
mdevol Game profile


May 5th 2012, 7:59:23

Thats odd eestats, and GHQ tell me that your #s are alot.

War Start Date: 04-13 | War End Date: 05-05

War Stats
untagged -> oNBKo, pIMPs
Hits 67 Hits 26
Kills 0 Kills 0


War Stats
untagged -> 473CC
Hits 1,394 Hits 279
Kills 10 Kills 1
HPK 139 HPK 279

it also shows me that onbko and pIMPs have only been hit a combined 75 times by untagged this reset

your #s are a little off. you might wanna go check them.

I have no idea where you got that 2779 from, the only thing close to that is the 2,456 untagged hits CC took before the war, if you remember IMP and NBK were the ones NOT getting suicided on.

Edited By: mdevol on May 5th 2012, 8:16:54
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Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis