
oldman Game profile


Feb 10th 2013, 2:35:05

this food market is quite unsustainable at this rate. I'm not sure what's going to happen. People may start to build farms themselves and hence reduce the food demand. Quick analysis of the different strategies in game now:

Techers - The big ones are stocking for a while, they are the one driving the food up probably. Don't see any techer dumping their food stock soon, there're 3 more weeks to go! The smaller techers are probably reaching their land goal and will be joining in the stocking.

Commies - they could start building farms soon and that will reduce the food demand slightly

Cashers - don't see them building farms. With the number of cashers this set greater than last set, I think their only way out is to continue to grab until the end. However, their daily consumption is likely big enough to cause the food price to remain high.

Farmers - well, there're just too few of them. We may see smaller countries converting to farmer to capitalize on the food market.

Overall - I think food price will remain high for the foreseeable future.

But then again, never trust what analysts say =P

Edited By: oldman on Feb 10th 2013, 2:39:21
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