
Alin Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 6:18:02

You can call Hanlong or who ever you are referring to as retarded all you want. However, I would point out then that not only has a mentally retarded person completely politically outmaneuvered SoL but also has led a tree hugging paper tiger alliance into thoroughly smashing the guts out of a war alliance.

The only answer is that Sol`s leadership is not obsessed with this game and beeing the powerhouse with 700 alliance members remaining.

The other side has a mentally retarded guy with to much time on hand.

At the end of last reset i had received the following message on my mobile:

"Hey the new Earth Empires Reset started last set saw hanlong break all sorts of records ended with 435mil new net worth. We miss you. Come back to Laf! If you re having trouble little logging into you Laf account, just SMS me or go to and drop an e-mail ... come back"

This is what i just received on my private mobile at the end of last reset. I was never part of Laf, i actually plaied only Arrow and Sol so it is obviosly they hacked/spied some databases in order to get my telephone number ( and i asume a lot others).

This is obsession with a texed bassed game - close to madness.

Edited By: Alin on Apr 24th 2012, 6:35:47
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