


Jan 14th 2013, 14:51:23

Originally posted by tellarion:
Especially when they're farms. Obviously the best method would be leave the farms to benefit yourself until you build the empty acres, and THEN destroy and replace the farms. By destroying them immediately, you are only harming yourself and fluffing the other guy over even more.

And PS: Nobody is unbreakable. 3 Off allies and PS bonus outweigh Def allies, as it is supposed to.

I've never thought about this scenario before, but why not destroy the buildings you don't need? This is a competitive game. Everybody wants to get an upper-hand, and if this is a way to do so, then why not? If you're grabbing a neutral alliance, then that is because you are not friends otherwise you'd have a pact, so obviously you don't owe them anything...

p.s. You should just return the "favour" to whoever is doing it you.

Edited By: gradeA on Jan 14th 2013, 14:53:27
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