there was some unknown soldiers in ksf about 15-18 months ago.. when ksf folded.. they went to neofed when it came back for 3-4 sets.. since then neofed merged into RD.. might wanna check RD, dont know if they stuck around or not... also apply here.. i can accept ur app and u can post on ksf boards and see if any still go onto the site and read the forums and they can maybe tell u better where they are at...
Hey Mal. We tried to get a unknown re-union about a year ago. Bater, Kyatoru, Zzarrka, Raf, Scotty, Clown Zee and a few others(sorry if i missed you) But we found out the hard way that none of us have much time :(
Iscode and I are in Sof, Bater and Raf quit earth to focus more on there gay prono business. the others kinda lost touch.
last i knew.. but i could be mistaken i think scotty and a few others went to sanctuary or sanctum.. and i think they merged into evo maybe laf.. some netting clan..