


Jul 2nd 2012, 21:23:19

thats the problem why do i need to follow your rules who made clans the boss of this server...

as for me and others who fight the good fight dieings apart of war... and the easiest way to defeat a power is to attack its wealth...

if i want an all jetter and i want a to grab you fattys with lil to no defense dont double tap me or kill me just cause your mad you got farmed... is one set of high nw worth 3 of suicide attacks... i dont believe so... and the crying says you agree...

and dragon a few dont make em all bad i run all jetters and spy\misslers because that is my deterent you have clans with kill squads and war clans with top killers that is thier deterent... i stopped playing because you and others like you ruined set after set cause you wanna kill untagged war countries... and dont forget you declare set after set you are going after untagged countries your just mad you dont always get the fs....

Edited By: flo on Jul 2nd 2012, 21:25:34
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