).

spawn Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:30:47

1) we post our policies every set
2) we do what we do for a few sets now
3) we hit 3 others clans for the same reason this set, you didnt learn from their mistakes
4) get your facts straight, several of your guys hit us before we hit you
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Wulf Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:33:52

Contact FA or kill the offending countries. Hitting random people is what useless suiciders do and you gain NOTHING in the end.

spawn Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:34:46

we dont do FA, ingame actions speak louder
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Wulf Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:42:55

And that why you're a landfarm.

spawn Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 18:44:02

and thats we ruined your netting you mean :)
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Jiman Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 19:29:52

I understand that you are attempting to protect a very small tag, but by ruining multiple players resets instead of doing proper FA action is going to anger the players you are attacking and the FA's because they do not see your logic.
No matter how hard you try, they wont connect the dots because there are none.

You guys are going to end up making more enemies then friends this way.

If you do not care about making friends, then I consider your actions griefing.

If I was netting I would carry more then 50k tanks.

Edited By: Jiman on Mar 10th 2012, 19:35:38
See Original Post



Mar 10th 2012, 20:10:12

lol if you guys think that samcro care that you are angry at us. Any idiotism on your part gives us more opportunities to have fun.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 20:32:32

tell them to yell at their FA's for not properly contacting SAMCRO when one of their members flips the biscuit and farms SAMCRO. crazy noobs.

why didn't the FA's put SAMCRO on the DO NOT HIT list anyway?
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.



Mar 10th 2012, 20:44:25

Dibs they are idiots what do you expect.



Mar 10th 2012, 21:22:23

also a nice hint. If you are an alliance leader and someone in your clan has farmed samcro, maybe send pacts and pay reps before you get the treatment.

Wulf Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 21:37:40

That's what FA is for. GJ not pursuing that avenue.

spawn Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 16:13:19

Jiman, you enjoy tag protection, so share the tag-responsibility... Dots connected
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Boltar Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 16:59:44

Originally posted by spawn:
we have clear stated policies, spam tag dont

Heh I will remember that for those who cried about team server with a clans retaliate policy of 0:kill

anoniem Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 17:11:25

team server fails for a number of reasons, mainly because people don't get the idea of a team:
5 members = 1 team

not 50 members = 10 teams combining to make 1 clan and fluffing over everyone else.

Boltar Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 17:17:51

Agreed but until they fix it. Play the card hand ur dealt

anoniem Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 17:22:57

so until the admins fix it - people should just continue fluffing people over? wait.. do you actually want to play with other people or just run them from the server completely?

i don't get the mentality of that server.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 17:59:03

currently 143 contries at team, pretty much same numbers as earth2025 limited had last few sets with 1 difference which is that at limited many of those didn't pass turn 119.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Boltar Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 18:12:46

People have being doing it far before I played again. It's the nature of the server.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 11th 2012, 18:38:03

Originally posted by Boltar:
People have being doing it far before I played again. It's the nature of the server.
so productive. sometimes I'm like "hey i feel a bit bad for all the non-involved countries I hit" but then I think "they're friends of boltar/elves" and it becomes ok again.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Killa Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 18:38:25

I know at least 3 members that are quitting the game due to actions of people like you.

But keep at it, we don't need people playing to have fun

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 11th 2012, 18:47:37

Originally posted by Killa:
I know at least 3 members that are quitting the game due to actions of people like you.

But keep at it, we don't need people playing to have fun
Maybe you should be blaming your clanmates who made 91 attacks on SAMCRO, including countless RoRs (and excluding any real retals) before this happened.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

anoniem Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 18:47:42

killa: are you talking to boltar or PP?

Killa Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 18:50:06

I'm talking to spawn, I could care less what other issues are being posted.

I've never been hit by samcro, so I have little to discuss with my "clanmates".

toma Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 18:56:59

boltar why do you have such a hard on for samcro you want to join them or something? Everyone has stopped talking about you and the team server a month ago and yet you still you try to push yourself to be the center of attention in every topic.
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.

Boltar Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 0:15:18

actually PP i dont even know who is in rival but a few people..

and toma.. no i dont, i didnt even care when u guys hit the SoF guy (where im playing) but if u guys can say u posted ur retal policy countless times.. then it works on another server too.. and anyone in samcro who plays that other server shouldnt cry about what happens cause of the other servers tag policies is all im saying.. i like spawn.. i like ziggy if he still plays in samcro. would i join them? no. why, cause i dont want to.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 0:23:31

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Boltar:
People have being doing it far before I played again. It's the nature of the server.
so productive. sometimes I'm like "hey i feel a bit bad for all the non-involved countries I hit" but then I think "they're friends of boltar/elves" and it becomes ok again.

there was big war at 1st/2nd set of team-server when alliances wanted to play it like alliance but teams wanted to play it like a team and alliance side lost but soon it returned to be alliance-team.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

anoniem Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 0:45:08

(btw i stopped playing team server due to bully boy antics and people not playing in the spirit of the game i.e. stupid retal policies, suiciding and gangbanging).

mehicoo gangbangers shud diez!

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 12th 2012, 4:26:52

Originally posted by Boltar:
actually PP i dont even know who is in rival but a few people..

and toma.. no i dont, i didnt even care when u guys hit the SoF guy (where im playing) but if u guys can say u posted ur retal policy countless times.. then it works on another server too.. and anyone in samcro who plays that other server shouldnt cry about what happens cause of the other servers tag policies is all im saying.. i like spawn.. i like ziggy if he still plays in samcro. would i join them? no. why, cause i dont want to.
are you implying 91:war is not a fair retal policy?
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Boltar Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 4:56:07

its ur policy if thats how u choose to retal go for it. just stating dont cry on another server over someone else policy either

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 12th 2012, 5:10:37

you seem to be drawing some sort of parallel between 0:kill and 91:war
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Boltar Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 5:21:26

usually when u go to war u declare.. samcro didnt did they?

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 12th 2012, 5:28:13

what's this thread about then?
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

toma Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 15:03:01

oh dear
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.

Killa Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 15:33:12

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
what's this thread about then?

I don't know

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 15:35:50

trying to figure out if galleri boobies are fake. well, not fake, just magnificiently enhanced...
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

PG Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 19:42:58

Why do post about Rival. Always turn out to be something else!

PS: bonus post =)
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

BrainWave Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 20:04:51

where are the sheep? all i see is dead SAMCRO countries :-(



Mar 12th 2012, 22:04:59

Why isn't rival only killing the countries that hit rival? According to your own logic you shouldn't be touching 334. Rival hypocrites?!

PaleMoon Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 22:20:53

Bonus (plus hoping for boobies)...
"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

Marshal Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 23:07:35

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 23:17:06

does have a story to go along with the filename of weird-boobs-14.jpg? hmmm, maybe i've never seen a pair of normal boobs...
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Drake Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 23:37:43

Originally posted by Trock:
Why isn't rival only killing the countries that hit rival? According to your own logic you shouldn't be touching 334. Rival hypocrites?!

blame me for that one, I was bored and had turns to burn. besides, ye called us out, not our fault you didnt like the response

I chuckled when I thought of this post and the "end of your netting set" and proceeded to hit a country that had zero troops....made 900 mil and only cost me a handful of barrels of oil
