
ringmaster316ms Game profile

New Member

May 22nd 2010, 7:32:02

Now, apparently, attacking someone who is less than half your strength 4 or more times is a-ok, but lobbing a cruise missile at someone who seems dead set on killing you is a gross violation of some unwritten rule. Do I have that about right?

Viceroy Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 3:18:05

If they believe it is an improper retaliatory strike - and then render you incapable of performing further any such strikes - then it is something to be concerned with on any of those servers. Might makes right, whether its right or not.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

ringmaster316ms Game profile

New Member

May 23rd 2010, 20:07:36

well of course they consider it an improper strike, its against them.
its when that one missile earns me a gangraping by that guy, and 2 or 3 of his buddies that i get pissed off. if you wanna pursue a war, go ahead and declare, but have the balls to face me yourself.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


May 25th 2010, 7:54:50

Since most people play the clan server where nuking someone is a direct punch in the nutmeg, people play the same style here.

If you want to hit me, that's fine. If I want to missle you back, I have to expect that to really upset you and prepare to be blasted by you and your buds.
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 10:28:30

you should have used a nuke. who cares if he loses a little military, but the acres he just grabbed off of you? destroy them. If you don't get to keep them because you couldn't hold them, then neither does the person who hit you.

if his friends come in, ab them.

afaik Game profile


May 25th 2010, 17:01:06

lol agreed... an em is just a red rag... if he's gonna get annoyed at you missiling, you'll get him annoyed... if he's not then you're still not doing any significant damage. save your em's for the end or to soak up spy ops ;)

Fuzzy Logic Game profile


May 27th 2010, 23:18:52

The real solution is Chems and Nukes and ABs or Jet Strike things.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2010, 16:36:07

It's all about what you can enforce as a country. Missiles should probably be a last resort and/or a deterrent if someone spies you and sees all them missiles setting around.

- Premium Patron Member

Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 19:59:32

Missiles have to be used judiciously. You you have a guy or guys farming you and you flip one or two missiles at them. they'll just disable your missiles(if they can) the next time they farm you.

Better to take the pain, build an arsenal and unload all at once. at a later date.

Chems and nukes are really the pain dealers though. Cruise Missiles aren't an effective response if you're flipping missiles at someone.

That said, Cruise Missiles are fine as long as you're unloading them along with Chems and Nukes. As a "stand alone" response, they'll just bring you more trouble than it's worth because they only take out a relatively small number of military units compared to the acreage, population and buildings that Chems and nukes destroy.

joedro Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 5:02:05

im all about destruction if u hit me more then 2 times. i dont care how i do it but u will be like damn mabey i shouldnt have hit this guy!
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- pm right here will work just fine tho

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 10:39:17

People always take a risk when they LG someone.

Especially on this server where it is effectively every man for himself (or herself). If you want protection at all times then go play on the alliance server and to a lesser extent the Team server.

I can pretty much guarantee that anyone hitting my country on the primary server is going to regret it, I think thats quite funny myself and thats the whole reason I am playing primary. Others probably play in a different way though and thats also fine by me but they run a risk when LGing and have to live with it.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 20th 2010, 21:15:25

That's so cool ViLSE. In fact your style of play is so awesome and inspiring, I'm going to apply it to other servers.

Where do you play in team? I think I'll create an untagged there. When one of your clanmates grabs me, I'll make your whole clan "regret it". Wouldn't that be quite funny? Others probably play in a different way though and thats also fine by me but they run a risk when LGing and have to live with it.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 21:22:35

You play any which way you want Slagpit, and I play any which way I please.

I am fine with you doing whatever, you obviously seem to have some sort of problem with other peoples freedom of playing however they want though.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 20th 2010, 22:13:52

That's really funny ViLSE. I didn't say that you weren't allowed to play as you wanted in primary.

I said that I wanted to create a team country and suicide on your alliance in team. I asked for your alliance name, but you wouldn't tell me it. Why are you infringing on my freedom of playing however I want?

de1i Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 22:19:35

It's because you're a woman.

Kingme Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 23:14:31

It amazes me how many people add to the destruction of the player base, and then complain there isn't land to gain. Or get this... that the player base is diminishing!

Why in the hell would you demoralize a netter to the point of making him, "regret it"? All for a simple land grab? You want a complete orgy? Play in express, all the other idiots play there.

Let's push the good players away!

Viceroy Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 7:00:16

Slagpit... Seriously?

You're trolling wouldn't look quite so pathetic if ViLSE wasn't as outspoken as he is about what Team he represents.

You're a member of this game's administration. You should be better than this.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 21st 2010, 7:37:07

Great post Viceroy, we'll all accomplish a lot by personally insulting each other and focusing on the type of rhetoric used instead of the actual ideas.

I don't know what every single player does on every single server. However, I do believe that both of you play in MONSTERS on the alliance server? I remember MONSTERS raising a big stink on the boards after dibs suicided, banning dibs from the alliance and explaining that "this isn't our way".

Yet, here is your friend/clanmate ViLSE bloviating on this board about how he plays primary only to suicide on other players. For some reason, you don't have a problem with this.

This is one of the major problems facing the community today. As an admin, I'm going to do my best to fix this problem. This is the code of ethics I follow as an admin of a free online text game:

1) Don't use any admin only information for personal reasons or to cheat.
2) Care about the game and try to fix problems.
3) Try to grow the game.

These are the ethics that some people expect me to follow:

1) Use my free time to adjust variables in a php file to fix all of the game's problems.
2) Be respectful or don't comment while the players fluff on the game, each other, or the admins.

It's ridiculous, self-serving, and entitled. Not everything can be fixed by writing lines of code. We encourage new players to play in primary or the other individual servers to get a feel for the game. When players who have been around forever treat the server like a joke and play only to ruin the fun of others, what do you think the new players are going to do?

The game is free. That means that the customer isn't always right. It also means that I don't expect every player to contribute positively to the game. Can we at least try to all have neutral contributions? It would go a long way towards restoring my belief that caring about the game and speaking to the players is preferable to Mehul's way of doing nothing.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 10:18:56

LOL you really are acting awfully silly Slagpit.

In primary server it is basically everyone on their own (hence no alliances and no teams etc I am sure you noticed).

I play here for a bit of amusement, basically I might do a LG or two, if I get a few missiles back then fair enough. I might get LGd myself, then I would probably just retal the once and be done with it.
But if someone starts doing anything beyond that on my country I will retaliate with whatever means I feel is funny. I suppose it might depend on my mood on that given day.

I dont quite see the point of having all my missiles and whatever I have built if I cant use them and everything on the server has to be done as nice as possible just incase I agitate a player or two.

You might not get it but I dont play on the server simply to suicide on people, I play on it to have fun. That might be netgaining or that might be trying a new strategy or whatever. It seems to me that you are suggesting I am not welcome to play here so thats fine too, as you are an Admin I will take your word for it and leave the server.

I am sure you are all happier that way right?

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 15:05:14

Im also looking forwards to you going over to the Alliance server and telling people like iMagnum that they are not allowed to play the way they are either.

I am sure we can find more examples, definitely historacally there has been many alliances that has set out just to cause a bit of strife and have some fun.

But oh wait... I forgot fun is not allowed in the world of Slagpit...

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 21st 2010, 16:29:28

You said: "I can pretty much guarantee that anyone hitting my country on the primary server is going to regret it, I think thats quite funny myself and thats the whole reason I am playing primary. "

Now you're saying the complete opposite. If you don't want there to be any misunderstandings, say what you mean the first time.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 16:52:22

Yes, the point here is that if you hit me you will regret it. I never once said that I was randomly suiciding on people. YOU were making that part up all on your own.

But in order to provide for Slagpits way of playing I suggest we swap the tanks for cuddly bunnies and instead of jets we can have pretty colored dragonflies.

I am sure we can get in more suggestions for cute little harmless things for the rest of the game too!

BlackMamba Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 17:26:09

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Great post Viceroy, we'll all accomplish a lot by personally insulting each other and focusing on the type of rhetoric used instead of the actual ideas.

I don't know what every single player does on every single server. However, I do believe that both of you play in MONSTERS on the alliance server? I remember MONSTERS raising a big stink on the boards after dibs suicided, banning dibs from the alliance and explaining that "this isn't our way".

Yet, here is your friend/clanmate ViLSE bloviating on this board about how he plays primary only to suicide on other players. For some reason, you don't have a problem with this.

This is one of the major problems facing the community today. As an admin, I'm going to do my best to fix this problem. This is the code of ethics I follow as an admin of a free online text game:

1) Don't use any admin only information for personal reasons or to cheat.
2) Care about the game and try to fix problems.
3) Try to grow the game.

These are the ethics that some people expect me to follow:

1) Use my free time to adjust variables in a php file to fix all of the game's problems.
2) Be respectful or don't comment while the players fluff on the game, each other, or the admins.

It's ridiculous, self-serving, and entitled. Not everything can be fixed by writing lines of code. We encourage new players to play in primary or the other individual servers to get a feel for the game. When players who have been around forever treat the server like a joke and play only to ruin the fun of others, what do you think the new players are going to do?

The game is free. That means that the customer isn't always right. It also means that I don't expect every player to contribute positively to the game. Can we at least try to all have neutral contributions? It would go a long way towards restoring my belief that caring about the game and speaking to the players is preferable to Mehul's way of doing nothing.

Says the guy who suicided on Aponic's #1 finish country on primary which didn't hit him at all that reset lol

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 21st 2010, 17:39:45

Whatever you guys say.