
Zoomer Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 21:07:41

Originally posted by synoder:
You were unprepare

Originally posted by synoder:
I assume english is not your first language?

Wow you found it yourself? Your second name is it Colombo?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2012, 21:26:36

I would kill his tag just for being stupid throwing insults, but i have respect for the other guy in his tag, so ill byte my pew pew finger...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Tin Man


Sep 15th 2012, 21:45:59

Zoomer will suck it for 5 dolla

synoder Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 22:27:59

Originally posted by Zoomer:
Originally posted by synoder:
You were unprepare

Originally posted by synoder:
I assume english is not your first language?

Wow you found it yourself? Your second name is it Colombo?

lol there's a difference between a typo and not understanding the english language. At any rate, you seem to be content to insult everyone rather than man up and admit that you made a mistake so I won't bother arguing with you. Good luck in the future and my advice to you is to join a tag that knows how to war and get someone to teach you the ropes and this won't happen again.

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 22:29:30

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I would kill his tag just for being stupid throwing insults, but i have respect for the other guy in his tag, so ill byte my pew pew finger...

lol seriously you feel insulted?? And what about all of you who comes here and tell me about my preparation after i explained my point? You think you are not insulting me? You think you look smart because you tell me that my countries was unprepared cuz i had no SDI when i didn't need it? Maybe i don't write in a perfect english... but i think i write it well enough that you can understand that an organized war isn't to FS when you want... cuz yes it was a blind FS .... when you don't know against who you will war and when... it's a blind FS.

So now be smart and you will not be insulted in return.If you continue to act like a moron that doesn't want understand, well don't be surprise to be disrespected. Respect goes in both ways.

Tin Man


Sep 15th 2012, 22:31:07

"Oh come one Officer! I didn't have insurance because I didn't NEED it!"

... oh and LMAO

my countries was unprepared cuz i had no SDI

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 22:35:40

Synoder you are funny... i understood what you wrote... but it seems that is YOU which he doesn't understand. I didn't do a mistake... and i weren't unprepared.

I was unprepared for Zodiac... but he didn't organized the war as requested... he just FSed for a total surprise.

Damn how many times i will need to write "ORGANIZED WAR" before you understand?

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 22:41:34

lol wow if you fight someone with no missiles you will buy SDI?
oh well do it but in my case i will buy more weapon and spy.

Its why i wanted an organized war (see i wrote it again) it's to see what i needed to buy and get prepared for THAT specific opponent.

I don't know for you... when i buy an insurance... i buy it in fonction of my needs... if i have a new car i will take a full insurance... if i have a 10 years old car i will take only civil insurance.

Donny Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 22:46:09

i buy max SDI if were netting.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Donny Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 22:46:29

you will learn SDI runs FFA. :D

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

zodiac Game profile


Sep 16th 2012, 10:09:36

im winning,, :)

you should have killed me by now ,, there is 2 of you

m0bzta Game profile


Sep 16th 2012, 10:10:59

we know that
Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

RLintz Game profile


Sep 16th 2012, 17:53:32

Originally posted by Zoomer:
Originally posted by RLintz:
Win or loss, awesome work.

LOL the way he did it everybody can do it... Come on guys... a guy with full missile, do a blind FS on someone with no SDI and you find that exceptionnal?? Stop to make me laugh.

He acted like every alliance leaders that need to fill their egos. Use all the advantage and say "look at us we are so strong" but in reallity you just hit someone which didn't wait it.

the fact that he didn't PM and didn't tkae a war arrengment as it was required proof me his poor war skills.

it's easy to win a 100m sprint when you start 8.5 secs before everybody.

I say awesome work because:
you asked for war...(A freindly one)
Zodiac accepted your offer..
Zodiac identified and explited your weakness...
Zodiac capitalized on that exploit
Zodiac may have taken the FS, but was out numbered.
Even after his FS, you still had him at a number advanatage.

As for ego.. ha ..NO.
This is an example of key players in this game that can over come odds. We're not boosting our egos, only saying good job Zodiac.
Do I need to remind everyone of Ares wars that we should have won but didn't.
Mr. Ford
just to name a few...

zodiac Game profile


Sep 18th 2012, 11:15:14

6 originals to go zoom zoom.

zodiac Game profile


Sep 18th 2012, 11:16:16

oh and i love you lintzeeeeeeee

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 0:06:41

oh you are soooooooo good... i would like to play like you... nah i'm j/k, i could never been that much moron.

zodiac Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 0:56:52

You could run worse country's. Nah I'm j/k you can't get any worse

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 1:10:16

NO SDI = worse??? lol you are funny
Nerds who try to look big and strong makes me always laugh

zodiac Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 5:31:02

Garrante I'm bigger then you and a hell of lot less nerdier then you. But hey it's ok run some sdi next set and you won't die quite as fast. Mmmmmkkaaaaayyyy

zodiac Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 9:33:31

actually i lied im not big, but im not nerdier then you

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 17:47:39

lol thank you to enforce my point. As you said, you "exposed" that my countries had no SDI and give me the tip that next set to have it. So you were here to give me a lesson, not to have a friendly and fun war. Just to show how good you are and win the war no matter how you do it and give me a lesson instead of contact me and organized something that it could be fun for everyone.

Yeah thats exactly what i'm saying from the start.

zodiac Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 20:33:31

see.. took a bit but now your getting it,,

zodiac Game profile


Sep 26th 2012, 8:07:10

pew pew pew, not much left...

sad face..

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 26th 2012, 23:38:25

ohhhhhhhhhhhh look it that ... the moron need some attention lol. you feel alone since you are the only one who still war?? lol. No body tell you how good you are? QC declare victory... the proof is done... nobody can war us in an organized war. You should use low tactics to beat us.

Sad to see alot of players here but nobody can handle in fair war a 2 men tag lol.

zodiac Game profile


Sep 27th 2012, 6:31:11

still sad about it isee..

oh well it was a fair fight, get used to it, at the end of it after my fs there wass 16 countrys each, your just fluffty i fluffed you over and not your clan mate, you read i would FS you, you said have at it,, no need for a contact there buddy, get used to the fact you got your neck snapped and then fluff down your gullet,

you had all the chances to kill me, i came into this after the fs thinking i would be killed in a few days, you just didnt comunicate with your team mate, who obviously knows how to run a country

Zoomer Game profile


Sep 27th 2012, 13:53:11

how can i be sad? we won! the proof are there.

But you still act like an ass. An organized war still need contact. In your post you wrote that you were to look with your alliance. No more news from you after that (it took 1 week before your FS). We didn't know who you were and if you were to hit. So yes it's a blind FS. If you don't understand that it's because you just act for your own ego. And after your FS we had not 16 countries, but 11. (we started with 26 countries, you killed 10 and 5 of my crountires lost their land till 1k.... which i can't do anything excepted to explore and drop all my units cuz my expenses was too high). And since you surprise us well you were 16 vs 11 Thats the facts.

And don't come here to tell me you thought that you were to be killed in few days... first you need a brain (which cleary missing to you) and you know that we weren't in position to hit back. And don't worry for me... i know how to run a country.

PapaSmurf Game profile


Sep 27th 2012, 14:03:47

You guys are just talking in circles. Neither one of you is going to convince the other of anything. The only way to solve this is to war again next set.