
Nuketon Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 22:45:07

A few suggestions, your government is Republic, which gives +20 per capita income and +20% explore rate. If you were to specialize in only building enterprise zones and residences you would use the per capita income bonus more effectively, thus generating a greater overall income than you would by having some of every type of building.

As a casher, you want to produce money only, and buy everything else with that income. The only exception are spies because they can not be bought, only produced by industrial complexes.

So what I would do first is tear down all your research labs only, you will buy tech from now on. And only start with RL's as they don't produce any benefit when you are not teching, the empty acres will produce a small amount of food. Second raise your build per turn to 60 by building more construction sites. Next tear down all non EZ, Res, IC 60(or whatever your BPT is) at a time, and rebuild EZ/Res evenly (or a 1.1:1 ratio if you prefer to save a little on food). Once that is done tear down all but 500(set production 100% spies) or so IC's and rebuild EZ/Res.

While in that process you will run into negative food, be sure to buy food off of the public market so you don't run out. Also if you can buy as much business/residential tech as you can during this process it will increase your income.

Hope this helps, and if you update further I can help further.

Edited By: Nuketon on Apr 4th 2012, 22:49:15. Reason: edit
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