
Xintros Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 5:05:56

Has this been posted here already? Careful kids.
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros

Heston Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 5:31:55

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

bertz Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 5:42:45

that sucks.
If they can read AT, I bet half of the players here would be jailed.

Heston Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 5:46:33

In canada perhaps
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Jul 18th 2013, 6:21:44

I made a vague reference to it on another board here
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

locket Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 6:25:00

“He replied ‘Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in the head, I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’

I'm not sure we tend to make threats like that here Bertz. I'd say it is personal insults and mom jokes around this place. It was a dumb thing to say by a dumb young kid and as much as I don't think he should be in jail or anything, doing something like 8 community service hours might smarten him up a bit. I think about 50% of the internet could use that though :P



Jul 18th 2013, 6:34:34

something tells me locket hasn't gotten any death threats yet ;)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

locket Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 6:42:11

I dislike that yet part. I see no reason to start with that! :D

bertz Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 7:12:51

Let's start sending locket some death threats. :D

Xintros Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 7:23:59

Originally posted by bertz:
that sucks.
If they can read AT, I bet half of the players here would be jailed.

"They" (FBI) can and do. What happened in this case was a woman in Canada saw the post, looked the guy up and called the local police where this kid lived.
I'm guessing if anything DID happen, this woman would have been like " I told the police he was threatening ..etc " and if the authorities did nothing.... well, nothing would happen to them.
They have no responsibility to keep anyone safe in any form or fashion. Are not responsible for any irresponsible arrests or deaths and are immune to most prosecutions. I had a cop tell me once "Get the fluff out of here or I'll put a bullet in your ass" While holding the end of a German shepherd's leash during a proof of age raid gone wrong.
A simple game ban or even if someone went to the guys house and had a "TALK" with him.
WTF is up with all this pre-crime fluff? Way beyond 1984, we are in the Minority Report.
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros

Drunken Dibs


Jul 18th 2013, 7:45:30

guess i should save my empty beer bottles, so i have something to throw at the SWAT team.
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TNTroXxor Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 9:11:09

The funny thing is he's playing the League Of Losers. And we all LOL hard.
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Drunken Dibs


Jul 18th 2013, 9:36:52

Originally posted by bertz:
that sucks.
If they can read AT, I bet half of the players here would be jailed.

it's public, so they can read AT. it's more a question of whether or not they do read it. considering that Jared played here, you might just want to assume that it's being monitored.

assuming that their IT department doesn't block their access to gaming sites at the firewall.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 18th 2013, 9:52:43
See Original Post
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locket Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 10:58:00

Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
Originally posted by bertz:
that sucks.
If they can read AT, I bet half of the players here would be jailed.

it's public, so they can read AT. it's more a question of whether or not they do read it. considering that Jared played here, you might just want to assume that it's being monitored.

assuming that their IT department doesn't block their access to gaming sites at the firewall.

Yah I'd imagine EE is slightly higher on the check list than some sites after that :P



Jul 18th 2013, 12:45:52

not our fault someone in the community went a little psycho
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Trife Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 16:22:21

Despite what the some folks believe, a persons' right to free speech is not unlimited.

A person can't go into a crowded theater and yell "FIRE FIRE!" even if they do say "LOL JK guise i got u g00d lulz!!oneone11" afterwards.

I chalk this up to "When keeping it real goes wrong"

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 18th 2013, 16:35:08

that is incredibally stupid.

If they arrested everyone who made comments like that sarcastically online they would be arresting people by the tens of thousands in the US alone.

There would be dozens from this community arrested, if not more.

Hell I can't even guarantee that I've never said anything sarcastically around here that would be on par with that.

Trife Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 16:42:16

Not everyone who speeds get a speeding ticket, but speeding is still against the law.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 16:46:36

Originally posted by locket:
“He replied ‘Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in the head, I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’

I'm not sure we tend to make threats like that here Bertz.

Honest to goodness message I received in this game lol

"try and make one more dumbass low blow comment, and ur gonna need to call teh cops to have a stationcar parked outside your house. because i will IP trace you and then kill you.

dont try and low blow or slander me. i will take you to court and sue you for every last dime ur worth, then end you. could care less about doing 25 to life son...."

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 18th 2013, 17:06:56

Originally posted by locket:
“He replied ‘Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in the head, I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’

I'm not sure we tend to make threats like that here Bertz. I'd say it is personal insults and mom jokes around this place. It was a dumb thing to say by a dumb young kid and as much as I don't think he should be in jail or anything, doing something like 8 community service hours might smarten him up a bit. I think about 50% of the internet could use that though :P

Sadly we do have a few that still make dumb comments like this. Alot of times they are ingame messages. Although sometimes it shows up on AT/FFAT/ET/TT/PT.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jul 18th 2013, 17:14:07

in the mean time, the insurance industry is looking at selling "liability insurance" to bloggers.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Drunken Dibs


Jul 18th 2013, 17:40:01

neato. a new way of making money using insurance fraud.
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Heston Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 17:46:02

I wish I got death threat ingame msgs.
Combined with slander libel lawsuit would be fun too. Msgs like that, the sender should be revealed publically so the community can properly flame them.

+1 martin ^^^
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NukEvil Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 18:22:49

I was gonna make a post that just listed all the words that were most likely to trigger some automatic response in some government monitoring system somewhere, but then I realized that I was at work, so I guess I'll just wait until I get home to do it, if I remember to.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

archaic Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 19:21:42

Texas cops, especially Texas DA's, are notoriously humorless.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Drunken Dibs


Jul 18th 2013, 19:41:00

i should figure out a spot in Canada that i want to visit while they put a Canadian on trial for making terrorist threats... might get a free trip to Canada for speaking hearsay.
hope the Texas cops at least got some real evidence before they busted down the door
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Obvious Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 20:27:38

Originally posted by Heston:
I wish I got death threat ingame msgs.
Combined with slander libel lawsuit would be fun too. Msgs like that, the sender should be revealed publically so the community can properly flame them.

+1 martin ^^^

What the fluff did you just fluffing say about me, you little fluff? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fluff out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fluffing words. You think you can get away with saying that fluff to me over the Internet? Think again, fluffer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fluffing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little fluff. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fluffing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will fluff fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fluffing dead, kiddo.

Heston Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 23:04:58


I feel like it was all for something now. Very conciderate.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

BobbyATA Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 23:18:38

RIP Heston

Shinigami Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 4:07:24

It's even worse then the story linked lets on. From an interview with the kid's dad:

"Without getting into the really nasty details, he's had concussions, black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection," says Carter's father, Jack. "He's been put in solitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he's depressed. All of this is extremely traumatic to this kid. This is a horrible experience."

Welcome to Amerika

Atryn Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 17:44:21

There was a movie about a very similar real-life story made that I saw years ago. A kid did something incredibly minor (like curfew violation or shoplifting). The local police called his dad to come get him. His dad said "no, he could use a night in jail to learn what it is like".

He never got out and eventually died in the system. On that first night he was (falsely) accused of starting a fight which meant they couldn't release him. Things just kept escalating from there and it got worse and worse.

It is a real lesson that the "system" is NOT reform-oriented and NOT somewhere you want to spend a single minute if you can avoid it. Sure, it might be smooth in and out... but then... it might not.

Drunken Dibs


Jul 19th 2013, 17:48:43

the real lesson is that a Canadian can get a US citizen thrown in jail simply by making a phone call.
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Atryn Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 19:20:51

Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
the real lesson is that a Canadian can get a US citizen thrown in jail simply by making a phone call.

better than drone-striking the kid....

thread cross-over FTW!

Drunken Dibs


Jul 19th 2013, 19:36:47

if people have an immortal soul, then death is just a slight inconvenience. don't understand why 1/2 the population even bothers with fearing it. yes, i probably do usually fear it, but at this particular moment, I'm worried that Obama might die before me and end up being in charge of hell before i get there.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 19th 2013, 19:45:38
See Original Post
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mrford Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 19:57:00

Originally posted by Atryn:
There was a movie about a very similar real-life story made that I saw years ago. A kid did something incredibly minor (like curfew violation or shoplifting). The local police called his dad to come get him. His dad said "no, he could use a night in jail to learn what it is like".

He never got out and eventually died in the system. On that first night he was (falsely) accused of starting a fight which meant they couldn't release him. Things just kept escalating from there and it got worse and worse.

It is a real lesson that the "system" is NOT reform-oriented and NOT somewhere you want to spend a single minute if you can avoid it. Sure, it might be smooth in and out... but then... it might not.

i have been yo jail 4 times. granted, all of them were for less than 6 hours and back in my college days for stupid fluff like fighting, drunk in public, and the likes, but i didnt die in jail. but then again i suppose i was technically just in the drunk tank, and never had to get the orange jump suit on and go upstairs.

btw, i got as many phone calls as i wanted!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2013, 21:25:34

Originally posted by mrford:

i have been yo jail 4 times.

You must have assimilated very well.

Drunken Dibs


Jul 19th 2013, 21:47:13

hmm, not entirely sure how the 2 times that i was held by the Security Police actually apply to this thread.
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flgatorboy89 Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 22:38:25

Originally posted by NukEvil:
I was gonna make a post that just listed all the words that were most likely to trigger some automatic response in some government monitoring system somewhere, but then I realized that I was at work, so I guess I'll just wait until I get home to do it, if I remember to.

I would like to see that list

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

Drunken Dibs


Jul 19th 2013, 22:55:13

Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
hmm, not entirely sure how the 2 times that i was held by the Security Police actually apply to this thread.

ahh, if i use the Assault with a Deadly Weapon detention, it would actually be a possible Cross-Over thread to the Zimmerman thread. with the exception that nobody got hurt.
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Junky Game profile


Jul 20th 2013, 0:17:20

sad part is... he wrote "lol jk" right after that. luckily he got his bail paid off... probly didn't save him from getting raped.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Xintros Game profile


Jul 20th 2013, 6:49:42

The United States Penis System is all about the money! Show ME THE PENIS!......
I mean money. There is money flying all over the place due to this and all the other victimless crime arrests. It's a great money making racket to keep the asshat politicians and State running.
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros

grumpy Game profile


Aug 3rd 2013, 16:49:01


grumpy Game profile


Aug 3rd 2013, 16:50:40

27 yrs old and he will probably be a cherry with the ladies