


Mar 26th 2012, 19:05:02

I love how dagga brings up stuff from 2010 to insult LaF, but when it comes to his own alliance, 2010 is old history and doesn't matter to the argument.


I've said this before, and I'll say it here again, I don't have my exact quote which was awesome.


LaF play for each other, we are a family. We encourage each member to have the best netagining finish as they can, but we do not enforce anything.

Unlike the popular belief on AT, we aren't a dictatorship alliance, we don't force members to run all explore countries to make sure we win average networth. Although we would like it to happen, it would hurt that player's playing experience if we limit what they want to do.

So if some guy wants to have 3 million spies and 80 missiles just because he loves them missiles on a netgaining reset, we let him be. If he is asking why his expenses are so high, we would explain it to him and give him options to adjust his country to achieve higher networth.

If we just shove a all explore strategy down some member's throat, and make him follow it, all that member can do in the future is follow that for the rest of his gaming cycle. That's not how LaF works.

We encourage and mentor our members, we educate and allow our members to flourish on their own, having them learn their lessons and being able to understand how things work not only allows them to remember and be able to experiment for a better finish in the future. In return, they tend to help out our new recruits and suppor them the way that they were supported by other LaF members.

We innovate new ways to maximize networths, and also new ways to complete and utterly fail at destocking as well, almost every single set.

Sure, it's frown upon if some guy netgains through a war by doing minimal to no war hits and just land grabs, or a guy that purely has no intention to finish above 30m networth on a netting reset, or have a combined war hits and DHs of 0 in a war reset with 8 restarts. But we still do not remove our members. Because each and every single member matters to LaF.

If we really wanted to win ANW and TNW every reset, don't you think we could downsize a bit and shatter your minds with ungodly numbers?

That's not how we like to play, at least from my perspective as a member. We do want to win titles, but we want to do it as a group.

We leave no one behind, and our members don't bail when the going gets tough, that's how we have been gaining members every single reset, sure, a few NEW members here and there, but most of our gains have been RETURNING members from YEARS ago.

I know I'm feeding the trollololols here, but what the fluff, why not, you are hungry and I'm bored at work.

So there you have it. I have successfully derailed the thread.

Edited By: Forgotten on Mar 26th 2012, 19:10:45
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~LaF's Retired Janitor~