
azmodii Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 7:06:52

Hey hey... Hit me up on MSN? :)
- EoEA ~ End Of Earth Alliance -

"I will slaughter them like a wolf among lambs! The rivers will run red with the blood of my enemies, the skies will rain fire! And when the land parts beneath them... I shall be the in emptiness waiting!"

Dragon Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 12:36:52

I don't have MSN installed. Maybe IRC chat on this site? Or shoot me a PM?

azmodii Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 12:53:09

PM is away
- EoEA ~ End Of Earth Alliance -

"I will slaughter them like a wolf among lambs! The rivers will run red with the blood of my enemies, the skies will rain fire! And when the land parts beneath them... I shall be the in emptiness waiting!"

Dragon Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 16:06:28

"You have mail". ;)

Off to a party next door. I will be one of two Steeler fans in a nest of Eagles fans. RABID Eagles fans. RABID CHICK Eagles fans. RABID CHICK SISTERS x 3 Eagles fans.

I think they'll kick my ass if the Steelers win and give me fluff for Eternity if they lose. Which is cool. I'll just eat all their food and trash the joint. I'm a pretty big boy and no all-you-can-eat buffets really care to see me show up.