
hanlong Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 16:25:31

Originally posted by dagga:
Wow you idiots are arguing completely different things. enshula's first moronic point was to say I was wrong about laf prepping for an early war. I was clearly right.

Whether or not they were prepping for a day 10 war or the resultant day 19 war is inconsequential. Their start meant they had a predetermined war, again. Like they have had for the last year and a half.

Twist all you like, but the facts are slapping you in the face.

dagga wants us to not war prep knowing a war is coming so we can get blindsided again. :P

its so obvious what he's trying to imply :P

so SOL like war preps every reset for a war eventually every reset. why is it ok for SOL to war prep and LaF not to? does SOL have the monopoly on warprepping now and everyone else has to netgain? :P

here's a hint. stop targeting LaF and we'll stop warprepping and start pure netgaining. then maybe you can blindside us one day again ;P

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 29th 2012, 16:33:39
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia