
anoniem Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 0:14:00

To whom ever is concerned:

Firstly, the amount of drivel I’ve (on behalf of Evolution and myself) had to put up with while playing this game within the last year has taken its toll on me.

I have as a member of the Foreign Affairs team in Evolution always tried to keep us clear of war, but people often mistake Evolution’s fondness for netgaining as a weakness. I am personally not afraid to express my feelings towards any alliance or person. If I truly believe in a cause then I have (and will continue to do so, as long as I play this game) always expressed myself. My feelings are often shared by the majority of my alliance (otherwise, I would not feel the need articulate them); however they (Evolution’s membership) are reluctant to get into any confrontations, whereas I am not.

In my time in Evolution (spanning four to five years) we have never once declared war on alliance for our own purposes. We try to help our allies as much as possible, of course, when we are allowed to do so, and it is feasible. I may be a Head in Evolution; but I’ve never shied away from doing what’s right, and the other leaders and members are exactly the same. We didn’t have to stand up and say what’s happening to Paradigm is wrong or what’s happening to SoL is wrong. We could have easily taken our beating and stayed out of it, but that’s not how we operate, and as long as we have the same leaders and loyal members we will never “screw” an ally over for our own profit and/or short-term gain.

We have backed down several times, and have on many occasions had to use our better judgment i.e. by not declaring war for revenge purposes. We stick to our morals and principles. Our battlefield has always been the Average Networth Race, which we enjoy, as we feel that in doing well in such a category it shows we work as team. Our goal is not to win individual accolades, but to win team accolades, though that being said we also have a strict code of what can and can’t be done to achieve what we want.

We had a “vague” (La Famiglia’s words and allies choice of word, not mine) uNAP broken by La Famiglia some resets ago. This was NOT the first time in our history that they had broken a “vague” pact. This was not just down to hanlong, but it was supported throughout your (La Famiglia) whole alliance, and even some of our mutual alliances palmed it off as a “war that needed to happen”. Yes, we had our differences – most of which stemmed from a blatant hypocrisy from La Famiglia, whereby Evolution and its membership must adhere to certain netgaining standards, whilst La Famiglia are impervious to those same standards they laid down upon Evolution and several other netgaining alliances. That is something that did not sit well with Evolution, so our grievances often spilled onto Alliance Talk, as over the years that seemed to be the only way to get our message across.

We signed two pacts with La Famiglia, which were a uNAP and an additional Anti-Gang Bang Coalition pact. It’s pretty ironic really. The sole purpose of the pacts were to help unify netgaining alliances, and to stop war alliances intimidating our (netgaining) alliances. No, need to get into it again. We all know what happened there.

What I will say for myself, and not for Evolution (perceive it as you may) – is that we feel let down by several alliances that stood idly by or assisted La Famiglia. Irrespective of the cheating and hacking (as nothing surprises me about your methods to “win”) – what they were doing in-game was not right. If you can’t even trust a pact you have with another alliance – then you have nothing. If nobody else stands up and says what they are doing is wrong you begin to question yourself: is the game worth playing? Does anybody even give a damn about what’s happening?
Only this week I had a member quit, because they hated the current “political” climate of the game and preferred FFA over Alliance.

I understand this is a war game, and by that I mean that I understand that wars happen, but they should happen for the right reasons and under the right circumstances.

Ignorance is not an excuse and never will be, so I’d like to reiterate: this isn’t just about La Famiglia cheating/hacking. This is about so much more. What I will say on the cheating is this: this is the Alliance Server and if you decide to cheat here then it reflects poorly on your entire alliance, so the excuse of it only being two members doesn’t wash. Take some responsibility for your alliance’s actions. I’ve been told on several occasions that when I post I represent my alliance, so I say to those in La Famiglia who deny culpability – those leaders that were found out to have cheated/hacked REPRESENT YOUR ALLIANCE.

Evolution would like to thank those select few who have supported us in our time of need. Alliances such as TIE, MD, SoL, PDM and iMag - your efforts haven't been forgotten. I’d like to give a special thanks to Arsenal, Makinso, Praetor, Jiman, Archaic and Detmer; and to several Evolution leaders (past and present) such as KJ and Slagpit who also took a load of crap in this whole saga.

Now on behalf of Evolution:
1] Evolution declares it’s current uNAP pact with La Famiglia void (as of this post).
2] Evolution will not sign a pact with La Famiglia for a period of three resets (that period will begin at the start of the new reset).
3] Evolution will be following our own retal policy of 90% L:L alliance:country retals.
4] Whilst Evolution recognizes it will never get back the time or the members lost. We demand a full apology from La Famiglia.
5] Evolution demands all known cheaters to be removed and permanently banned from your alliance.
6] Evolution supports Moral Decay and Son’s of Liberty’s claims to open up complete IP logs to prove legitimacy of your alliance (La Famiglia).

Evolution, Head of Foreign Affairs (and loyal member)

BattleKJ Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 0:15:00


It would be very easy to make a massive post on my feelings about the whole subject (that no one would read anyway!).

I agree totally with everything anoniem has posted, his post represents the feelings of Evolutions membership very well. I just wish to add that the criminal implications of what Hanlong and TurtleCrawler have done should NOT be overlooked. Pang, qzjul.... go 'fingolfin style' on their asses.

-Evo HoW.

Edited By: BattleKJ on May 3rd 2012, 0:32:50
See Original Post

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 3rd 2012, 0:20:51

It most definitely isn't my decision to make, but I personally can't see the IP logs becoming open. There is a certain amount of individual privacy considerations to take into account, and there would be a lot of people in LaF that would not agree to have such information about themselves publicly revealed.

This is the same reason why most multi cheat tests involve a process like "can you check this ip and see if something comes up?" and then the answer is usually a "yes" or "no" and that is it.

But once again, this definitely isn't my decision and I'm not going to speculate on what SG will decide to do.

madjsp Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 0:29:52

I think instead of giving the logs to different alliances, have a trusted admin run the logs. This would put a lot of faith in an admin looking into other alliances IP logs.

This could be a good way to do this, if trust can be given. At least we can see who has the multies.

OR just give the IP logs for the two people in question.

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

BattleKJ Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 0:35:00

Marshall; I believe anoniem is just requesting a full disclosure of all the IP's TurtleCrawler and Hanlong have been logged using on the LaF site.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 3rd 2012, 0:39:37

ah, if so then that was my misunderstanding.

BattleKJ Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 0:41:32

He could have worded it better. But its late for us Brits ;)

BobbyATA Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 1:41:01

it is weird to me how different Yank (and to some degree qz) seem to be from the rest of EVO leadership=)



May 3rd 2012, 2:45:58

I love how people mention privacy and the internet into the same sentence. IP addresses are not private nor hard to find. You leave it on everything you touch.

aponic Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 2:53:03

I found this post to be way over the top. Ever in lofty style eh Anoneim?

Chadius Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 2:53:53

+1 Bobby

I'm not sure if anyone in LaF has actually apologized for the actions of TC or Hanlong, besides Son Goku. (haven't read thru the hundreds of posts, and if others

In light of the recent events, I would like to apologize Evo, SoL, and MD. (and any other alliances that have been wronged by us)

I haven't been in LaF as long as others, so I am in no way privy to the past that some of you have been angry about. (the past cheating concerns etc) I do know that we have a good core of vets, and I would do anything to help Son Goku pull us back from this blemish on LaF's history.

To my fellow LaF clan mates, I am sorry if this breaks the "no posting" rule.

I know we have a rough future coming. I am looking forward to the challenge. (as are the rest of us)



May 3rd 2012, 2:54:43

zomg !!!

Evo are pact breaking!!!

Pride Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 3:24:46

Another great post.

IXNeo Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 4:48:38

another anon post. +bonus

Illuminati X
Division: EoS



May 3rd 2012, 5:05:47

So we see a coalition starting against LaF and its allies.. good job taking advantage of this horrible situation.

ld Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 5:17:24

I don't see anyone jumping LaF, I see people dropping pacts but not a mass war effort to rid the alliance from the game (though if the tables were turned I dont know that would be the case for Evo).

I think this hurts the game, but I also think that losing an alliance great or small hurts the game more. I would like to see LaF rebound from this and continue to be the fierce (and hated) rival that they have been to Evo. Without some fueled rivalry what fun will the game be?

BattleKJ Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 6:12:04

Originally posted by Kaloop:
So we see a coalition starting against LaF and its allies.. good job taking advantage of this horrible situation.

Its disgraceful and hugely disrespectful isnt it for wanting to drop LaF as a pacted alliance after their off and on again Leader for many years has been found guilty of illegitimately gaining access to the game database and Evolutions alliance site.

Karim Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 6:12:36

Well done: another tag that steps up!
-[Panzer Division MD]-



May 3rd 2012, 6:36:22

What does it matter... Evo is going to try and be the best alliance on the server the best way thier leaders know how. Talk trash and promote fear and paranoia. Your scared. So go ahead and make everyone know how you feel about cheating. Of course you don't condone such acts.. only an idiot would.

Jiman Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 7:17:59

Kaloop which alliance do you come from?

Drow Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 7:57:12

Chadius: Well posted.
If you aren't a leader in LaF, you should be.

Kaloop: don't jump to conclusions. LaF is losing pacts because their highest leader chose to cheat in the worst way possible. People don't want to ally alliances where leaders are caught cheating.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

anoniem Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 8:09:07

Originally posted by Kaloop:
What does it matter... Evo is going to try and be the best alliance on the server the best way thier leaders know how. Talk trash and promote fear and paranoia. Your scared. So go ahead and make everyone know how you feel about cheating. Of course you don't condone such acts.. only an idiot would.

According to LaF we were already in a coalition, so get your facts right or don't post at all.

There are several reasons for Evo dropping this pact, if we wanted we could FS with several other alliances. Do you see us doing that? No.

Did you not see hanlong post this reset about cheating voiding any pact with clans like Muppets? Are you so stupid as to see that if LaF complain about this it makes them even bigger hypocrites than they already are?

As for Evolution promoting paranoia. The admins finding out hanlong/TC cheated and hacked vindicates us and our allies. If you can't see that, then that's your loss. I don't care what YOU think. I only care about what my allies and my alliance think. If you think this is an excuse to gangbang LaF then you're wrong.

LaF have given several reasons for so many alliances to want to "gangbang" them. The arrogance of their members even in the aftermath, and their lack of sincerity fuels the fire.

Evo are going to try and be the best alliance on the server? Well, sure who wouldn't want to be? But, if you think we are going to start blindsiding, gangbanging, detagging, cheating, hacking etc. then no.

Clearly, you have no problem with the above, so why would you care if Evo broke a uNAP.


p.s. Again, this is not a reason to hit LaF, though really even if it was who could blame us?

Edited By: anoniem on May 3rd 2012, 8:11:23
See Original Post

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 9:45:47

i'm not entirely sure that hanlong didn't just go completely out of his head from having to read all the drivel that you've been posting for the last year, anoniem.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

BattleKJ Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 9:58:20


anoniem Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 10:17:12

Originally posted by anoniem:
To whom ever is concerned:

Clearly, you are concerned, otherwise you wouldn't feel the perpetual need to constantly troll.

bertz Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 13:23:23


Cee Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 15:11:12

With a name like Kaloop, do not expect intelligent feedbacks.

Nice post Anoniem. Good luck to Evo

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

May 3rd 2012, 15:17:36

My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash